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    asihnugroho  50, Female, Indonesia - 2 entries
Jan 2009
3:29 PM G

29 Desember 2008 Pk. 07.00 Hari ini kader-kader PKS Cipinang Melayu mengajakku Pawai Menyambut Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram. Sebenarnya kami sepakat berkumpul jam 7.00 WIB di depan Univ. Borobudur, tapi karena kesibukan para kader di rumah masing-masing, maka kami baru bisa berkumpul semuanya jam 8. Setelah acara dibuka oleh sang Ketua DPRa, perlahan-lahan kami berjalan menyusuri pinggir Kalimalang. Para peserta pawai, kader dan simpatisan yang diramaikan oleh Grup Marawis dan Qasidah, dengan ramah menyapa warga masyarakat yang ditemui di jalan. Tidak lupa stiker, bendera kecil, dan ucapan selamat tahun barupun kami sampaikan kepada warga yang kami temui di jalan. Rupanya panitia sudah menentukan beberapa titik keramaian tempat kami berhenti, di setiap titik itulah aku didaulat untuk menyampaikan orasi politik. Ternyata warga masyarakat sangat antusias menyambut kami, terbukti mereka mau mengikuti dan menyimak orasi yang aku sampaikan. Quis kecil berhadiahpun juga sudah disiapkan oleh panitia…..Subhanallah…aku terharu melihat kader-kader Cipinang Melayu yang kreatif…..(Dalam hati aku bergumam….kalau mereka bersemangat maka akupun harus lebih bersemangat!!). Kami juga sempat bersilaturahmi dengan Bapak-bapak pengurus Mushalla di RW 5. Mereka sangat ramah dan menyambut kami dengan gembira. Dengan iringan Marawis dan Qasidahan kami terus berjalan menyapa warga, RW 10….RW 13….dan RW 05. Kami juga sempat berhenti sejenak di per-empatan untuk beristirahat sambil mendengarkan konser Marawis dan Qasidahan. Selama di perjalanan tak lupa aku minta do'a dan dukungan warga yang kami temui untuk kemenangan PKS di Pemilu 2009. Dan akhirnya pukul 11.00 pawai kami berakhir di depan Resto Cwi Mie Jatiwaringin……SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 1430 HIJRIYAH…….Semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmat dan kemenangan da'wah di tahun ini. Amiin…………….
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    040977  47, Male, Indonesia - 3 entries
Jan 2009
2:42 PM EDT

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    flaviaeadriano  42, Female, Brazil - First entry!
Jan 2009
2:41 PM HAA

Olá pessoal! Este é o blog dos noivos. Aqui vamos contar nosso dia a dia em preparação para a grande festa!
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    Tammy  55, Male, Florida, USA - 12 entries
Dec 2008
7:17 AM EDT

hello again

well i havent been on my puter in so long i think i need to limit my time on it to 1 hour maybe. It can seem to be a big time waster.
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    meagan  45, Female, Canada - 15 entries
Dec 2008
4:32 AM EST

Happy New Year!

I've got TONS of goals for 2009!� My main fitness goal is to lose approximately 40 pounds of fat, re-gain some of the muscle I lost while pregnant, and compete in IDFA's Toronto Classic on July 11 with my best body yet!� I've lost about 35 pounds since I had my baby at the end of August without really trying (a mixture of not having time to eat all day because I'm so busy with him, breastfeeding, and not hanging out at restaurants so much), I've been teaching my dance and exercise classes, walking a lot (it's too hard to get on streetcars with a big stroller), and getting down to the gym a bit, but thus far�my fitness efforts have�been pretty sporadic and lazy in my mind... which is fine - I don't mind that I gave myself a few months to re-adjust my new life as a mom�without throwing myself right back into super- workout-girl-mode as soon as I got home from the hospital.� But, now It think it's time to get crazy!!!� I've set a very reasonable goal of competing in July, so I have 7 months to get ripped!� I'm so excited about getting more serious about my training (and less excited about super clean eating).� Now I just have to decide if I'm going to compete in fitness or figure... Getting� a fitness routine together now that I've been out of the scene for so long may be challenging, but I might try!� I'll keep you posted!� HAPPY NEW YEAR!

