britbrat1023's Journal

May 2007
1:03 PM PST

That's it I think I might just give up. I just can't take it anything anymore. I hate my life, and I think I'm bi, kill me now, I'm ugly and have had enough. AAGGHH!!!!! Hey anybody I need a confadince booster. If you care please send me something.

May 2007
1:29 AM PST

If I wasn't afraid of failure, I would be..... different, happier, healthier, less embarassed by my different traits. Oh and I almost forgot here are some poems I wrote, tell me what you think?? I'll Never Forget (this ones kinda lame but it reminds me of who I lost.) You broke my heart When you tore out a brand new part I'll never forget HIM I started all over and tried really hard Then you got rid of my rover, my brand new,best friend, I turned over a new leaf A whole new lease on life. I had just started to change I could have fixed my little mange It's like you turned my heart and feelings into a shooting range I can't BELIEVE that you couldn't let just this little thing slide I can't BELIEVE that you're making me do this I won't even be there to give a KISS good-bye You stomped on my Heart then ripped it into shreds You really hurt my feelings You don't really expect me to forget I'll never forget HIM I don't mean to hurt your feelings but I want you to know how much I love HIM I'll never forget HIM It will haunt my weak heart forever Without my best friend what am I to do I had just begun to know HIM Get use to my best friend But now he gone But his memory will never go I will not let it I will never forget my best friend And I will think about him for the rest of my days I'll never forget I'll never forget the best friend I ever had And no one will ever be able to replace HIM My best friend in the world That I had grown attached so fondly My best friend is GONE And I will NEVER FORGET MY BEST FRIEND Ever. And I will never get a new Toby, never one as good as HIM I LOVE YOU TOBY this ones called change and is much shorter. Want to move but don't want to leave want to meet new people but don't want to forget the old wanna hate but love wanna be mean but nice wanna be happy but like to be unhappy wanna trust but not get hurt know you can make it better but like the sympathy from others know you can be better and can do better but don't wanna try wanna change but not be different wanna be yourself but don't wanna stand out. and last but not least this one is called Don't Don't tell me I'll forget Don't try to yourself Don't be the one who does your best, tries and fails

May 2007
3:23 AM PST

People can be mean, Why??
Why be mean if someone is nice to you I don't get it.
But if someone is rude to you,
or not but it's up to you.

May 2007
6:58 AM PST

I know that a lot of people say that their life sucks, I know that I don't like mine. It's not the best, but it could be better. And there are a couple things that I would change in a heart beat, but if someone was starving I would save their life first. My life is not the way I would like it to be and it deppreses me.

britbrat1023's Profile

  • Username: britbrat1023
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Oregon
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    BRITBRAT1023's Interests:

    About Me: In my little world it's all about me. This is me if you don't like it SCREW OFF!!!!!!! But if you do we can be good friends.

    Interests: Hot Guys and Guys that no how to live.

    Favorite Music: NO CRAP!!!!

    Favorite Movies: Anything Punk.

    Favorite Television: I love that awesome show My Name os Earl And I have never missed a single show of Mind of Mencia, carlos is hot

    Favorite Books: reading is for smart people