jesssie's Journal

Dec 2007
4:55 PM EST

if i honestly stopped caring about you, you wouldnt love me anymore and you wouldnt hate me either. for me to not care makes everything meaningless. things happen for something else to happen. the fact that i am even upset about the way you are acting towards me just goes to show that i care about our friendship enough to give two shits about it. but, you are indifferent about everything. therefore, i cant hate you or love you as much as you could hate me or love me. im not indifferent to anything you do, but you are indifferent to me. im tired of saying things, and you not caring at all. you dont want to care about anyone or anything because you are so scared of getting hurt, but you need to get hurt in order to know the difference between pain and joy. thats how life works, and you deal with things. i wish i didnt care about anything like you, although i know deep inside you care. you just dont show it, ever. and maybe you should start showing it because i love when my friends show me how they feel. you stopped doing that after a while, and now it is almost impossible for me to tell anything. a years' friendship in six days.. and we're fighting, again. i want to stop doing this! i need to stop, i dont take you for granted- but it seems like you take me for granted. it seems like i could give you the world and you would say 'oh thanks' and that would be the end. you would say thanks, but i dont even know if you would mean it. i dont know if you mean anything, i dont trust you like i used to a long time ago and its really hard to keep this friendship. but i really want to because we have a ton of fun together. but to be honest, it seems like you ditch the idea of being a friend as soon as something bad happens. we both wanted to try so hard to not fight as much, but you get mad at me for EVERYTHING. you've let something slide once, and i dont even know what that SOMETHING was, becuase you dont tell me what i do wrong. you just get mad. its so hard to deal with.

i honestly wish you understood, but everytime i try to tell you how i feel about the way you treat me, you just deny that you act that way. what am i supposed to do?? i dont know, i just dont want to give up cause i know you'd get mad at me for that too. not only that, but i think theres something in you that no one else has and i cant lose your friendship.. it means way too much to me.

i want to get through all this but you have to try as hard as i am, otherwise its going to go no where. im starting to listen to your advice and its doing me good, like not talking to ben. but i need a friend who not only gives me advice but is actually THERE for me like a best friend should be. you ARE my best friend but sometimes this just gets too much. you're too much for me you are just too good.

jesssie's Profile

  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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