2 comment(s) - 10:10 PM - 01/12/2009
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    WordsOfLife  38, Female, Iowa, USA - 2 entries
Dec 2008
3:12 PM CST


Many people feel "differently" about relationships.� I can remember thinking and wanting so badly to be engaged.� It was all that I cared about...just having that ring to prove to everyone that I was more mature and that we were the perfect couple.� My family and friends hassled him..."when's the big day?" they would ask.� Or, I would get SO mad over the dumbest things and blame it on not having the ring.� He would ask, "what�do want�for your birthday?" and my response would�be something of a rude remark with regards to an engagement ring.� It was all about the stupid ring that I thought was so important.� I guess I just wanted to have the ring to have proof of his commitment.� It's easy say, Im committed to you, but harder to give proof of words.�

He is the most amazing person and the most dedicated person in my life and I was letting a "social symbol" get in the way of our relationship.� There is more to the story including the death of his parents within the same year and the fact that we have been together for nearly 7 years.� I was by his side through thick and thin and NEVER questioned leaving or letting a ring get in the way.� I have to say that I got the ring.� He proposed and it was the most beautiful thing, but it has taken me the experience of the entire 7 years to realize that my relationship with my fiance has never been better.� Is it the ring?� Could be, but realizing that I needed to accept myself (without a ring, without him) was the most life changing thought I've ever had.� Now that I am comfortable with myself, engaged or not...ring or not...our relationship has done a complete 180.�

We have always had a good relationship, but looking back now it could have been so much better.� Im thankful that we stuck together and got through some of the hardest times of both of our lives and also we got through some of those petty things that really dont matter at all.� You have to know who you are, before you can start to know who someone else is.� That is where I am at today.� I know me, I understand me, I love that I have gotten "me" taken care of I gladly wear my ring as a symbol of our love and I can focus on our relationship.� Take the time to love him...look at him...really look into his eyes and he him for who he is, not for who you want him to be (or in my case, what you wanted from him).� Life is so much better when who people are in love.�

Tags: happy, In love
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    thekewlestdork  28, Female, Illinois, USA - First entry!
Dec 2008
3:20 PM EDT

I'm so confused. Please help.

Ok well my name is Caitlin and I'm in the 7th grade. I don't have a big sis but a big bro. whos not very helpful. *lol* In grades kindergarden thru 4th grade a guy I am completely in love with was at my school and in my grade, too. His name is Alex. I have always had the same feeling when ever i see Alex. Except its gotten a little bit stronger. I start to shake if i see him or i get really really quiet. I have a "friend", Angel, (who I hate) whos mom sits me. Alex and Angel are like best friends but in fifth grade Alex transford. Sometimes Alex comes over Angel's house but all I can do is look at the floor the WHOLE time because im afraid that i will lock eyes with him and he might think im weird. I don't know if he likes me but everytime i say just one little thing to him then i start to shake like crazy! I want him to know but im too shy and im worried about what he would think, if he likes me and his response. Please help me!

*The Kewlest Dork*

3 comment(s) - 11:50 PM - 04/03/2009
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    lilaussie  34, Male, Norway - 2 entries
Dec 2008
6:25 PM AEST


We must live , life is too precious to give away.

3 comment(s) - 04:07 PM - 01/10/2009
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    cwilm91  34, Female, Connecticut, USA - First entry!
Dec 2008
5:44 PM EDT

ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2001) — CHICAGO (Nov. 27) -- Deaf people sense vibration in the part of the brain that other people use for hearing – which helps explain how deaf musicians can sense music, and how deaf people can enjoy concerts and other musical events. "These findings suggest that the experience deaf people have when 'feeling' music is similar to the experience other people have when hearing music. The perception of the musical vibrations by the deaf is likely every bit as real as the equivalent sounds, since they are ultimately processed in the same part of the brain," says Dr. Dean Shibata, assistant professor of radiology at the University of Washington. he could not hear the higher notes. he sawed off the legs of the piano to hear the vibrations. when he turned completely death he became withdrawn but later came back and made his best works, esp, the ninth symphony. Psychological Immunization - trauma breeds insensitivity to further trauma. 2. Psycho-immunological Rapid Rebound - making sense out of trauma hastens recovery. 3. Psycho-immunological Hardiness - the experience of adversity and its aftermath takes the person to a higher level of functioning. Despite unintelligible distortions of sound and an unstable tonal range, he created some of the world's most magnificent music. His psychological immune system helped him to hear what those having the ability to hear could not imagine by finding meaning through his disability. some have had Synaesthesia (although this is clearly not a disability or disorder) where various aspects of one sense give rise to perceptions in another sense. For example, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov is said to have had synaesthetically colored musical keys which were assigned as follows: B major gloomy, dark blue with steel shine Bb major darkish A major clear, pink Ab major greysh-vioket G major brownish-gold, light F# major green, clear (color of greenery) F major green, clear (color of greenery) E major blue, sapphire, bright Eb major dark, gloomy, grey-bluish D major daylight, yellowish, royal Db major darkish, warm C major white
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    Marcel  49, Male, Germany - 2 entries
Dec 2008
7:33 PM CEDT

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