pauljim's Journal

Mar 2007
7:52 AM EDT

hell.its nice writing things down..thank god for these blogs...

guess i want to write some more...china..sometimes things are not away from home...working..teaching...watching tv in chinese..thank god for the two english channels and the net..

david letterman..well..its all i got in the tv..hehe.but i like the show anyway..rupert too..

Mar 2007
7:33 AM EDT

its been a bad day for me today...feel tired..i had even a headache with a student .

i wish i would not get back to the class where this student is..i might have a chance to hit him...i have never done it yet...

he's so school seems not to be a school in some sense..i know it is...just these students who dont know what they are here for in school..parents are the money to pay the fees.the school needs them?for sure..they parents pay a lot.

i dont wanna spend my time in class for nothing..these students are really a head ache...not all of them but those who get into my nerves are as bad as i can far..

teaching could be a burden....just when you want the best for the students...sometimes they dont know whats best for themselves...they forget why they are in school.

just writing this to get some of this stress out..

i just hope i can get to be patient and objective always ..

oh..what i am saying now...i guess i am tired..and well...need to sleep..i had about three sticks of cigarettes today...tonight actually...

well...thats it...for the night...

pauljim's Profile

  • Username: pauljim
  • Gender / Age: Male, 50
  • Location: China