AguilarBaby's Journal

Jan 2007
11:57 AM PST

Hi Baby...well tomorrow is the big day...I get to find out if you are a boy or a girl....I am real excited. You know that I would prefer that you are a boy but if you are a girl I would love you the matter what. I also get to see if everything is perfect for you and you are growing the way you are supposed to. How exciting huh? Well today your Dad and I just took it easy b/c we are tired from last night but everything is fine. I will talk to you tomorrow and let you know the exciting news....Oh by the way I talked to your Aunt Roxane and she is doing fine and the baby is doing fine but she is on bed rest until she has to have him so that is unfortunate. Well that is it for today.. I love you and talk to you soon....Mom & Dad

AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington