PrivateDee's Journal

Aug 2006
6:36 AM CST

YAY School starts again! I love school!

Aug 2006
11:42 AM CST

Well today is beautiful. I'm really bored since I didnt have to go to school today. I went to the library to read...The science of love...There was a quote from Samuel Jonson...Love is a disease that can only be cured by marriage...I its funny to me. I dont know what to believe about love. I've only really been in love like 2 times out of whole 19 years. I should tell the guy, that I'm in love with now, that I'm in love with him, But I don't know how. It hurts sometimes when I sit and think about how much I love him. What is your opinion on what love is? I think its just caring for someone so much you would give your life for them. I also believe there are different stages of love. Your suppose to love everyone. So in a way there that stage. Theres also this one stage where I feel like ooo I'm suppose to love these people(like family)But then there are the ones you truely love. The one that have touched you in the most powerful way! I love my friendz more then anything in the world. I dont know y I'm making this post public but I don't care...Maybe I can get some help from the people that read my can email if you have a suggestion on what I should do...( to those that do.Well its about to rain here in Dallas, TX and I love the rain so I'ma go sit and watch the rain.

Aug 2006
3:42 PM CST

Today was a long day at work...I had to prep for inventory tomorrow(WHICH I DONT HAVE TO DO!! YAY!!)but I'm glad I got that crap out of the way! Marshall and Adrian and their other friend stopped by to see me...I thought that was sooo cool! and I finally got to meet adrian(Who is hella cool!!)Beanz is surrounded by fucking awesome people!! BEANZ IS MY BESTFRIEND!! I LOVE THAT HOE LIKE MEXICANS LOVES RICE!! LOL

Aug 2006
4:18 PM CST

Deedee's The name, Love is my! No...But I have decided to base my life on love and happiness, Being myself and accepting others the way they are. Music is a big big part of my happiness...I dont care who sings it...I dont care who dont like them...IF I LIKE THEM I LIKE THEM!! So you people out there you want to complain about the music of someone who will most likely not ever know you! DONT BRING IT TO ME I DONT CARE! I WILL NOT LISTEN!! If you telling people that their music suxs then your only asking them to be someone or something they are not! WHICH IS NOT COOL! I understand the freedom of speech...but Y would you waste something that, in America, you probably want even have for long(Freedom of speech) on Stupid crap like that...I guess its just me I think it sooo stupid to walk around yelling or telling everyone " I Hate Britney Spears(Who I dont listen too, not because I dont like her, just because I'm never in the mood to listen to her!)" When really I aint ever meet britney spears to tell her that you dont like her and I never will! So Shut the fuck up! GO FUCKIN VOTE OR SOMETHING AND LETS GET FUCKIN BUSH OUT OF OFFICE!! Britney spears aint getting fuckin 1,000's of us killed right now! Well thats it for now, just so you people will understand a little of what I'm about or who I am! "Dont get me wrong I love you no matter what" ~~DeeDee~~

PrivateDee's Profile

  • Username: PrivateDee
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA