jesssie's Journal

Dec 2007
2:20 PM EST

plain and simple, i do not ever want to talk to you again. you were a friend while i needed one, but i do not need you anymore. not if its going to be this fucking hard. not if you are going to tell my secrets after i trusted you not to. not after all of this. i seriously, really wanted to be friends with you for a really long time. but you cause too much fucking drama for me. it is not my problem that you feel so strongly towards ben, seriously tiah grow up. he has fucked up a ton of times. so have you. so have i. everyone fucks up, deal with it. if i have ever hurt you, which i apparantly have on many occasions, it was NEVER on purpose and you do not understand that. you make it seem like i am out to get you! I am not out to make your life fucking hell tiah. whatever, drop it because we cant be friends. i have given up for good, and i really hope you have too. you make things way too hard, ya you. i tried my fucking best and its just not good enough. it never is.

have a good life. i know i will

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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