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    JusticeMarie  30, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2012
4:01 AM EDT

My Mind

I'm an insecure 18 year old girl.
But I'm working to be better.
I used to selfharm, I'm still depressed, I used to make myself puke.
But now I have amazing friends who seem to always be with me (Sportygirl15) and a boyfriend who I know loves me. And I love him. I'm also working out now. I've been running again and going to start working out with Sportygirl15 so we can motivate each other. :)

    kate  56, Female, United Kingdom - 11 entries
Sep 2010
1:27 AM GMT


I was really brave at the weekend and had a heart to heart with my two best friends. They were both wonderfully supportive each in their own way. J's concern is that it changes nothing. B's was to make sure I'm not sad. Love 'em both.
Tags: Me

    vampiricakatt  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 102 entries
May 2010
7:02 AM EDT

Girl inside the lines

I am the girl
Who doesn't fix the world
as expected this is me
Expected to do certain things
Im expected to run and jump when Told
To sit there and take the beating
When someone else is mad
Im expected to be there
When someone else is sad
I'm expected to be the one
Everyone goes to
Expected to be the one
to save the day
I fight everyone else's problems head on
But tend to forget my own
So here I am
Writing this poem
Judge me if you want
But Im already alone
there's no point in killing me
because I'm already dead
I'm in a bath of blood and no one knows
so here I am once again
Tags: friends, Me, sorrow

    keonyama96  30, Female, Kansas, USA - 191 entries
Apr 2009
8:33 AM EDT

I love music
Tags: Bored, fun, Great, Love, Me, Music

    sassyLuvkawaii  33, Female, Guam - 2 entries
Jun 2008
5:34 AM EDT

weLcome to myself

Yeah! Cheers everyone! Welcome to myself!

Hey you guys, I hope I'm welcome here.

I wanted to be a part of this site too like you all.

But anyway, I'll be starting to write my life here everyday or

not everyday but I'll try to write here in my Diary as often as I can.

So I just hope I make new friends here and

just so you know, I don't like fights.

But if you mess with me, expect a dangerous me.

Hey I'm not scaring you or something but I'm trying to tell the truth.

But you know, I'm kind to those whose kind me.

I'm a friendly person. Caring. Lovable.

So don't think twice to add me as friend.

Leave me comment too if you have anything to say.

I'll welcome you all.

Thank you!

Ciao for now!

Journalist :��姧yLuvkawaii �

    opinionated  32, Female, United Kingdom - 41 entries
Apr 2008
7:45 AM EDT

Hi there!

Not quite sure why I joined this website.... No offense, Inbox Journal! But I guess I just wanted a place where I could say what I wanted to without having to fear the wrath of either my fellow students or my familiars.�Not so easy a thing to do, when you're me.�

Hmm... where to start? I am not going to say how old I am, my name, or where I live (duh.), but you can call me... hmmm.... Annabel. Please refrain for leaving�disparaging comments, because I am very sensitive, no matter how indifferent I seem to be.

I have always been... different. Where everyone else would enjoy immense pleasure talking about the latest gossip and fashions, I would enjoy equal pleasure in discussing my latest favourite authour with fellow literary maniacs. I just can't seem to be like everyone else. And trust me, I've tried. And I'm not going to fly off here to say how incredibly special I am and that I will actually be the saviour of the world. I'm also not going to ramble off on an angsty tangent about how the whole world hates me. It doesn't hate me. We're just very different.

I have tried to like the things that you would expect me to, but I just can't. I cannot commmit myself to a life that revolves around those those things. I would be bored within a day, and then I would start sneaking off to my closet to read fantasy books in secret. (Which would of course create a whole separate gossip mill in my name.) Most people would pop in here, completely idealistic, and say that I'm allowed to be whoever I want and that the world can't stop me. I try my best. I really do. And most of the time I succeed. But sometimes I have to stop myself due to the looks I get. They make me feel so stupid sometimes. I know that�their opinions shouldn't matter to me. I try so hard to be strong. Sometimes, though, my shield just cracks and all their snide comments get through to me.

I will try not to be overly depressing (although I doubt that anyone will read this). I just can't say anything anywhere else because then I get either weird looks or laughed at. Not laughed at mockingly, but kind of like "Haha, you're so funny, Annabel, now say what you really do think." Which they expect to be exactly what THEY think. Which it isn't. I have a hard time saying what I think. I have a hard time backing up what I think. Mostly because I've never had enough self confidence to stand up to those in a different caste than me (you don't even understand the school-based caste system here.).

Hah. So much for not being depressing and angsty. I promise it won't happen again. Unless I am feeling particularly angsty that particular day.

Well, I am going to go now. I don't know who to address this to, seeing as I don't think that anyone will care about the moody ramblings and prose of a girl who has no one else to say this to.

Not expecting anyone to read this, or much less comment on it,


Tags: hello, me
1 comment(s) - 10:17 PM - 04/08/2008

    vjaychowdhary  43, Male, India - 245 entries
Jun 2007
7:13 AM I

New Delhi: Virender Sehwag may have failed to make the cut for Team India's twin tours in Ireland and England but an English Summer is still on his cards as the explosive Delhi bat is ''in talks with'' several top clubs to play county cricket.
''Yes I am contemplating playing in county cricket,'' Sehwag told reporters.
''I am currently in talks with three-four counties. A final decision, as to which county I will be playing for, will be made by July,'' he said.
It would be Sehwag's second stint in the English county cricket.
Tags: me

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