If you are having any problems in your life you need to�change the way you're feeling right away by looking around and finding things to be thankful for.��If you are in pain and all you can think about is the pain...STOP what you're thinking and find something to get your�mind off it.� I like to play positive music and sing and dance...even if I feel terrible I try to pretend I feel fine.��Have you heard the saying whatever you think about you bring about?��It works!!� I had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 4 years.� I�cannot describe to you how much constant pain I was in and how depressed I was.� I decided to�try to�find some positive�music to get my mind off it and decided on James Brown "I feel good".� I played it on my MP3 player. Whenever I�felt I couldn't go on...I played it and pretended I felt good.� I�also�had the book "The Secret" on my mp3 player...�to remind me to�have�good thoughts.� In 3 months MY PAIN WAS GONE!!� It works.� I want to share my experience with anyone out there needing help.� My wish to you is to find what makes you happy and live a fabulous life!.��