dee23's Journal
Mar 2007
7:23 PM GMT
good news the bullie who attacked my son has been arested and charged for it this time thank god .he has also admitted attacking him for no reason so lets see if it has an impact on him now that he is known to the police and now his parents know what there litle angel has been upto. i have also been in touch with a tv show who wants me and my son to go on and tell our story to highlight the effects of bullying in school but until this case is sorted out i cant do that but fully intend to as soon as i can .bullies cant win and i am horrified every time i pick up the paper or turn on the tv and hear another child has killed them self all because the bullies keep getting away with it time and time again .thats why im so adamint to help any child i can who is beeing bullied because i worry that one day it could be my son that ends up when you read this if you know of a child in need then please offer them all the help you can never tell them just to forget it and get on with it help them any way you can and you never know you might just save a life or give a child there childhood back but never just walk away or ignore the problem
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Mar 2007
11:02 AM GMT
the schools here a fantastic not only has my son been shot with a bb pelet gun in school he was then assaulted by the same boy later that day resulting in a black eye and swolen face .i have removed my son from school and they wonder why .the boy involved should have been removed at once not allowed to return to the class and continue his rein of terror.the boy has now been excluded for 20 days this is not good enough what is he going to next stab someone or kill some one this child needs removing to a secure unit where they can handdel his behaviour .all kids have the right to attened school but they need to placed where they belong my son has dyslexia and i would love for them to place him in a school for dysleixa but you know what here in sunderland no such school exists they have schools for every other problem you can imangane but it's tuff luck if you have dyslexia . the education dep. have bitten of more than they can chew with me because i wont give in .
i have another two meetings this week i will let you know the out come
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Feb 2007
8:14 PM GMT
well i had my knee op and i must say it hurts a lot more than i thought it wouuld and it looks like i'll be on cruches for weeks yet and even worse now the doc wants to do my other one .well cant sit any longer need to put feet up
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Jan 2007
4:26 PM GMT
i have a new niece called emily louise she was born on 23rd jan and she is beautiful .havent been to see her yet because i've got the flu and dont want to pass it on to her or her mam and dad but i have seen photos of her we are going to see her this thursday .now i have six nephews and four nieces this family gets biger ever time i blink i'm the only one with only one kid on my side of family but on his emily is the first for his brother and sister in law but i'm sure it wont be the last .going in hospital on monday for knee op hope they fix it for me cos it kills when i bend it so hopfully it will be a lot better soon
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Jan 2007
9:51 PM GMT
why is it jan uary is nothing but bills .do they save them up and send out bills in bulk just to see who they can make go last i've piad them all and with a bit a of luck still have some casah for the rest of the month .my new baby niece is due to be born tommorowso i get to do my fav job and go shopping for baby clothes .i dont know what they are going to call her yet but i'm sure it will be somthing nice.
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Jan 2007
9:04 PM GMT
HAPPY NEW YEAR the aim this year is to be debt free easer said than done but im going to try my hardest to get there .already started saving money to pay off some debt.i'm also going to try realy hard to be more positive this year and not stress out as much again easer said than done my son will be having his op in feb so there you go i'm stressed just at the thought of it .well goto go now
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Dec 2006
9:10 PM GMT
today i went to my nieces birthday party she's 6 now they grow up so fast now when you talk to her its like talking to a forty year old .we al had fun and the adults had plenty to friend also told us his wife is pregnant again their first baby is only six months old they must have a death wish having them so close togehter but they are happy so i am too .
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Dec 2006
9:05 PM GMT
all quiet at last my son is out with his dad and that just leaves me and the dog ,it's great to have some time to yourself .i love them both but we all need a break other wise there is danger of world war three breaking out .my son is over the moon with all his christmas presents and so am i .i got a beautiful necklace and ear rings and of cause the usuall smellies and slippers. we all enjoyed christmas .
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Dec 2006
6:41 PM GMT
hi happy christmas to all my niece made it home in time for christmas.and she is doing realy well .we all had a realy good time at my sisters house on christmas day and came home fit to looking forward to new years eve. mind you i'll be at home just me and my son cos my other half has to work .so it will be a quiet night in lets hope next year is beter than this one
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Dec 2006
9:19 PM GMT
good news my neice has had her op it took seven hours but she is doing well she will be flat out for three days then they can start to turn her from one side to another they say it's a 50/50 chance of her getting home for christmas eve .well if not we will take christmas to her the entirre family wil go if she is still in god love her but at last she has a straight back and she will be about 3inches taller when she gets home .
