grassfairy11's Journal

Aug 2006
6:26 AM EDT

It was a day in Febuary when i was in the 5th grade when the event happend. I was playing dodge ball with our D.A.R.E. oficer when my face started to get ichy. i thought i just got a bug bight. But that was not the case. I got hives. When i was iching my facce, my face felt bumpy. I asked the teacher if I could go to the bath room so I could see what was wroung. When I looked in the mirror, my face was all bumpy. I ran to my moms room in the school and showed her. She told me to go straight to the nurses ofice. A little lator

grassfairy11's Profile

  • Username: grassfairy11
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA