dee23's Journal

Jan 2007
9:51 PM GMT

why is it jan uary is nothing but bills .do they save them up and send out bills in bulk just to see who they can make go last i've piad them all and with a bit a of luck still have some casah for the rest of the month .my new baby niece is due to be born tommorowso i get to do my fav job and go shopping for baby clothes .i dont know what they are going to call her yet but i'm sure it will be somthing nice.
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dee23's Profile

  • Username: dee23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: United Kingdom
    DEE23's Interests:

    About Me: hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old

    Interests: all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me

    Favorite Music: rock

    Favorite Movies: green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda

    Favorite Books: bad mothers handbook . remeber me .

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