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Dec 2006
9:46 PM GMT
my neice who needs the op is going in on sunday and having her op on monday poor soul will be in for christmas but she needs this op and even she says it's better to have it now even if it means staying in for christmas god love her
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Dec 2006
9:27 PM GMT
cant wait for christmas some thing good to look forward to for once. school finishes next week so not too long to keep them entertained before christmas. i wont be going out this newyears because my other half has to work .see he works in a hotel and wont finish till about 3 or4 in the morning so it looks like early to bed for me
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Dec 2006
11:27 AM GMT
would you belive it the hospital has ccancelled the op my neice was due to have in two days time .the poor kid is distraught i cant belive they would do that to a child she has been worried all week and now it starts all over again now it looks like 4th jan for her op poor kid i could gladly throttle the doctor for her .
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Dec 2006
12:19 PM GMT
my neice has to goto hospital this week for her op poor thing is petrified and honestly i dont blame her i would be too. she has to have her spine fused and rods put in and have her ribs broke and some of them taken out we all hope she will be out for christmas they say if all goes well she can come home on christmas eve but if not then we will take christmas to hergod love her.not much else going on at the mo my other half has gone shopping for my christmas presents so i've got the house to myself ahh peace at last
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Dec 2006
4:12 PM GMT
at last the christmas tree is up and looks great mind you it did fall over on me the first day that it went up but now it's fine staying where it should be .my son finally got his hair cut it's always a running battle to get it cut he says he just hates having his hair cut but now it's done and he looks human again . my nephew has another fight this week so i let you know the out come .
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Dec 2006
8:32 PM GMT
well my nephew didn't win the fight but still he done realy well just to get to the finals afterall he's only been boxing for a year .just about finished christmas shopping it will take me till next christmas to recover .the shops were packed and the lights give me a head ache doesn't help that i'm only partly sighted i can only see things that are directly infront of me . sometimes though the white cane comes in handy it's like the parting of the sea when i get that out wich i must say is'nt very often because i feel it's saying come and mug me cos i cant see you anyway .well enough self pity life goes on you get what your given learn to deal with it .
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- 11:46 AM - 12/07/2006
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Dec 2006
7:38 PM GMT
hi i'm back again i'm all excited because my nephew is boxing tonight and if he wins he will be the champion for his weight (75k) he's only 16 but he's good i couldnt go to this fight because it's too far away and my other half has to work .but i will see the dvd soon so fingers crossed he wins . to think this is the same boy that used to hang of my legs every time i went out he even used to hid my shoes to try and stop me from going mind you he was only 2 years old at the time now he's taller then me . however he still has the same cheeky smile and has an answer for every thing i'll let you all know tomorrow if he wins
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- 02:08 PM - 12/04/2006
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Dec 2006
8:20 PM GMT
not doing anything of intrest today just chilin for once nothing to do either so thought i'd have a look on the net .now i;m board with that too .watching x factor i like ray even though he's far too young for me he's stil a nice loking lad
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Nov 2006
5:44 PM GMT
my god christmas is only 25 days away and still i'm running round like a headles chicken trying to get all my shopping done . today my niece went for pre op she has curviture of the spine and is now going to have her op just 10 days before christmas we all hope she will be home in time .i'ts a hell of a op she will be having poor little soul well not little she's 15 now however she's only about 5 foot tall .she's had it tough all her life hopefully this op will help a lot but she needs more on her legs and feet so fingers crossed every thing goes well and she's home for christmas .
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Nov 2006
7:24 PM GMT
god does't time fly when you have too much to do christmas nearly here and still loads to do . my son would have the tree up now if i let him but it's too soon . think this year we will get a real tree they smell so nice and i think it seems more like christmas with a real tree .we always had a real one when i was growing up so yes thats it were getting a real one ,the cat still hasn't shown it's face my son saw her about three days ago but nothing since animals are strange arn't they .school got evacuated today because thay have a gas leak all the kids are happy because they might be off the rest of the week
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Female, 54
United Kingdom
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DEE23's Interests:
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hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old
all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me
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green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda
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bad mothers handbook . remeber me .
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