dee23's Journal
Nov 2006
10:01 AM GMT
sitting at home doing nothing much just waiting for phone calls like i said i;m not holding my breath over this obviously the local l.e.a. don't take a on board the importance of child saftey while in the care of the education this just goes to show what a bunch of selfcentered ignorant jumped up idiodts run the education dept. i dont hold the school responsible for this sittuation because they can only follow the rules of the it will be them that i hold responsible for the safty of my son .god help them should any thing else happen to him while in their care.
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Nov 2006
7:45 PM GMT
i'm sick do death of the education dept still i'm ready for round two with them. not much else to say today so i wont i might add somthing latter
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Nov 2006
8:16 PM GMT
well it's the weekend so no more trouble with the bullies at least and no more arguments with the education dept cos they only work monday to friday .so i have the weekend to compose my self ready for round two on monday they say that after the meeting they wil contact me but i'm not holding my breath cos i know it will be days before they get round to caling me .why can't life be simple what i would give for a queit life . the thing is it's all down to other people why my life is complicated after all i have to fight for what is right for my son and belive me fight is what i will do .thats what beeing a parent is all about doing what is right for your child
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Nov 2006
7:22 PM GMT
well i'm still at war with the education dept. but i'm not going to give in this time they will take notice soon this time thay have pushed the wrong button i'm going to keep going till someone sees that something has to be done to protect children from segragation and torment this time they have tryed to bull shit the wrong person
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Nov 2006
12:08 PM GMT
would you belive it the bullies strike again this time it was a physical attack so enough is enough i've phoned the police and the education and the school lets see what they think having a police record will do for them .may be it's what they need for the parents to take notice and relise thier child has no right to make someones life pure miserey thes are kids who should not be in main stream education and should be placed in a school that is equiped to deal with their needs this inclusion policy is a load of crap no one wins kids get tourted staff get harassed and the kids with the probles get no where so you tell me how does inclusion work it doesn't
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Nov 2006
1:53 PM GMT
"education inclusion policy"three words that mean all children have the right to be included in main stream education but at what cost . once these children arre in main stream they are then segragated into s.e.n. class where not only do they become the target for bullies in the whole school but also other children within the s.e.n. class and why because some little man in an office somewhere says all children must be included . no doubt this man has never been in one of the classes wher these kids are segragated to .and no doubt if he did would run screaming all the way back to his nice little office .i'm not the only person who thinks this does not work members of staff think the same but are tied up by red tape and bull shit put into place by the education department who never have to deal with the reality of putting all kids into main stream education . i wonder what goes through their heads when they hear another kid has just commited suicide because of the reality of inclusion because some one decided that the child could cope in main stream i hope some one who reads this works for the education department and gets off their arse and does somthing to sort this mess out ALL CHILDREN HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY SAFE AND EDUCATED TO MEET THEIR SPECIFIC NEEDS NOT THAT WHAT SOME JUMPED UP PRAT SAYS SHOULD HAPPEN
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- 10:05 AM - 11/23/2006
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Nov 2006
1:23 PM GMT
is it just a man thing that when the last of the loo paper has been used they just leave the empty one on the holder instead of putting a new one on . i mean it's not rocket science is it . so every time i go in there it's my job to get a new one out and put it on the holder it's not that i hate doing it .it just annoys me that they cant do it or rather wont do it .
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Nov 2006
5:08 PM GMT
been shopping again can't wait till it's all done still so many to buy for yet . the hard part is thinking of something to buy for other people you never quiet know what to buy them esecially for the in laws .well the cat still hasn't shown her face yet god knows where she is i'm sure she will be back one day more trouble from the bullies it seems to have worked for now so every thing is prety quiet at the moment oh my partner droped a table on his foot and broke his toe in three places it looks quiet nasty so he is limping round like an old man of 92 well you know what men are like don't you they don't get flu they get man flu and it's not a head ache it's a tumor
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Nov 2006
7:46 PM GMT
at last my mother has realised i'm right and she is wrong well now she can get her problems sorted thank god i thought i would have to go through some sort of brain washing to get her to take notice.been christmas shopping again today nerly every thing i bought was for my son but then thats what i always do buy for him first and then family and friends second but the bit i really hate is the christmas food shop. I mean for god sake the shops are only closed for one day so why does every one buy as if they wont reopen till next year .last year i actully saw two women fighting over a loaf of bread what ever next.
