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    blahbee  29, Female, Canada - 52 entries
Oct 2009
3:45 PM MDT

Waiting for hell to pass over.


I hate it when my bro is in his room. I�can't look for stuff. STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID. I need my ipod's usb cable. NOW. How am i supposed to sync my other songs in. Plus, hes in a bad mood so chances are that even IF�i knock on his door he'd tell me to fuck off.-Sad. I�know.��- Waiting for my phone bill to come. 'cause then that would mean i would have unlimited texting which is REALLY bothering me because i feel the need to text. I have so much to say. Talking on the phone is soOOOOO yesterday. Literally.-----love love love my phone. love it. SOOOOOO MUCH.-----I�know.. i'm not really typing anything "real"� I'M JUST TRYING TO WASTE TIME. cuz sooner or later he will come out of his room and go shower... cuz he stinks. then i could go in reeeeeeeeal quick and find what i'm looking for.

Now if you'll excuse me... i'm gonna go tell him that he stinks. REAL BAD.


blahbee ANNOYED

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    haileybananas97  49, Female, California, USA - 5 entries
Oct 2009
11:37 AM EDT

''we are all the equal but are all special in different ways'' -hialeybananas97
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    DELLA  51, Female, United Kingdom - First entry!
Oct 2009
11:31 AM GMT

The Reading Corner

Buy Usborne childrens books online at

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    cmpolek89  35, Female, Maryland, USA - 6 entries
Oct 2009
8:09 AM EST

6 months later..

Wow. I can't believe it's already been 6 months since that last post. A lot has happened since then..

1. I started to see a Psychologist. I actually went once in late April; I went to my school's Counseling Center and set up an appointment. After that initial visit, I think I was more angry than ever. All the lady did was say "mmhmm", "okay", "that must have been terrible", etc, all in the most cheesy fake voice ever. I was so frustrated with her!�After that, our schedules weren't quite in synch so I didn't see her again.. my school only allows students to seek help while they're enrolled, so once summer started and I wasn't taking any classes, I couldn't see her.

2. I went back on Monday the 19th. Mostly because I found out from a relative two-and-a-half weeks ago that my mom had an abnormal pap smear, and was going to have to have a biopsy done to see if it was cancer. Well, to make a long story short, my mom actually called me after I found out, and we cried on the phone a lot, but I told her I was worried about her. It really made me realize that even though I hate my parents for some of the things they've done/the way they've treated me, I still would care if something bad happened to them. That fact really confused the hell out of me, so I made an appointment with Dr. F (the psychologist I saw in April).

3. Mom's fine. She texted me that her results came back "precancerous" which means she just has to go back every 6 months for 3 years, and she'll pretty much be fine. Can you believe she TEXTED me that?! I at least expected a phone call.. the nerve of her!

4. I've been pretty mellow lately, with only a few (one or two) bitchy outbursts since April. However... R (my boyfriend) has been really really rude.. like when I don't understand something within seconds after he says it and I ask him a question, he gets SO�angry and tells me I'm an idiot. I have been reacting really slowly lately, especially to things I should be quick with (i.e. I've always been good at math, but for some reason can't add correctly lately??)

That's it for now.. I'll write again soon (Dr. F is "requiring" me to start journaling on a more frequent basis to get my feelings out)


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    junkiesforme  33, Female, Hong Kong SAR - 3 entries
Oct 2009
1:52 AM EDT


Hi! I am Winifer (real name is Winnie, but I like Winifer more) I live in HK. I am glad to talk to everybody about my happiness and troubleness. But everyone be careful, I am a very talkitive person (HAHA). Hope you enjoy my journal!

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    J3NNii  28, Female, Illinois, USA - First entry!
Oct 2009
7:41 AM CST

Sunday, October 18,2009


Hey, I'm Jennilee but you can call me Jenni.Even though your not a person I'm going to talk to you like you are.But before i start telling you things here are some things you need to know about me, I'm 12� I'm almost 13 (in another year on September 25, 2010 but it's not that far maybe), I'm a girl,female,chick whatever but you get the point I'm a girl.My best friends are Kimberly, Bianka, Dawn, and Dolores.They are the best (sometimes), we get in fights,what friends don't? I've had boyfriends 2 but I'll tell you about that next time but for now this is all you need to know about ME!!!

Scincerly yours,


2 comment(s) - 09:58 PM - 10/26/2009
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    nobody2turn2  28, Female, California, USA - 4 entries
Oct 2009
7:23 AM PST

Have you guys ever felt like your alone? Or that your in a place you don't wanna be, but you have no choice but to be there? I live in SF. It's a beautiful place no doubt, but it's not really my ideal living area. I miss stockton. My family and friends. But nobody ever pays attention to my opinions. Im young and i still live with my parents. But they know im not happy, but they don't do a darn thing about it. I know this is a journal site but i need advice. if anyone can help, just address your entry to Alone in SF. thx fellow inboxjournal users!! =D
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2 comment(s) - 02:58 PM - 10/23/2009
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    mnash  49, Male, Canada - First entry!
Oct 2009
8:01 PM EDT

oct 27


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    BadBiitchNiqua  34, Female, New York, USA - 6 entries
Oct 2009
1:49 AM PDT


Damn wtf am I doing..My life is so unbelieveable no1 has a life like me no1..I lose family friends lovers and just everything..Why am O dha only one goin thru dis shyt..Im just not meant to be happy I guess..Damn bitchez tryna take my man..Bitches gon make me hit dha fan bitches juss wanna get me mad but ima be dha last bitch standin wit ya man..Hahaha juss a liddle poem of mines..

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    colormeohsobadd  63, Female, Mississippi, USA - 2 entries
Oct 2009
2:22 PM EDT


I maybe left some pertinent info out last time,he has done time for that rape,I mentioned. And I recently found out, he is a PEDOPHILE. And in his PAROLE, it stipulates, he is not to� be�around schools,playgrounds or the likes.

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