brookie175's Journal

Apr 2007
6:33 PM EDT

1st entry.

We all have our stories. Mine starts here. On this internet page on April 23rd.
I have friends, plenty and plenty. I'm not miss popular, scratch that. I'm pretty damn popular. But with popularity usually follows with 'whore'. I'd summarize myself into that catagory.

I'd say this because for the past month i've been seeing a boy. His name's Ronnie.
He's older, less mature then what I would usually pick. I'm the classy type of girl. Mature-ness is very sexy to me, a boy who reads, drinks cofee, etc. Then, I have my kind of 'bad girl' side. This boy brings that part of me out. Back to the story line. I've been 'seeing him'. As in sex on every occasion we see each other. It doesn't seem too bad at first, right? well guess again. Ive put a twist on it all. I'm dating another boy named Kyle. Short story I'm dating two men at the same time. They're completely oppisate. Totally different. Ronnie = bad boy. Kyle = good christian, religous, band boy. There's more to the story. Ronnie also has another person named Carrie who he's dating, and they have a kid.

Then kenny comes into the story. I'm dating him as well, And guess what. He has a girlfriend as well. I'm not sure of her name, but i know she's not the cutest thing in the world...

Oh, Best part about it, Ive come down to writing this all on this lonely internet place because i cant tell my girl-friends. My friends would think im the most low-lifed whore they've ever met. and im not about to lose my bestfriends for that.

2 comment(s) - 07:01 PM - 05/04/2007

brookie175's Profile

  • Username: brookie175
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    BROOKIE175's Interests:

    Favorite Movies: Pretty in pink 50 first dates Pulp fiction Donnie Darko Summer school White chicks The butterfly effect shallow hal Clockwork orange The devil and daniel johnson Little miss sunshine The persuit of happyness The lake house Garden state Forest gump Me you and everyone we know The good girl Sixteen candles Rocky horror Kill bill Breakfast at tiffanys Clerks I heart huckabees Fight club Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Etc, Etc, Etc ..

    Favorite Television: Grey's anatomy Scrubs E.R identity That 70's show Will & grace intervention Mythbusters Gilmore girls Sabrina the teenage witch Queer eye for the straight guy Family guy Americas next top model Jeopardy

    Favorite Books: Choke What my mother doesnt know Please stop laughing at me Tuesdays with morrie Teen angst? Nahh..

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