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    JusticeMarie  30, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2012
4:01 AM EST

My Mind

I'm an insecure 18 year old girl.
But I'm working to be better.
I used to selfharm, I'm still depressed, I used to make myself puke.
But now I have amazing friends who seem to always be with me (Sportygirl15) and a boyfriend who I know loves me. And I love him. I'm also working out now. I've been running again and going to start working out with Sportygirl15 so we can motivate each other. :)
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Current Tags: better, boyfriend, friendship, love, me

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    akime  32, Female, Alaska, USA - 3 entries
May 2010
10:24 PM AKST

after my first entry yseterday i felt better i also talked about it to a few friends it helped some, also helping another friend out with some bullshit help me take my mind off things to let me think clearer. you know i really don'y get how someone can go from being a friend of yours to acting like a retard and say your lying to them and everyone around them when you and they know that you never would. watever high school is loaded wit bs...
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Current Tags: better, high school drama

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