every1luvsme's Journal

Apr 2007
1:08 PM EDT

Micky is in Florida and I miss like crazy... my sister is having boy troubles, she misses the old dayz like hell!

Mar 2007
2:23 PM EDT

had a pretty good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 2007
2:15 PM EDT

i have had a pretty good week end!!!!!!!! me and micky as good as ever!!!!! me and my sista have been hangin out wit some boyz!!!!
1 comment(s) - 05:48 PM - 04/07/2007

Jan 2007
3:54 AM EDT

im haveing a very sweet week, it's almost valentines month too, im alittle stressed out though, school is not helping at all!
2 comment(s) - 07:09 PM - 03/24/2007

Jan 2007
4:20 PM EDT

i was trin to plug my ipod in the computer, when i figured out there was no cord, so i tried to find it in all my k=jean pockets, and i finally found it when i gave up!

Dec 2006
8:14 PM EDT

today, we watched a movie and Micky sat next to me, and shauna sat behind me, and Shauna kept makeing us touch and hold hands and she held ou r hands together for a minute and when she let go we did not let go of hands we kept them there for the whole movie... I LUV MICKy

Dec 2006
7:31 PM EDT

Define love as EX: true love is giving the guy an oppurtunity to hurt you, but trusting that he won't... i called micky today, we didn't talk much, itwas his moms b-day, don't ask me how i know that...

Dec 2006
1:08 PM EDT

me and micky and lincoln and William were talking on line at runescape

Dec 2006
4:24 PM EDT

today, i was talking to micky on the phone, and he said that Scotty, his brother, wanted to talk to me, and when he got on the phone he was "hey sexy, how are you?" "im fine, hi honey," i could hear Micky laughing in the back, "how are you and Micky?" "we are fine thank you!!!" Scotty is so nice, he is the coolest friend!!!!

Dec 2006
2:18 PM EDT

I so can't wait for Christmas, I was talking to Anna on the phone and i asked what the secret was that Micky told her, she told me that she couldn't tell she promised, i understood, so asked her waz it good or bad? she said it was very good, and im like "okay thank gosh, i thought he was breaking up with me," "no no no, thats the furthest thing from what he said," "will i find out," "oh yeah," "is it something for me,?" "sort of"

Dec 2006
2:12 PM EDT

i had a great day, today Micky told Nick that he smelled, and got mad and said "so does your girlfriend," and i got mad, and when Micky knew that i was not happy he stood up for me, he's so sweet!!!

Dec 2006
2:08 PM EDT

me and micky and my friends went to a movie, and had a great time,

Dec 2006
2:04 PM EDT

Tomorrow im goin on a date with Micky, sort of, more like a going out but still best friends date, we are goin to the movies and we r goin to see Turistas!!!

Dec 2006
2:06 PM EDT

Micky and I r finally goin out!

Nov 2006
2:33 PM EDT

today, my best friend were avoiding me because one of my guy friends likes and they were talking about me at lunch, but good things I want to go out with Micky but he is to afraid>> Micky is the coolest guy friend ever, and I really like him, its just we can't get through any thing together if we don't talk with eachother,

every1luvsme's Profile

  • Username: every1luvsme
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Ohio
    EVERY1LUVSME's Interests:

    About Me: i have brown hair and brown eyes, I have a sweet/gothic sense of style. I love my sister to death!!!!

    Interests: football, softball, and basketball, jack sparrow, pirates, boyz, vampires

    Favorite Music: pop, rap, some country, and hip hop

    Favorite Movies: Austen powers, Turistas, and flushed away. Without a paddle!

    Favorite Television: spongebob, full house, family maters, Amercians next top model, Next, Portenal Control,

    Favorite Books: call of the wild, pirates galor, Twilight, New moon

    EVERY1LUVSME's Friends: