Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    Dizzyboy  36, Male, California, USA - 3 comments
Jan 2007
1:47 PM EDT

Today i just woke up and i was thinking that today was going to be a lazy day for me but then when i got out of the shower and ate i was all koo so i just came to school meet up with some friend and talked for a min untill the bell rang. then i went to class and it was koo untill i got the third period. i dont like my third period class because it is math and i hate math...and to make it worse the teacher get on my last nerve sometimes and sometimes he could be koo. but my day got better after i left that class. so my day has been going good so far but the day aint over yet so im jus goin to wait to see wha happens next and jus take it slow and hope it goes good.
1 comment(s) - 03:50 PM - 01/12/2007

    penzaoeyez  36, Female, California, USA - 3 comments
Apr 2007
10:27 AM EDT

i havent been on this since forever. i'm now excited to go to the navy. i wish my date to leave was sooner actually. but yah i have so many things i'm worried about. first i spent the money that my mom gave me to buy my gown for graduation which is really soon. then prom is in a month and i have no money. i need to stop smoking and get a job now. i don't car if i work full time and i never get any sleep i just need money to pay and get everything done and over with. i also need to start coming to school everyday cuz i've been missing way too much school. i also have 3 swaps that i need to do so i can go to prom...and i really need to raise all of my grades because i'm actually kinda scared i'm not gonna graduate. now thats pretty sad i really have fucked up my senior year the one that mattered the most. life sucks..i wish i could change so much...and yah about tim. we're together, but i'm upset at him right now. but besides that we're good really good lately actually...and i like it. i LOVE it actually. but lets see how long it lasts...because nothing good last forever.
1 comment(s) - 03:22 PM - 04/04/2007

    mr1olympia  35, Male, California, USA - 7 comments
Jan 2007
1:41 PM EDT

2 comment(s) - 01:24 AM - 07/14/2007

    surfer11  32, Male, California, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2006
2:23 PM EDT

I expect others to treat me kindly.Thats all i ask of others just to treat me kindly and respect me.
1 comment(s) - 04:28 PM - 12/21/2006

    bianca  32, Female, California, USA - 6 comments
Dec 2006
2:18 PM EDT

hey wats up everyone? well ya im bored and i dont know what to say so ya...i love you all in your own way psh not LoL!!!
4 comment(s) - 04:43 PM - 12/21/2006

    latajagary  32, Female, California, USA - 3 comments
Dec 2006
2:30 PM EDT

2 comment(s) - 04:35 PM - 12/21/2006

    Johnnyice  32, Female, California, USA - 5 comments
Dec 2006
2:12 PM EDT

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/inboxjou/public_html/Include/__Common. on line 19
What i expect of others is...for them to be themselves and honesty,trust,and kindness.
1 comment(s) - 04:34 PM - 12/21/2006

    Whitney02  32, Female, California, USA - 5 comments
Dec 2006
2:26 PM EDT

Hey well my week has been so gwak...(trash) im so bored with everything and everyone..gosh...!!! theres nothing to do. i cant wait till christmas.. i want MY CAMERA...!!! and gift cards to hollister and the VANS Store... o yea...SHANE...UR A i love you gabie babie =] and im sorry for u know what...I LOVE U RICHARD!!!!!!! okay enought with the shout outs...hehe well im bored(again) lol to much drama for me at this just glad im only here for 1 SEMESTER lol...well bye cause im bored and im tired of
2 comment(s) - 12:25 PM - 01/12/2007

    emma  33, Female, Kansas, USA - 4 comments
Nov 2006
6:55 AM EDT

God! i fucking hate my computer apps teacher! she's a bitch-ass mother fucker! i fuckin did the 80 point assignment and she gave me a mother fuckin zero. my boyfriend came over last night for like a half an hour to say goodbye till he comes over tomorrow. my friend was suposed to bring me 4 to 6 ounces of mary jane today but he can't seem to get a hold of the guy he gets it from. it pisses me off that we can't even count on our mother fuckin dealers to bring our shit, after we've already payed them for it. the bitches! gotta go. the comp. apps. teach from hell is back and checkin us! love ya, beyotch's
2 comment(s) - 04:51 PM - 11/25/2006

    LoserForLove6  34, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
11:12 AM EDT

Hey Everyone.Whats up?I decided to make this journal bleh.*dee*
1 comment(s) - 01:06 PM - 11/14/2006

