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    angela  56, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2009
7:03 AM EDT

i need a job

go to school online and need a job in management or accouting entry level for now

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    kfaidzah  44, Female, Malaysia - 9 entries
Sep 2009
4:08 AM H

Despite a few things that annoyed me lately, I just want to stay positive, keep on smiling and remembering a lot more wonderful things that have had happened to me... Salam alMubarak to all...
1 comment(s) - 07:10 PM - 02/07/2010
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    BEBS  55, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Sep 2009
9:50 PM EST

It's been 3 months, and 6 days since the last time I saw my boyfriend for 8 yrs and 2 months. For a heated discussion that end up he didn't call for 2 months. June 1 at 5:30 pm he dropped me of at Target parking lot and that's it. I called him that night and and the day after for 1 week. Leaving messages and text Asking him to please call me . The last text that i sent him i told him..Please call... I am just here loving you please don't keep me hanging like this. I miss you. No call. I believe that whatever no matter how angry you are , I still deserve to know what's up. How can a man leave like that to an 8 yr relationship?
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    dee23  53, Female, United Kingdom - 170 entries
Sep 2009
8:21 PM GMT

�well life gets worse all the time round here and why because pepole gosip and spead lies and in the mean time i have lost my one true friend and miss him so much we used to have a laugh together tell each other our thoughts and problems but other people just said we were having an afair and that he was just sniffing round waiting for his chance .we had been friends for seven years and i realy could tell him any thing i miss my freind so much ,its been about two months since we last spoke and i miss him i have no one else to talk to now and im lonley with out him . i dont know what to do now�

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    victoriaward  54, Female, United Kingdom - First entry!
Sep 2009
1:52 PM EDT

Renew Car Insurance Call Knight Frank Organise & pay Jane
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    janspiljard  65, Male, Netherlands - First entry!
Aug 2009
9:18 PM CET

Because those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; and those he called, he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified. (Romans 8:29-30)
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Current Tags: Sunday sermon passage

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    NijahThomas14  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 14 entries
Aug 2009
2:47 AM EST



i never had patience

and i dont like waiting

being in a line

or waiting for assistance

for whatever the reason may be

i always wait for something

but no one waits on me

i wait to die

i wait to cry

i wait to fall asleep

im waiting on my dad

to pull his head out of his ass

but he refused to wait on me

Tags: waiting
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    coraline  55, Female, Arizona, USA - 59 entries
Aug 2009
2:19 PM PDT


Noon: I can start updating again.� Someday I'll write about why I�had to stop for so long.

- Dirty Girl &�I will be moving into a new house this week.� Two move events, Friday-Sun, and then Monday the movers come to get the big/heavy stuff


8AM - Must finish SuperSearch systems Edison & Tesla by Friday 8/28.

9AM - WAS�Upgrade meating with Peter &�the rest of the upgrade team.� They need both NWIE�VM�images set up by Friday also.

Since 10am this morning I've been working on ITP project, ME2:

- ITP ME2 servers are moved to Columbus

- Cuervo and I�are re-ip'ing them and trying to get them to start up normally in the new network space.� Stuffer was being a total pain in the arse for a while but I�think I�have him on-board with the action items.

- must edit /etc/ldap.conf &�/etc/openldap.conf to add line:

nns_initgroups_ignoreusers root,ldap,named,avahi,haldaemon,dbus,satellite

- edit /etc/modules.conf &�remove reference to pcnet32

- edit /etc/fstab and remove 3 lines added by vmware

- After demter &�hestia are done, the rest of the boxes should come up without issue

- Forgot to change /etc/resolv.conf.� Hestia can't resolve anyone so she's not letting us in.� but that shouldn't happen with the nss line.� hmm.

- chkconfig off rhnsd &�osad?


4:40PM - every one of these servers are fucked.� none of them can get on the network to talk with their LDAP host, so none of them will let anyone log in.� What a fucking nightmare.� I�have to break into every one of these machines and fix the configurations.

All of them get host name changes

IP�addresses changed


LDAP hosts

VMWare Tools



Mail Relays

Backup Clients

This has to happen or it won't come online.� If it won't come online, you can't log in.� :)



- Mr.�T said that the firewall rules were just finished and the network is shut off on these servers until the IPs are changed etc.� No wonder we couldn't even ping gateway.� It would have been nice to be informed of that bit of trivia.

- fuckers -

- We're going to call it a day and sleep a bit if we can.

- AM�- must talk to Cole and get my access level bumped up so I�can initiate tool installs without hand holding.

�- Have to get nets turned on and test accesses.

�- Get Cuervo the info that he needs to carry this on without me, or with Stuffer.�

- Dirty Girl &�I are going to meet Nikita to give her the $$ and get the $K.

�- I'll meet Grandpa Simpson and trade my Mercedes for his Suburban for the weekend.� Dirty Girl takes Scooby to work, I�bring Suburban back here and finish Oracle server build for WAS Project, and get UID's created on Edison &�Tesla for Country Boy, Becky, and Kipper.


Calling it a night, logging out of work.� Going to start tearing down the other computers and prepping them for the move.


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    orangepop  46, Female, Oregon, USA - 3 entries
Aug 2009
7:52 PM EDT

I want another message from you. text me, please! Ihope she leaves you underwhelmed tonight.
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    Christina38  53, Female, Florida, USA - 3 entries
Aug 2009
5:11 PM EDT

Yeah Right

I have cared all my life about people and things around me,but it only leads to disappointment.God will punish the punishers
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