dee23's Journal
Sep 2007
9:52 AM GMT
well this retierment lark is just not fr me i'm board stiff most days my son has went back to school now and he likes it now because all the ones that were bulling him are now out of his calss thank god for that .my other half is looking for a new job again so on a whole the family is happy for now lets see how long it will last .well thats all i have for now so see ya later
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Aug 2007
1:31 PM GMT
so much for child free evenings while my sone slept out for the night he also picked up a stomach bug which he passed on to the whole family and we have all been ill since .so thats what you get as punishment for beeing a horrible mother and wanting time to your self ah well at least we have all recoverd now so no more sleeping out for a while any way they go back to school next week so every thing will be back to normal .
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Aug 2007
7:17 PM GMT
for the first time in god knows how long i'm child free for the evening and guess what i've nothing to do nowhere to go and my other half is at work all night so hows that for sods law .so here i am talking to you instead nothing else going on in my life at the mo just same old stuff shopping cooking cleaning you know how it goes same day in day out god what a boaring life i lead anyway time to go
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Aug 2007
11:08 AM GMT
at last i have discovered what retirement is about yesterday i spent all afternoon having my hair done and eyebrows waxed which by the way does not hurt at all when a friend told me it realy hurts but now i have tryed it i will be having it done again . i think i realy needed the hair cut any way as i havent had it done in two years and it was down to my waist so now it's just to my shoulders and looks great just what i needed . now i know how all the women i see walking round with perfect hair have the time to do it htey just dont work
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Aug 2007
1:54 PM GMT
hi still haven't found anything do with all this spare time i have i have been so board that i have been to see my mother three times so far this week wich is very unlike me i usually go once a week at the most even she has comented on how many times she has seen me in three weeks . well the garden has been done the house has never looked so clean and the dog fears for her life as she gets her paws ran of her every day even she thinks i'v lost the plot and you know what she could be right .any way this week we are taking the kids to a wild life park for a day out so at least thats one day filled and they will be worn out by bed time for a change so thats the plan for this week now onwards and upwards to next week .
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Jul 2007
3:12 PM GMT
i must say that this is only the first week i've been stuck at home with nothing to do and yes i'm board out of my mind .going to a christening on sunday so at least it's a day out of the house away from the every day cleaning and watching tv till you eyes fall out of your head . i have just read peter kays life story and must say it is so funny i nearly wet myself i laughed so much ah well back to cleaning see you later
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Jul 2007
4:54 PM GMT
this being retired lark is not all thats it made out to be i know that there a thousands of people that would love to retire but i'm not one of those people who can just stay at home and do nothing all day long .i have never serfed the net so much looking for something to do and guess what i' m still board
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Jul 2007
1:51 PM GMT
i have decided to learn self hypnoises to try and quit the fags once and for all had first leason four more to go then we will see if it realy works or not .i'm getting bertter with the fags though any other day i would have had about 15 by now but today i have only had five so far .i know the last time i quit i cut down first then packed in and it was easier that way why the hell i started to smoke again i dont know i must have a screw loose.
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Jul 2007
12:54 PM GMT
well thats it i'm now retired yesterday was my last day i found it realy hard not to cry when the kids gave my presents and to make it worse my boss brought round a great big bunch of flowers for me i dont know how i kept the tears in for as long as i did when i came home i went into the gardden and broke my heart .i'm going to miss them all so much i've had the same kids for four and half years an they feel like part of the family .what i will miss the most is having someone to talk to about the every day stuff i do talk to my other half but it's diffrent form talking to friend you will know that .well thats the self pity done with for today so see you later .
