dee23's Journal

Aug 2008
3:50 PM GMT

sick as a chip is the expresion that comes to mind today in more than one way first as in ill sick and second as in just sick of beeing stuck at home with no company other than the dog if she could talk she could tell you a few tales� ah well back to the bordom see ya later

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Aug 2008
5:44 PM GMT

another dull day nearly over and it's just me and the dog again son's out boyfriend's at work and nothing to watch on tv .house work is even done i must find a better way to fill my time i feel like i'm just wasting my life there has to something more i can do with it just cant figure it out yet leet me know if you have any bright ideas because i'm all out

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Jul 2008
2:08 PM GMT

Do i have B O or bad breath well no but you would think i have when my son comes home he cant wait to get away form me .First thing in the morrning he gets up washed dressed and out he goes he cant wait to get away .today he went to his nana's house and as soon as i walked in the door he got up and went upstairs then he said i'm going to the shops and then phoned his nana not me to say tell me mam i'm going to call for me girlfriend .I know he does't mean to hurt me but that realy did . I think i must have grown horns overnight and yes i do feel excluded from his life and it's not a good feeling we have always been realy close went every where together talked and had a laugh but now i'm just left here with no involvment in his life other than to cook and wash his clothes and put a roof over his head and i feel sad lonley and redundant.

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Jul 2008
5:25 PM GMT

well im back again the bordom is getting too much for me to stand .now my son has a girlfriend i never see him he comes home at night has supper goes on the internet to talk to the girlfriend that he has spent all day with dont know what they have to say after beeing out together all day .ah well thats life kids grow up move on and parents have to take a back seat .he's nearly 15 but you would think he's going on 40 personaly i think he's too young for a girlfriend but you know what they are like the more you say dont do it the more they will so i have decided to let him get�on with it . kids have to grow up some time i never knew how fast that would be you blink and they are not babys any more there adults with there own life and a better social life than me but never mind you cant fight the tide and you cant turn back the clock no matter how hard you try .god i feel old�

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Jul 2008
1:52 PM GMT

hi i'm back again seem long time since i was on here so i thought i'd bring you up to speed my son has now fully recovered from his op and finished his physio at long last and now vanity has kicked in he now has contact lenses instead of glasses . He looks so strange to me without them as he has worn them from the age of three .At least he's happy with them more than i can say with the bill to pay lol .once again my other half lost his job this time it was the boss who went bust and that left us up the creek without a paddle but three weeks later he found a new job closer to home and we are back on the straight and narrow . thank god for that , all the work is finally done in the house and it looks lovley even if i do say so my self lol .as for the bordom it's still the same can't get used to not working i feel like i should be out there doing something with my life but ill health still an issue always will be so heres to more boring days . that s enough of me for now see you all later

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Mar 2008
2:22 PM GMT

hi it's quiet some time since i have been on here so this is what has been going son had his op and has been off school for three months he is now well enough to return to school.the council have started to modernise the house i have a brand new kitchen and bathroom at long last they knocked down my bathroom wall so the only privercey you had was a dust sheet hung where the wall once was we had no bath or shower for 4 weeks so had to go to my mothers house every day for a wash it's now six weeks on and i'm still waiting for them to fit the new fire my house looks like it's been hit by a bomb and i cant wait till it's all done and re-decorated� ah well life could be worse so thats my lot for today bye

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Jan 2008
11:49 AM GMT

what a christmas we had first of all my partner lost his job one week before christmas how nice of them to pay him off at that time off year.never mind he got a new job 24 hours later well done him .then my son had his op on 29th dec and is in cast till feb my house is going to modernised in feb and i still havent cought the fury burgler no doubt it's dead some where under the floor boards i put enough poision down to kill a horse so with a bit of luck its dead we haven't seen it or heard it so it looks good . i'm now insane because i hate not working and get so board i never know what to do all day i can't understand all these people who never work they must have such dull lives i would love to be able to go out and work but due to my health i cant and its driving me mad

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Dec 2007
1:59 PM GMT

have you ever seen the film mouse hunt well if you have you will understand what i'm on about cos the latest saga is there is a mouse in my kitchen we have layed traps to catch it but two days on still nothing so cupboards have been emptyed out boxing in on pipes has been took off rooms turned upside down and guess what we still cant find it so we have called in the big guns pest controll . now some of you may say it's only a mouse but to me i may as well be living with the worlds most wanted man at least you can see where he is and what he is doing this thing hides and seems to wait for me like a sniper .i swear i will have heart attack soon if we dont catch it to say i am terrified of mice is an i will let you know if and when we catch the fur coat wearing four leged burgler i'm sure i will find it sitting in my chair drinking my coffee smoking my fags and watching my tv god i hate mice

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Dec 2007
2:06 PM GMT

back again things seem to go from bad to worse in my house not only have i still got most of my christmas shopping still to do and shed load of appointments to goto now i find out my son has to gointo hospital on the 29th dec for his second op .which means the rest of the holidays running back and forwaard to hospitals and appointments he will be on cruches for about ten weeks and if thats not enough my house is getting modernised on the 18th feb .by the time i get through this lot i will need a holliday. fat chance of that though i havent had one of those for 20 years . well never mind i'm sure the christmas cheer will get me through it all or it will if i drink enough of it lol .

