AguilarBaby's Journal

Jan 2007
12:44 PM PST

Well baby Happy New Year...I am sorry but I have not talked to you since 12-26-06...that is sad. I was supposed to talk to you everyday but I have either been busy or tired but those are not good enough excuses...but let me tell you what has been going on...on 12-27-06 I started to feel you for the first time was ever so faint but I knew that it was not something I have felt before and I paid attention to it and it was little pitter patter of your little feet. I am sure you are doing all kinds of stuff in there but I only feel the important ones. 12-28-06-well this day was just an ordinary day. We went to Sams after work and I got the biggest chocolate chip cookie cake I have ever seen and it was a double decker so it had frosting everywhere...I loved it..I also bought a Watermelon b/c we have to have watermelon all the time...I know you will like that stuff. I felt you again during different times of the day..It was so surreal...I love it..I will be working and all of a sudden I feel a little tap or a poke. 12-29-06-Well today is the start of my 3 day weekend. Your dad was off so he stayed home with Rage and Syrus and I went to work. Nothing exciting. We did not do anything but stay home however I did feel you kick again several occassions. I think it is when I eat and then I am fixing to go to bed is when I should feel you and it seems that is the case. 12-30-06-Well today your dad went to go and play Madden with his co-workers at Jason's house. I don't know if you will meet him but he works with your Dad. You and I stayed home with Rage and Syrus and we talked with your Aunt Roxane. Her and the baby stayed home too and took a warm bubble bath. That was it but I still felt you move and I tried to hear you on the heart monitor but I still cannot hear you but that time will come and I will be patient. 12-31-06-Well today is New Years Eve....We woke up kinda late and your Dad made breakfast. It was real good. We stayed home all day and took naps and your Dad played playstation 3 and then we went to go and get our New Year's dinner....McDonalds so that is how we rang in the new year. We played playstation and ate McDonalds. Our family all called us 12:00am Texas time to wish us a Happy New Year so we decided to celebrate it with them b/c we are Texans at heart. I feel asleep with you doing your daily excersies I was trying to let your Dad feel but you are too little for him to feel from the outside but I am sure that time is coming so I am trying to be patient. Now this brings us to today.. Today we woke up really late b/c we stayed up so late but we watched movies and we ate some pizza and fruit and took several naps and then we were going to eat but our Neighbor friends Meghan and Wayneman called us and wanted to see if we wanted to come and eat some Leg of Lamb. It was real good we had never eaten that before. They came over here and we ate at our table b/c they did not have enough chairs for us to sit at but it was good and we watched another Movie and we called it a night...Well that is all for today it is late and I have to go to work so does your Dad so I will talk to you tomorrow. I still feel you and you keep on moving whichever way you want to it lets me know that you are ok. We love you and we will talk again. Love Always, Mom & Dad

AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington