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PrincessBeth's Journal
Apr 2007
6:39 AM MST
Well today is April 24, 2007.
I ony have a 3 day week for school. Today My Mom let me play hookie from school. I was so Glad because I am soooo tired and annoyed with school. I think I am gonna have a great summer break. There is only 25 Days left of school. YAY. I have soo many friends. They include Baylee, Alexa, Kaelyn, Kayla, MaryLynn, Jordyn, Jordyn G. Bella, Miki, Haley, and Last but not least Hailey and Samantha. Well Dustin is going to find out if Quinn likes me and if he does then he is going to ask him out for me. I don't think he likes me but oh well. Well Me and Jennifer Sine are in a fight over something that happened between Hailey Wright and Me. Then she went and told Jessica so now Jessica is mad at me. I am not mad at either of them but they are both mad at me so i guess i will have to tough it out and just hope everything works out for the best. Sometimes. I just wish People could just not get mad at other people for others being in fights. :( I am so tired it isn't even funny. I have this HUGE prject due tomorrow and I can finishe the map because I can't get it from school. If I have the chance I will call Jordin at School and Ask her to get it. I kind ofwant tostay home tomorrow so that we dont have to present and so that we don't get humilited for not having all our stuff done, and if I stay home then my group can say I am not there and I have everything so then we have until Monday to turn it in. That is like 5 Extra Days to work on it. I hope My Mom Let's Me! I am so Worried about not getting a good grade in social studies. I am not doing so hot in Math either. I am not getting the homework so I am not getting good grades for it. Urg. I hate school, I mean Ya I like it socialy but not work wise. I am kind of excited to continue on to 7th grade. I can't believe me and Jimmy are Friends after Last Year. And Haha he liked me last year and I liked him last year. It's Kind of funny!
Well Thats all for Now!
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Gender / Age:
Female, 35
USA - Colorado
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