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Nov 2007
1:53 PM GMT

back again not much else to do these days just sit around a lot doing very little at the min. i'm even board at beeing board the weather is rotten nothing but rain and wind and i'm stuck here with no one to talk to only the dog and even she is sick of hearing it she gets up and goes to lie in her basket .so even shes board with me .christmas is getting even closer and i cant stand to even think abot it .it only means even more expense and beening nice to relitives that you only see at christmas and realy dont like them very much.ah well another rant done bye
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Nov 2007
11:43 AM GMT

feeling much better today not so down as i have been life is ticking by niceley at the moment .still getting very board every day with beeing retired but never mind things could be worse. nearly time for christmas again hasn't it gone fast this year well not much else to say today so see ya later
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Nov 2007
2:03 PM GMT

i feel so stupid and you know why it's because my son has a girl friend and that even sounds stupid. but realy it's becuase he is growuing up fast and i feel like he's slipping away from me almost like my job is almost done and it's time to let go but i dont want to becuase he's still my baby to me always will be he's only 14 and i think he's far too young to have a girlfriend theres plenty time for that when he's older but as always whatever we say they just try harder to do the opposite i'm sure i am not the only parent to feel like this but it's hard when you only have one kid because they become the center of your world .i know i have to let him have his own life but he's just too young for all this stuff yet .and i want him to my self a while longer .

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Oct 2007
12:06 PM GMT

where has the year gone it only seems like last week i was writng on here about christmas shopping and here it is again time to start all over again with christmas just every one is a year older including me all the kids are growing up so fast i can hardley keep up with them but it is true the older you get the faster the years pass by it's so easy to miss out on so much and before you know it's too late the year is gone and you cant get it back .so grab what you can while you can
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Oct 2007
1:53 PM GMT

my son came home last night an told me he has a girlfriend he's only 14 so i dont know what to think about that one .well i will just have to wait and see how that one goes .kids grow up so fast these days you cant keep up with them one min it's so i hate girls the next thing you know is i think girls are great . i suppose i was the same at that age i just never told my parents about them ah well it's all part of growing up and leading your own life .you have to let them get on with it there not babys for ever .shame though he was a lovely baby but i'm sure he is growing into a lovely young man now .
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Oct 2007
1:15 PM GMT

here i go again i went to see specialist for my eye condition and now been told i have had a mini stroke and need to see another specialist it's the same every time i see a doctor they find something else wrong. i think i'm ready for the scrap heap i also have to see a heart doctor to see if thats ok too .well life could be worse at least now i now whats wrong with me at long last cos all the other doctors haven't had a clue
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Oct 2007
3:12 PM GMT

welll ten days late but i finaly got a birthday present of my other half he bought me flowers and for the first time ever they wern't beccause he had done something wrong .
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Sep 2007
5:39 PM GMT

at last my other half has got a new job managing a restrarunt better pay better hours so well done him .my son loves school now it has only taken 10 years to hear him say that he has realy worked his socks off and got his grades up not bad for a kid with dyslexia i am so proud of him for all the problems he has had to overcome and the bullies
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Sep 2007
11:45 AM GMT

it's my birth day today and i got two cards and one text message and thats it and the cards were not from my other half or my son although my son said he's sending an e card later .the point beeing there would be hell to pay if i did'nt bother with there birthdays
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Sep 2007
10:25 AM GMT

once again we are back to the car saga now it needs a bearing replaced and guess what he wants a new car again i get sick and tired of "have you seen this car in this mag " and "well it wont last forever "and the best one of all is "this one has better miles to the gallon" god i hate cars what ever happened to getting the bus .before we met i always took the bus the only cars i used was a taxi on shopping days .now he also wants a new job or so he says i have been emailing his cv to allsorts of companys but nothing yet well one looks promising so lets hope he gets it .one good thing is my son now loves school as he has been moved into another class away from all the bullies and he thinks it is fantastic lets hope it lasts .

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Sep 2007
3:07 PM GMT

hi i have been so board today that we have been sitting here typing in all sorts of things on the net to see what comes up it is unbelivable what you can put in and still get hundreds of seachers like why is pee yellow go try it for your self or why does shit stink it realy is unbeliveble any way thats all for now see you all later

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dee23's Profile

  • Username: dee23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: United Kingdom
    DEE23's Interests:

    About Me: hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old

    Interests: all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me

    Favorite Music: rock

    Favorite Movies: green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda

    Favorite Books: bad mothers handbook . remeber me .

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