vabronxboogie's Journal

Mar 2008
11:09 PM EDT


Took tre tre and garcus to the circus. Tre tre acted up, so never again. marcus loved it. I missed part of the tiger show takin tre tre to the bathroom.

Mar 2008
11:07 PM EDT

Monster Truck

Today Blaire texted me "one down, one more to go" He got to the house and ,arcus accompanied us to the monster truck. It was cool but nothin I'd go see again. The circus was way better! We tried to embarrass Blair but he ran off and I was yelling " He stole my purse" lol It was fun. I freaking left my digital memory card at home. I was so pissed. I loved being in public with Blair. This is when the ledge joke was born. He took a bathroom break and came back with a picture of himself. Talk about conceited.

Mar 2008
11:12 PM EDT

I meet Blair's Daughter

Today Blair called me to meet up with him at cloverleaf. My sister and i quickly got dressed to go take a look at these so call sales with marcus. Blair, his lil girl and I ended up taking pictures and we really look cute together. Gosh I pray we truly work out.

Mar 2008
10:54 PM EDT


Today blair and I talked about commiting to one another. So it's truely official. He is my man! holla

Mar 2008
7:20 PM PST

March 2, 2008 We met each other's family

Blair was up when i got home and his whole agenda was for me to meet his mom. I was nervous and excited. We went to flea market to drop off laptop at the kernal's. We then went to petersburg and he was pissed cuz we had to have his tire fixed cuz he done messed up the rim. It got fixed but he blamed it on potholes in richmond. lol His mom was really nice. Blair and I are gonna be moving with each other and Im excited about that as well. We gon make this work! We then went to pick up my car and my laptop and shot to my uncle's house and i went to see curuchi and tito who live across from each other. We also got to see my twin cousins stephany and her sis. Stephany likes to travel and even went to chicago, holla. Nano was there. We were asked to stay for dinner but I thought Blair wasnt up for it so I said I had to go to work which was true. Blair actually wanted to stay! Poorcommunication on my part. Well at home, I put Blair to cook. He made this steaks that came out really good. Ihad the rice and beans. His plate was spic and span. I'm glad he enjoyed it cus boy is he picky. We went to sleep till I had to get up and he basically dragged me off the bed so i can wake up. lol

Feb 2008
6:57 PM AKDT

Here we go again

18, 2008: FebWelll the weekend is over and i ended up spending my bday with my nephew, without him i really wouldve been miserable. Yesterday I answered a BP note and today he is coming over and im cooking tonight. Well when Blair arrived he had the cutest dimples ever. He is gorgeous! He helped me with my laundry and my groceries. He even scratched the itch I had. lol So far I like him a lot. Well lets see where this goes. Hopefully far cuz we both want the same. Andre baggage and his bullshit lies are out the door.

Sep 2007
8:43 PM EDT

well I'm back! where do I begin? I moved into a new place. my place is really coming together. i've been buying bar and stool set, water coolers,etc on Well I'm still with my boyfriend, but its not working out with us. He has other priorities and I aint one of them. I'm just waiting to meet the man of my dreams yet again, to cut him loose. He's so boring. I feel so neglected and I really need someoneone to talk to. My sister callin people her boo when I can't see how! they allowing her to continue sleepin on the floor. I mean who does that? What real man would allow his girl to continue sleeping on the floor? I tried to explain to her but I look like a naggin sista.

May 2007
7:14 AM EDT

Today my sister Xiulan and I went to Walmart in farmville. We really enjoyed ourselves. I'm happy when she happy. She still my number 1. Our weekend theme is "part like a rock star!" holla. I was suppose to wear my blue wig but it aint work out. I ended up wearing a red and black dress. mostly red. I looked hot. We ended up going to Shockoe Bottom's Pearl but it was boring, so we went to 321. we still got in there free. Xiulan had a feeling that 321 was gonna be poppin so we didnt club hop. This guy with a whole bunch of gold chains came up to me. All I thought about was about my man,which I did call. He wasn't too happy to hear me going out but he told me to. April is on the shit list.

May 2007
7:02 AM EDT

Well today I got off at 12pm. This whole week at work was great. I'm so glad I put my transfer in and rolled out to Williamsburg. I went to the office today and I got my people's stuff.My sister and I went shoppin for our outfits.
I cant wait for DC's H2O. Drie and her friend agreed to take us in their cars. Well after my sister got off work, we went to the mall to get our nails done. We then headed to farmville. Fevers had a formal party so we decided not to go.

May 2007
7:49 PM EDT

Yesterday ayana and the kids and I had a blast. I rode my bike with my nephew and we all went for a walk and ayana was pullin off herwig. She stopped a dude and asked him where audobon drive was. She took off her wig and he was like "dayum you just transformed". Marcus and I was laughing. Then we had a blast at the mexican restaurant. My boyfriend also came last night after work, and we really missed each other. Today he woke up early to take his uncle to work. I was a lil pissed. When he came back we had an arguement about his sister and law. At 8pm I went to visit my man at work. We at at famous Dave's. Oh I almost forgot I bought my man a watch with 36 diamond begets. He's in love with it. Its for father's day.

Apr 2007
11:29 PM EDT

I'm freakin tired. I'm over here at work and I can't get no damn sleep cuz this guy I'm working with seems to be gungho. I guess nobody told him we can relax a bit at night. my boyfriend sorta salty that we won't be seein each other till monday. he actually taking a day off for me. holla. my boo loves me. he loves me. I'm gonna plan things out like a movie dinner etc. its gonna be just a romantic night. without sex tho cuz we seem to have a lot of it but we argue like crazy. the other night we had a big fight and he said the sex is the majority part in our relationship cuz we argue. we made up that night but ima try to refrain from sex with him so we can build on the areas we need to. my man is a great guy and I love him with all my heart. I don't wanna lose him to my stubborness

Apr 2007
9:19 PM EDT

Gosh last night was hectic. I locked myself out my work bldg and I slept in my car all night till 6 in the morning. Well of course I was pissed and I had to sorta keep to myself, well everyone ran cuz when I'm pissed I seem to take it out on everybody, which is not good.but my boo made it up to me when he arrive in the morning. yeah I missed him so much and he missed me like crazy.
1 comment(s) - 11:49 AM - 04/27/2007

vabronxboogie's Profile

  • Username: vabronxboogie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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