MissMonet's Journal

Mar 2007
7:51 AM PDT

Me again...my parents think we're not gonna last cuz we met when we were 15.. and both of their first marriages were with someone they met before 18 and they were both treated dirty... so theyre scared my babys gonna treat me oh so wrong... but how would they know.. they dont feel what we feel, when im with him its like nothing else matters im focused souly on him my family gets mad... but i dont care... i need to love outside the family.. we are not hillbillies!
somedays i wonder though how long will we last... til he moves... while hes in arkansas, when he comes back.. or is there even an end atall? ppl say absence makes the heart fonder... but is it possible for it to tear it apart also? i really dont know these days... its wierd.. i need to show how much i love him...

MissMonet's Profile

  • Username: MissMonet
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - California
    MISSMONET's Interests:

    About Me: im 17 i live in daygo(san diego, ca) im 5 feet tall 134 lbs thick not fat, i love my family friends and boyfriend michael.

    Interests: music, coffee, blogging, myspace, and clothes

    Favorite Music: r&b, hip hop, rap, and gospel