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AguilarBaby's Journal
Jan 2007
12:15 PM PST
Hi Mamas....well today I did not go to work b/c they closed my work down today b/c of the snow and ice but your Dad had to go...poor thing but everything is ok. It is real cold and alot of snow everywhere. We went to play in the snow and we took Rage and Syrus to play too it was a lot of fun we have pictures so when you are old enough I will have the waiting for you. I sent pictures of you that I got yesterday from your sonogram and I forgot to tell you that we got some pictures of you putting your hand up with all of your fingers...it was so cute but what I really forgot to tell you was that you just were not cooperating with the Radiologist yesterday. He was trying to get all of the important parts of the body and all you kept doing was moving and just not staying still so he had a hard time getting all of the images.. I had to move on my side to see if you would move in the way he needed you to move and you just did not want to. I hope this is no indication on the way you are going to be when you are older. :) Well mamas I am going to bed I hope we do not have to work tomorrow but we shall see. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love always Mom & Dad
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AguilarBaby's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 47
USA - Washington
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