AguilarBaby's Journal

Dec 2006
8:53 AM PST

Today we got to eat some really good pizza that we had not eaten in a long time. I was getting quite a bit of pains today in my belly and I am sure they were all for you.. Nothing bad though....We talked to your Grandma Aguilar and Tia Roxane for over an hour. They were just checking how we were doing and to make sure we made it through the no power. Well that is all for today you seem to be growing b/c I am feeling it. Your Dad & I love you so talk to you later.....Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:56 PM PST

Well today there was a much more feelings in my belly. At first I was scared b/c it was something I had never felt before but it was not that bad and it only lasted for maybe about 3 min but then it would come back so I figured you were changing positions to get more room I don't know. I finally mailed out our Christmas Cards today so everybody will get them. They are all signed by you "The Baby". I also went to get some blood taken to make sure that you have no birth defects. So we will have to wait a few days to make sure everything is ok. Well I just finished eating some soup again. I think I am going through a soup phase or maybe you want soup I don't know but we ate it and made some tea and now we are going to bed. I expect that you will start to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming weeks so I am excited. Christmas is coming up so I am not sure what we are going to do since we are not going home to our family so we will see. I love you and I will talk to you tomorrow...Love your Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:51 PM PST

Today you were obviously moving b/c I was feeling some tighting in my belly nothing too bad but they say that you will double in size in the next 3 weeks so I am sure there is a lot more of that to come. We went to work today and all anybody could talk about was what happened over the weekend but all of our friends had their power and they were safe. I just came home and made some soup to eat and then we are going to bed b/c we are tired. I love you and will talk to you later. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:48 PM PST

Well we finally got power today at 2:00am. We immediately took a bath and turned on our heaters so we are back in business. We slept most of the day and I am sure that was your way of telling me that it is now time to relax b/c I need to grow. So we did. We also cleaned up everything and put everything back in it's place to get our lives back in order. Well we have to go to work tomorrow so we will talk to you later. Love Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:47 PM PST

Well today is another day of no power. We are trying to keep warm for your sake. Your dad built a fire in our fireplace and then he make a bar-b-que outside so we could have something warm to eat but we are managing. There was a tree that feel into one of the apartment buildings here where we live and some people were without homes so we got to know some new people their names are Megan and Wayneman. They are a really nice couple from Chicago and they moved here almost the same time we did (May). They came over for dinner in the dark but it was fun. You were quite quiet today no real big discomfort but I was keeping you warm so you would stay comfortable. Well that is it for today. We will talk to you later...Love Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:44 PM PST

Well last night we had this really bad storm that knocked out all of the power for over 1 million people. It was a really bad wind storm so we are without power but it is not too bad and you are probally sleeping through all of this which is good b/c it is cold...

Dec 2006
12:41 PM PST

Today was another non-exciting are really quite but I am sure you are as active as ever I just don't feel you....Well we tried to do our Christmas Cards today but Syrus and Rage were not cooperating so we will have to put them on hold till tomorrow. We just finished eating Totinos Pizza which was very good. Well that is it for today. We will talk to you tomorrow...Love Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:38 PM PST

Well today you were doing just big moments today. Your Dad and I just went to work and we went to go and get our Christmas Cards to make today. It is pretty cold outside but nothing too bad. Well this is it for now. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love always Mom and Dad

Dec 2006
12:35 PM PST

Well today was another quiet day. I feel as if my stomach is getting bigger but it really isn't I know you are growing by leaps and bounds so that is to be expected. You are quite a blessing not causing any problems for your Mom. Well your Dad and I ate sandwiches for lunch and we are going to call it a night early so we will talk to you later. Love Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:33 PM PST

Today was a great day. We went to see the doctor today to check to see how you are doing. She said you looked to be doing good. We heard your heartbeat again but you were moving all over the place and did not want to let her listen to you so she tried to chase you all over but you would not stay still long enough so she just gave up and said that we really like moving babies so that is a good thing. I get to find out what you are actually a boy or a girl in about 4 weeks so we cannot wait. I really hope you are a boy so that you can be the older brother to your other siblings but I will just be greatful for whatever as long as you are healthy. I love you and I will talk to you later. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:30 PM PST

Well today we did a whole lot of nothing. I think you were very tired and kept telling me that we needed to go to bed so we did ALL DAY. We had way too much fun yesterday so today was to rest. You were very quiet today but I suspect that will not be for long. Well your Dad and I have to go to work in the morning so we are calling it a night but we will definetly talk to you tomorrow. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:28 PM PST

Well we went up to the snow today to take our Christmas pictures. It was quite an adventure and I am sure you were aware that I was scared b/c I was but we did have a great time and your Dad even found a way to get us stuck in the snow but some very nice people pulled us out. Nothing big but quite scary. We also went to a Christmas Party at our realators house it was a lot of fun so it is late now so we will talk to you tomorrow. Love Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:25 PM PST

Today was a very quiet day you must have slept the entire day or something. Work was good for your Dad and I and we are planning a trip to take a picture with you and Rage and Syrus. You are in my belly still but you are still with us. We have to go to bed early so we can get up early talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:36 PM PST

Well today you are still stretching trying to make room in your home for the next 5 months. Nothing bothering me but just enough to make me know you are there. Your Dad and I are going to bed early so we will talk to you tomorrow. We love you Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:12 PM PST

Today you were growing like crazy I think b/c my belly was hurting all day. You might be streatching trying to make more room to grow....I hope b/c it hurt all day but nothing that I could not handle. I did not even make Dinner...we ate Pizza Hut. Your Dad is not feeling good so he went to the doctor and he went to bed already and we are about to go to bed too. Well I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Always, Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:09 PM PST

Well you were a little upset today I think b/c my back started to hurt and you were telling me I needed to take it easy. I did not make a full Dinner meal today so I did take it easy and we are going to go to be early so don't worry I will listen to you. Well that is it for today but I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Always...Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:07 PM PST

Well today was uneventful we went to work and we just got home. I am going to make Enchiladas for your Dad which is his favorite so I don't have much time to talk. You seem to be rested b/c you were quite today but we are heading into our 15 weeks and you are almost as big as a that is significant from where we started. Well we are going to go to bed early today but I will talk to you tomorrow. We love you...Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:04 PM PST

Today was almost the same as yesterday very quiet. I think you were tired and trying to tell me that you needed your rest b/c we took like 3 naps...Your Dad started to worry about us. I get it thought we were on the go so much on vacation that we just slipped getting the rest that we need. Well tomorrow your Dad and I will have to go to work so we are going to bed early. I love you and I am sure you are rested now. Talk to you tomorrow. Love always Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:01 PM PST

Well we did not do anything today and neither did you. i think you were tired b/c I slept all day....Your Dad and I went to the grocery store b/c we had no food. We are all stocked up. You need all the nutrients that you need...Well not too much action today but I will talk to you later. Love always Mom & Dad

Dec 2006
12:12 PM PST

Well today we made it home all in one piece. We are real tired so we are going to go to sleep really early. We went to pick up our puppies Rage & Syrus. Sorry I have not talked about them before but they are our kids before you. You will get to meet them soon. Well your Dad and I are going to bed but we will talk to you tomorrow. Oh yeah by the way you are doing great I hope, just growing away I am sure. I feel nothing yet but sure enought. Love Always, Mom & Dad

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AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington