littlemama7224's Journal

Apr 2007
3:38 PM EDT

I hate aol...its almost deleted all my shit...this is gonna be the things i currently hate entry just becuz theres alot of things that are pissing me off right now....where to start?? hmmm,...lets see i hate the fact that my husband is out with his friends instead of home with me on his only day off...i hate the fact that everytime i try and talk to any of my guy friends im cheating or they want me or some bullshit like that....i currently cant stand my mother in law and her bitching and nagging is really getting on my nerves and the fact that shes twofaced bothers me too....lets see what else well i hate the fact that my "best friend" kristin is putting me off cuz her boyfriend dont want her talking to anyone but him...stupid slut and trust me shes a slut she called me a few weeks ago just to tell me that she gave him road head congrats kristin your a slut and thats not the reason im calling her a slut the reason im calling her a slut is probably the fact that shes cheating on every boyfriend shes ever had...and she calls me to brag about it....i dont really care whose dick your sucking at the moment....i hate that one of my best friends in the world is gone....i hate bowling green right now cuz im tired of stupid bitches like jenny who is after my husband and hes after her to cuz i found a bunch of fucking emails lets see what else i hate the fact that my cousin is depressed about a stupid fucking dude i hate the fact that dustin is in florida...i hate the fact that i dont have a job and my cellphone is a piece of shit that dont work...i hate the fact that im stuck here all the time i hate that this thing says i only have 5 mintues or it will be deleted grrrrr

littlemama7224's Profile

  • Username: littlemama7224
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Ohio