iwannabethin98's Journal

Feb 2011
7:53 PM MST

Day 01.

Thats how much I weighed today, hopefully i keep up the pound a day weight loss, mabey even more.� I Want to be 99 pounds by Vacation, which is in 53 Days.� My stomach keeps growling but I remind myself that if i eat ill be fat.� And there is no person who likes fat people.� I Hate The Way I Look.� Im so ugly.� Not to mention how fat I am.� Most Likey over weight.� I look in the mirror and im instantly disguested.� I wonder if other people think that.� Who am I kidding. They do.� Ashley Alleman Is mad at me for starving myself.� Idont Care, Shes jealous she doesnt have the will power.� When im skinny everyone will like me! Thats why shes so mad! How Pathetic shes that Jealous! She says im unhealthy just because shes jealous! Whatever!

I Eat nothing.
My parents go to taco bell because they think its my fave. fast food place. But theyre wrong.� Thats The Fat me's fave. place.� Ashley Granger thinks i cant not eat.� Ill prove her wrong.� I dont NEED Food. Food wont control Me. I Control me.� And I WILL Be Skinny And Beautiful.
Its 7:37 and im sitting in my room crying.� It Lets out everything built up inside.� And it burns calories. Im Pathetic.
1 comment(s) - 12:14 AM - 03/04/2011

iwannabethin98's Profile

  • Username: iwannabethin98
  • Gender / Age: Female, 27
  • Location: USA - Louisiana