AguilarBaby's Journal

Jan 2007
12:12 PM PST

Hi Danica...that is right you are a GIRL! Your offical name is Danica Bree Aguilar....we named you Danica b/c your dads name is Daniel and my name is Monica so we mixed the two names and came out with Danica...that is also a name of a famous Indy race car driver that is the only you are famous....well everybody is real excited that you are a girl and they cannot wait to meet you...Guess what else happened? Well it started to snow today when your Dad and I were coming home from work. We are real excited so I got some snow for you so that you could play with it when you are able to. Well I love you and I will talk to you later. Love Always Mom & Dad

AguilarBaby's Profile

  • Username: AguilarBaby
  • Gender / Age: Female, 47
  • Location: USA - Washington