    ABMScheergrl  29, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
2:18 PM EDT

when ppl say i cant do dis well ahve faith in urself cuz u never kno if u try and u have 2 practice really hard and i learned all of dis from my cheer coch mrs. kym
1 comment(s) - 09:41 PM - 11/18/2006

    stressmaker106  31, Female, Canada - 1 comments
Nov 2006
5:35 PM GMT

you know what somone told me its ok to be stressed sometimes so its ok
1 comment(s) - 12:32 PM - 11/19/2006

    sweetcakes100  51, Female, California, USA - 5 comments
Apr 2007
6:47 AM EDT

What can I do to stop feeling so lonely?
2 comment(s) - 07:32 PM - 04/24/2007

    55crusader  32, Female, Missouri, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
4:16 PM EDT

HELLO EVERYONE I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU AND I ASK THAT YOU PLEASE READ IT AND TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT I REALIZE IT MIGHT BE A LITTLE CONFUSING BECAUSE I KICKED THE LAWS OF PROPER SENTENCE STRUCTURE AND PUNCTUATION TO THE SIDE BUT PLEASE JUST TRY YOUR BEST AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS NO MATTER HOW MEAN--- as she peaked out she heard voices then she heard the door close again and she crept down the hall and quickly dressed and gathered her stuff so that she wouldn't be embarrased when she got to meet this mystery man and i'm sure that to most people it might seem strange that she was so interested in her sister's suiter but the thing is that she had moved in with her sister almost six months ago and a lot the times when she came to her apartment building there was a different car parked in the spot (the parking spot that is given to them by their building for all their parking needs) and the door was closed when she got in sometimes the door was still closed when she got up and remained that way until she left but most of the time her sister was and whoever was her man of choice was gone to this was the first time that she would be able to actually see one of them and no matter how strange it was to others she had made it a goal for herself anyway when she stepped out into the hall the door was just opening and she ducked back into her room because she wanted to see him before he saw her so she listened as the footsteps came closer then when they were a couple feet away she tried to quietly slip out but her shoe got stuck on the rug and she tripped and fell face first and her breath was literally taken away but not because of the fall it was taken away because when she looked up she was looking into the face a familiar face with dark blue eyes and smooth skin with a mop of dark brown almost black curls and she couldn't believe that her boyfriend was standing there her initial reaction was relief because they had had a fight the other night and she was hoping that he would stop by to try to patch things up and then it slowly started to sink in what he was doing here they stared at eachother for a few more seconds that seemed like hours and he finally spoke up and said are you okay and for a moment she was confused because why would she be okay when she just saw her boyfriend come from her sister's room where he had undoubtedly been all night then she felt a sharp pain in her knee and realized she was still on the floor she quickly got up and gathered her things and ran out the door when she was about halfway down the hall she heard her sister call her name but she couldn't stop wouldn't stop especially for that evil witch so she jumped into the elevator before it closed and sat there for a second before she started to panic---anyway that's all i got for now and i'll try to right more later but just tell me your reaction so far and be as hard as you can with your critique
1 comment(s) - 06:12 PM - 03/17/2007

    cyborchikgrl  30, Female, Georgia, USA - 6 comments
Feb 2007
3:25 PM EDT

bla bla bla...........................................................
1 comment(s) - 04:41 PM - 03/25/2007

    Pamela[[adores gage]]♥  33, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
10:46 AM CST

I haven't been to eat with Gage yet. He is sick and the medicine he is taking makes him tired so we are going to eat at 6. I can't wait! He has mono, but I don't care, i've had it before. I'm tired and I have nothing else to do 'cause I have a myspace, but I hate talking on it unless Gage is online, and he's not online right now he is asleep. I have yahoo messenger but i don't like to get on it. I'm watching 7th Heaven right now and its a pretty boring show. Well, I am going to go get ready so I can see Gage!! <3Pamela
1 comment(s) - 02:51 PM - 11/25/2006

    happy  40, Male, Hong Kong SAR - 1 comments
Nov 2006
5:07 AM EDT

哈佬 hello
1 comment(s) - 12:46 PM - 11/22/2006

    Kaleigh current mood: Determined  31, Female, Canada - 1 comments
Nov 2006
7:12 AM CST

Hey nice journal it rox so far! ;)
1 comment(s) - 03:47 PM - 11/24/2006

    Maurice  30, Male, Ohio, USA - 15 comments
May 2007
4:57 PM EDT

Now I go out with a girl named ciara. But all these other dudes tryin to take her from me. Now all these dudes wanna fight me her ex boyfriend, dis guy named ans, and this fat guy.
3 comment(s) - 05:56 PM - 05/22/2007

    every1luvsme  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 3 comments
Mar 2007
2:15 PM EDT

i have had a pretty good week end!!!!!!!! me and micky as good as ever!!!!! me and my sista have been hangin out wit some boyz!!!!
1 comment(s) - 05:48 PM - 04/07/2007

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