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Nov 2006
9:09 PM GMT
why wont parents listen they think that they can tell you what is right all your life then when your an adult and you try to give helpful advice they still won't listen they still think they know best well let them get on with it i'm sure one day they will find out i was right .and what will i do nothing just sit back and smile because i know i'm right .got somemore christmas presents today about time not long to go now hope i'ts more fun than last year for some reason it just didn't seem like christmas but then again it hasn't been the same since my nana died theres nothing better than seein g your nana drunk at christmas and singing her head off she made christmas feel warm and fun but it's gone now so i'll just have to take over where she left off and get drunk and sing like she did
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Nov 2006
3:51 PM GMT
still not found my mate on the net yet but i won't give up .haven't seen the cat for three days she obiviously likes who ever she is staying with not to worry though she'll be back soon.the bullies are beeing very quiet at the moment so it means a quiet life for my son and he can get on with his school work without any bother from the idiots .have been invited to an awards night for my sons school he has won an award but don't know what for yet it's on the 23rd nov last year he won one for all his hard work despite the dyslexia so i'll let you know what he wins this year .sony is the sponser this year so lets see what they get this year . oh and i started the christmas shopping today nothing exciting just som pj's so far more tommorw though
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Nov 2006
4:30 PM GMT
another quiet day nothing to say really been lokking for an old friend on the web but no luck yet it's a shame we lost touch we used to have a great time together but never mind life goes on im sure one day we will run into each other .i think the only reason we lost touch was that he was gay and didn't want me to know incase i rejected him of cause i knew and it makes no diffrence to me we were realy good friends and sometimes i just wish he would get in touch again it would be fantastic to see him again it's been 9 years since we last met up so much has changed in both our lives .i could allways talk to him and he never judged or lied he was like my brother and yea i do miss him always have so i'll keep looking and one day hopfully we will be back in touch .
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Nov 2006
5:49 PM GMT
all seems fine today still haven't started christmas shopping yet i'm going to have to bite the bullet and get it done .don't get me wrong i love christmas but there are so many people all trying to do the same at the same time and you get pushed and shoved all over the place .but never mind there are much worse things than christmas shopping .the cat is still living between two homes no the wonder she is getting fat will need to put her on a diet soon no more trouble from the bullies yet lets hope they are board now .
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Nov 2006
12:30 PM GMT
got the new computer so now every thing runs as it should thank god . the bullies at school have been dealt with for now untill they decide to start again hopefully they have had enough for a while and my son can get on and enjoy school because for a kid with dyslexia he still loves school and is keen to learn .and i must say he is fantastic with science .for a boy who couldn't read age 8 he has made fantastic progress and it's all down to hard work by him.
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- 08:02 AM - 11/10/2006
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Nov 2006
4:38 PM GMT
well the bullies are at it again they recon that they are going to jump my son on the way home from school and throw eggs at my house again .well this time i will call the police because this has gone far enough. these kids must have no disapline in their lives at all but what more can you expect when the parents cant wait to let them loose on the streets at night to cause untold damage to other peoples property as long as it's not there own these people should be held acountable for what there kids are doing you would not find my son romeing the street at night with a pack and why because it's no place for kid at night and i acctuallly communicate with my son and live as family
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Nov 2006
4:33 PM GMT
well at last my email is working again thank god for that getting new computer too so that should help .my son thinks the internet is great hes been asking for it for years so like evry one i know i gave in and here we are on the net .cat still living a double life and the dog still thinks she's the baby of the family.all she needs is a pram and she's set .starting christmas shopping this week oh god help me
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Nov 2006
1:30 PM GMT
well the cat has come back looking rather clean and brushed ate her food then turned round and promptly left .she is definatly a man in cat's clothing
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Nov 2006
10:46 AM GMT
todays saga is the cat she has not been seen in days .she has allways been wayward but now it seems she has had enough and found a new house to get fed.this is a cat that never misses a meal and is the first to shout for food but suddenly she only comes home once in a blue moon eats her food then promptly leaves.she must think she's a man
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Nov 2006
6:15 PM GMT
hi this is my first entry just to say what the hell happened to kids being disaplined. last night i had eggs thrown at my house and why because my son at last stood uo to the bullies at school and good for him. but the usual reply form the parents is "no my son wouldn't do that "you show me a perfect kid and i will show you a parent who's lieing through their teeth no one is perfect not even mary poppins .
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- 12:29 PM - 11/04/2006
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Female, 54
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DEE23's Interests:
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hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old
all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me
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green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda
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bad mothers handbook . remeber me .
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