SuperGirlCaty's Journal

May 2011
8:44 PM CDT

Confused :S

Maybe I'm just seeing things .. I don't know... Long story short then i'll say whats up...

Last Year June 3rd , we foiund outmy stepfather had cheated on my mother with 7 hookers =[ , it was a hard time.. I'm sure u can imagine :.
I still feel the pain that I did then , it's been almost a year , I know he's truely sorry for hurtting her , and us. Everyone has forgiven him but I can't I jsut can't .. Is there something wrong with me?

�����������������It's 8:36pm at the moment .( 5/12/2011)
My dad's brother has come to stay with us until he gets back on his feet .. .Dad had a feel jealousy problems ... But
I noticed something odd today .. My mum is flirting with him!?!?! My mum and i are very very close , so i can read her like a book :( , I mean yeah she went through alot with dad , but she choosed to stay with dad and not break the family.She says she still loves him but not like she use to she loves him but shes not in love with him ( hey that makes since to me ) ... But Daniel ( uncle thats stayign with u s ) just got out of a realtionship , and is readyto get back in one , and is REALLU lonely and just looking for a good time ( in my opinion )...

about an hour ago , my mum grabbed her lingerie , * not the pjs u sleep in , full blown take it off when we have sex etc..*

She didn't realise i was behind her in fact she didn't realise anyone was around but daniel ... She took it up to her chest like to show him what it was , and gave him a flirty look ...
He likes my mother to...

Am i just seeing things =[ im soo confused ... It hurt me and it still hurts me what dad did to my mum because im close to her...

If she did that to him ... :/ I don't know what i'd doo , i think i'd pack a bag and i'd leave...

My dad use to be my hero , i wanted thier marriage , they were soo in love ,, well so i thought... She was in loveeee with Dad ,she said she truely belioeved he was her soulmate .. That it was fate .. .
but after what he did things havnt been the same ...Her eyes done sparkle anymore like the use to...

But blah ill have to repost more about my family and what happened around the time .. and More about Daniel and why he is here...

xoxox until later =]
Catherine <3

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SuperGirlCaty's Profile

  • Username: SuperGirlCaty
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Illinois
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    SUPERGIRLCATY's Interests:

    Interests: Ohh soo many <3 Hunting , Mudding , Camping , Fishing , FourWheeling , Tubbing , Cinema , friends , soccer , swiming , rock climbing , dancing , poms , cheerleading , Volunteering , helping the need reading to the cancer patients in the hospital , Visiting the elderly =]

    Favorite Music: A Litte bit of everything : Rock , Lite Rock , Country , Pop , R&A , Rap , Screamo , Jazz

    Favorite Movies: The Lovely Bones , Twilight Saga , Saw Movies , Paranormal Activity 1 & 2 , A Walk to Remember , Broke Back Mountain , Listen to Your Heart , The NoteBook , Dear John , Never Back Down , Step Up , Legion , The Crazies

    Favorite Television: All CSI's , Law & Order , NCIS , Las Vegas , Teen Mom Jersery Shore's

    Favorite Books: The Lovely Bones , Twilight Breaking Dawn , Stephen King's - IT & Pet Cemetary GOOSEBUMPS <3