dee23's Journal

Dec 2006
9:10 PM GMT

today i went to my nieces birthday party she's 6 now they grow up so fast now when you talk to her its like talking to a forty year old .we al had fun and the adults had plenty to friend also told us his wife is pregnant again their first baby is only six months old they must have a death wish having them so close togehter but they are happy so i am too .
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dee23's Profile

  • Username: dee23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: United Kingdom
    DEE23's Interests:

    About Me: hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old

    Interests: all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me

    Favorite Music: rock

    Favorite Movies: green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda

    Favorite Books: bad mothers handbook . remeber me .

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