AguilarBaby's Journal

Nov 2006
11:54 AM PST

Well today we are getting ready to go back home to Washington. We went to eat with some of my old co- workers (Leilani, Karen, Rebecca, Cici) and your Aunt Michele. We went to eat at Carrabas. It was pretty good. They were very excited about your upcoming arrival and we took lots of pictures but Rebecca has not sent them to me but when she does I will put it on here. We also went to your Aunt Roxane and Uncle Ruben's house. We had a belated birthday cake for your Dad and we opened gifts. Your grandma Aguilar gave us the biggest lemons that we had ever seen so we can take them back home to show everybody that things are bigger in Texas. He also got a game for the Playstation 3 (Madden 07) He was real excited. It is really really late and we have to be at the airport tomorrow at 4:00am so I am going to go and I will talk to you later. Love always, Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:46 AM PST

Well today is your Dad's Birthday...he turned 31...old man :)....We got all of the family together and went to eat at Rudy's Bar-b-que. It is great. We had a good time and have alot of pictures to show you when you are old enough. I have attached a picture to show you just how much fun. All of your cousins were there and both of your grandmas. We went to Mike & Dians for crepes afterwards and they were good. Well it is late so we will talk to you later. Love always Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:55 AM PST

Well today we did not do a whole lot. We went to see your Aunt Roxane and Uncle Ruben. We let them know that we were expecting you and they are super excited. They are also having a little one of their own and she is due right around your due date (05-31-06). So you will have a cousin that is the same age as you...that would be real cool. Well that is enought for today...nothing big in the belly today. I love you and talk to you tomorrow. Love Always Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:38 AM PST

Your Dad and I spent all day together by ourselves. We ran some errands and your dad got his much awaited Playstation 3. I am sure he will explain the importance of this when you are old enough to play with him. We went to go and eat dinner with your Grandma Aguilar and we watched the Seattle Seahawks game and it was snowing where we live. We missed the snow but I sure there is more. Well it is late so I will talk to you tomorrow. You were real quiet today not making any fusses I feel pretty good. I love you...Love Always, Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:32 AM PST

You were quite yet again today not making me sick or feeling tired today. Good Boy! I met with some of my high school friends and let them know the good news about you. They are all excited for you (Selena and Christina). Your Dad spent most of the day with your Grandma Aguilar. He let her know that we are expecting you and she was extatic. She started to cry. Your Dad, your Aunt Michele, and I went to eat at Chili's and called it a night. It is late so I will talk to you tomorrow. We love you.....Mom & Dad.

Nov 2006
11:27 AM PST

Well we had a party today with some of our friends (Rebecca, Tony, Mike, Diane, Chris, Jimmy, James, your aunt Michele, Cici) We had a good time. I was real tired so your Dad and I spent the night at Rebecca's house. You were quiet today...growing by the min. remember. Well I love you and will talk to you tomorrow. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:19 AM PST

Well I am writing this a little late b/c your Dad and I stayed up all night waiting in line for a few goodies that were going to be on sale the Day after Thanksgiving so we slept all day. No major feelings with the belly today. It looks like you are doing good. I am sure you are growing every min. Well just thought that I would say Hi and we always love you! Love, Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:17 AM PST

Well today is Thanksgiving and we are all here at you Aunt Michele's house with her roommates Rebecca and Cici. Your Dad and I announced that we were having you to your grandmother Rivera and my aunts and my cousins. Everybody was really happy to hear that you were real and are ready to welcome you into our family. Well enough for now...I am tired but I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Always Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:13 AM PST

Today your Dad and I are getting ready to go and visit our family in San Antonio, Texas. It was a long day at work but we have alot to do to get ready. You seem to be doing fine no feelings today. I love you and talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

Nov 2006
11:12 AM PST

Today I got to hear you for the first time...your dad and I were breathless. It has been quite a journey to this time and we are quite excited. We are looking forward to our next visit to the doctor so maybe we can see you. Well enough for today we love you and keep growing. Love Always Mom & Dad

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AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington