AguilarBaby's Journal

Dec 2006
8:21 AM PST

Well today is Christmas Eve....We are not going to do anything spectacular b/c we do not know anyone here so we are just going to stay home and watch movies...Sounds fun huh? Well I have slept most of the day so I am sure you wanted to sleep but I understand b/c I kept you up all day yesterday so today I don't feel anything in my belly...I am sure you are loving it just chillin in all of that belly but soon you will be real big and you won't have that much room but that is in the next couple of weeks...We are just watching football for most of the day and sleeping so nothing major... Well I love you and I will talk to you later...Love Always, Mom & Dad

AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington