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    Margaritas  32, Female, Canada - 14 entries
May 2013
4:03 AM EST

A poor love

A love based on 5 days is an illusion, she said. A love based on 4 videos repeated during years is a lie, he said. A love based on 3 coins received with a weak letter is a stupidity, she would have said. A love based on 2 years of being unable to forget is a psychological disorder, he must have thought. But what would be the 1 reason to make us try again?

    Margaritas  32, Female, Canada - 14 entries
Mar 2013
1:40 PM EST

A dream of you

(dream) I was at home, almost leaving for school, having just learned that my father had died and you came with your sister. You looked me over, as if I was unimportant, the only reason why you were here was to get some stuffs you had left behind. Then, I told you about my father and you didn't care. Your sister was also disrespectful to me. Then, you were about to leave and you offered me a lift, but I was already late.

I woke up feeeling really bad, hurt. You truly disrespected me, even if it wasn't as obvious as in the dream.�

I want to love again.�
Tags: dream, ego, love

    Margaritas  32, Female, Canada - 14 entries
Mar 2013
6:08 AM EST

Something I wrote in 2011

At dawn I asked myself�why
I look down, never see�you
there is never enough to understand�me
somehow we learn to like,�but never to love�
The day I touched your hand in�trust,
Lost, maybe foolish as well
I wanted to be�there�to look after you

    Margaritas  32, Female, Canada - 14 entries
Mar 2013
6:01 PM EST

I wish you start claiming you surrender

(Photo: Lou Doillon)
So, I think I'm forgetting him. Now, I'm looking around and hoping again, believing in love again! Well, this time I hadn't stopped believing, but I was hurt and now I'm getting back together!�

And I see you and you look perfect, but I know you are not, cause no one is. So I stay in my corner and I don't talk to you.

Is it me you were looking at today?

"If you dare come a little closer"'

    Margaritas  32, Female, Canada - 14 entries
Mar 2013
11:08 PM EST

I comment on your post, you like my picture

Today, it was hard to admit you are gone for real
Now you're settling down in another city, I know you are not coming back
I swore I wouldn't go back to you anyways, I made it my resolution at new years...
but I still felt like that today...

I lost you for real

You posted one of those 'memes' on facebook, a sexist one: "If women ruled the world, there would be no war, only a bunch of jealous countries not talking to one another"
Something you forwarded from one of your friends and you thought it was cool

I'm stil a feminist and I could't stop from commenting:
"No war? Margaret Thatcher, jealous countries not talking to one another? The Cold War"

And some of your friends liked it and you didn't say anything..

Whatever, you keep silence as your best weapon. You think you can hide behind it, it's your armour. You think you don't have to feel guilty behind it

And then, you "like" my profile picture. What does it mean?

You want to be friends again or something, you think you're so cool you don't have to say you're sorry... You think you are perfect and what you do is the best for everyone.

You never think of others: so egoist.

And I know I should spend my time doing better stuff then this..

    JusticeMarie  30, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2012
4:01 AM EST

My Mind

I'm an insecure 18 year old girl.
But I'm working to be better.
I used to selfharm, I'm still depressed, I used to make myself puke.
But now I have amazing friends who seem to always be with me (Sportygirl15) and a boyfriend who I know loves me. And I love him. I'm also working out now. I've been running again and going to start working out with Sportygirl15 so we can motivate each other. :)

    Tucabbate  59, Female, Brazil - 3 entries
Aug 2012
10:56 AM -05

Love is undefinable. Trying to define it is the same as one who tries to grasp the air. But despite not being possible to grasp the air, we can feel it. The same applies to love...
1 comment(s) - 11:01 AM - 08/04/2012

    jazziette  67, Female, Arizona, USA - 7 entries
Sep 2011
9:41 PM CST

Spreading my gossamer wings...

It's time to come out of the cocoon and to taste the beautiful and exotic mystery of life once more.

Breathe deep.....feel the unparallelled freedom of letting go!

Bask in the intoxication of your very own unique and exquisite being.

Time to fly the miracle of the butterfly.

1 comment(s) - 10:33 PM - 11/01/2014

    mokhtarmd  66, Male, Malaysia - 11 entries
May 2011
11:05 PM +08

Its Just Love


If you find yourself in love with someone
and that someone does not love you
be gentle to youself
there is nothing wrong with you
love just did not to rest in that someone's heart

If you find someone in love with you
and you can not answer that love
feel honoured that love came by and called on you door
but gently refuse the feeling you cannot return
as love did not choose to settle in you heart

If you find yourself in love with someone
and the love returned
it still can happen that love chooses to leave
do not try to reclaim it and do not assess any blame
let it despite the pain
there is a reason and meaning to this....

You cannot choose love by yourself

Tags: love
3 comment(s) - 02:45 AM - 06/02/2012

    hopelessromantic  36, Female, Philippines - 16 entries
Jan 2011
6:11 AM PST


Dear Jakoy,

I thought my feelings for you were all dumped in oblivion, but I was so wrong. It's like a vintage bomb dug out of nowhere and was accidentaly detonated,what a huge blast! I never knew it coming. I thought I have gotten over it long before we ever talked again, but yeah sad to say it's always there, just waiting for the right time to come alive, again!

I've decided to take a break from the internet for some reasons, including you. I want to get away with you and forget about my feelings over again. Its hard to love a friend, it's even harder when he lives so far away, and you know what's the hardest? He likes/loves someone else. How am I suppose to fight for it when in the very first place I know that I already lost the battle. Unrequited love has been hurting me for the past years. It sucks! :'(

I'm missing you a lot. I always think about you, day and night, every second ad every minute of the day. As days pass by I know that my feelings keep on growing, stronger and deeper. I can't hold it back anymore. So I hope this drastic measure would work and not be such a futile attempt at the end.

I love you Jakoy, with all my heart, body and soul. I wish we live closer so that I could just show you upfront how much I Love you. I guess though, I just have to accept that some things are not meant, just like "us". Nevertheless, I'll love you and I know it for sure that you'll always be a part of me.

*hugs and kisses*

be safe and may God be always with you.

Don't forget to smile always

~Big J ♥

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