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Jul 2007
8:01 PM GMT
time is moving very fast at the moment only two days left and thats it i'm retired my god you'd think i was old i'm only 35 i always thought i'd work till i was at least 60 but here i am 35 and due to retire in two days time i'm sure i will be insane within a month and only wish i still had a use in life apart from being a mother not that i dont like it 's just that i've always had a job to goto and now i feel old before my time .but shit happens and life is not always what we wish for but you have to take your lot and deal with it and there are always people worse off than your self i'm sure in the end i will find somthing to do with my time that might just save my sanity i will let you know when i work out what it is
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Jul 2007
8:52 PM GMT
nothing much to say life is ticking by not much going on .this is my last week before i retire and i must say i will miss my best mate we have been side by side for four and half years we talk about every thing and nothing we sort each others problems out but most of all we both have some one who listens and gives advice ,we have a laugh every day it's not work it's fun and i'm going to miss it all i know we will stay in touch but it's hard when you are in a car two hours a day every day with your best mate to just go to not seeing them every day and probaly only talking on the phone once in a while i have to say that he has been the best boss and friend i have worked for and i will miss him a lot
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Jul 2007
8:59 PM GMT
well we did it we had the party last night for my mothers 60th she loved it so thats the family reunion done for another year you can never get us all in one room at the same time well at least her four kids were there but there were three grand kids missing one was in scotland and two were at there school prom .does any one else out there understand middle child syndrome or in my case third child every one else has there place or title theres the first born (eldest sister) the only son( my big brother)then me and dont forget baby of the family (my little sister) so as you see the rest all fit into place and that just leaves me somewhere in the middle or usually some where in the back ground beenig reminded quiet often of how disapointed my parents were and still are that i was a girl rather than the boy they realy wanted .my nana was the one who kept me close by her and for that i love her till the end of time she said just before she died that when she was gone i would have no one and i didn't understand what she ment then but since her death i have found out just what she ment and i have never been so alone
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Jul 2007
9:10 PM GMT
well i havnt been on here f
or a while so heres whats happening . i have weeks left till i retire and still think i will be board stiff after one week .well it's my mothers 60th birthday next week so my dad phoned tonight for me to organise a party for this friday as he works away from home and will be back then so most of tonight has been spent on the phone trying to organise a party in just four days and so far i have to say between me and my sister and sister in law we have sorted out the food and drink decorations and now we only need my dad to get her out of the house longenough for us to get in and do the food and decorations .we would have had it some where else but she has a heart conditions that means she doesnt get out a lot .which she hates cos she has always been on the go her whole life and now she cant but any way i sure the party will go with a bang .
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Jun 2007
6:36 PM GMT
well only four weeks left till i retire and the thought of sitting around all day not doing much is realy starting to get to me i will miss everything about my job my friends the kids and just having a good gossip with people. insteaqd i will be stuck at home just me and the dog most days cos my other half works and my son will be at school so that will be it for me nothing to lok forward to just insanity and thte odd day out god what an exciting life i lead any way enough self pitty for now see you later
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Jun 2007
2:52 PM GMT
not a lot has happened this week just been so board it has rained for four days at least its fine today .my son went back to school on tuesday the house has been so quiet it's been bliss lol and so far no probles at school cos the bully has been kicked out again and not before time .both my nephew and niece have left school this week too one is going to collage the other has an apprenticeship as a joiner so it's better than a lot of kids i know who just hang around street corners and waste their lifes . still havent figured out what to do when i retire but never mind things could be worse .
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May 2007
5:16 PM GMT
yet another busy week my son had a hospital appointment about his foot and now they want to do the same to his other foot will be the same time next year poor sole .then last night he managed to bust his glasses oh well he was due a new pair anyway so thats another appointment this week and he has to go for new inner soles and arch supports for his shoes this week so it's none stop and all the time my retirement is getting closer still havent figured out what to do with my self all day ever day but i'm sure i will think of something
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May 2007
9:07 PM GMT
another week gone by that one went fast i dont mind beeing at home during the summer months for obivious reasons the sun shine chilling in the garden just messing around and having fun but the winter months are different altoghether.first it gets dark early and for some one like me with low vision that means i cant go out alone cos i cant see where i'm going and not just that it's the fact that when you look out side it looks so sad and wet cold and windy so i guess thats what i'm not loking forward to retiring for the fact that when i'm sad and down there will be no one to remind me other people are worse of than i am .i will miss the fun we have on the way to school just the every day chit chat and having a laugh with my good mate . so yes i will miss it all and no doubt turn into a couch potato and get fat and lazy lol.
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May 2007
6:11 PM GMT
another week done eight more to go then i will be board stiff every day think i'm going to find my self a hobbie or somthing or i might just go insane sat at home day in day out .my other half just got promotion at work so he's happy stiil after the new car and i'm still not giving in i can see this beeing a long fight over this car but i wont give in on this one no way
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May 2007
5:20 PM GMT
not a lot going on this week loads of appiontments though dentist physio optician so now i'm offically skint and have a 90th birthday to goto on sunday a friend turns 18 on monday and my other half is 33 on wed .so if i think i'm skint now just hate to see my bank account next week lol .
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May 2007
6:28 PM GMT
nothing much happening today my son is still off school and will be for another 3 weeks yet and he is not looking forward to going back .this is purley down to the bullies in his class and belive me god help them if they lay one finger on him this time oone of them has already been charged by the police for last attack on him and i think i'm just as worried as he is about him returning to school but hopefuly they have learnt there leason in more way then one any way i will keep you posted .
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Female, 54
United Kingdom
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DEE23's Interests:
About Me:
hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old
all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me
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green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda
Favorite Books:
bad mothers handbook . remeber me .
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