jesssie's Journal

Dec 2007
3:50 PM EST

i care about you deeply, and i dont want to see you hurt. but you're hurting, and i want to do everything i can to stop you from that. but i cant, and i know i cant. we both know i cant do anything about the way you feel. you really need to calm down and take a look at yourself and your life. you have a thousand people who would have dropped everything for you, but because you treat most of them like shit half the time, i dont think they care about you as much as they could. and i really wish you would see that you have done it to yourself, but you dont see it and i cant make you see it either. i want to help you ben, but i cant do it. i cant keep letting myself get involved with you, ive been told a million times by someone i trust more than the world that i just cant deal with you anymore. i take everything she says for granted, I KNOW shes just looking out for me and its because shes my best friend she does what she does, but i know its whats good for me. just know that i want to help you - i just cant though. you;ll figure it out on your own, ill always be here for sure, but just not about your girl problems or anything like tht because its too hard.

you you you you you.. seriously lmfao, ups and downs but we have managed for almost a complete year! we're amazing :) ive never fought with a best friend so much to be honest with you except for hanna haha but thats okay, its worth all the good times by far. i dont know if you know this but i appreciate everything you do for me, even when you get mad at me. you must hate me often because i screw up so much and i know i piss you off to the 'bone'( i donno ) but i try really hard not to, i guess its just what i am like? our personalities dont clash, but they are often getting irritated with the other, and its frustrating but i know your intentions and you know mine for the most part, and it makes it work! i love you!

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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