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    lovely1  35, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
5:52 AM PDT

1 comment(s) - 10:41 AM - 03/13/2007
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    kittyneedsspace  32, Female, Canada - 7 entries
Sep 2006
4:02 PM AST

hay just when things seem to get brighter .. well let's say they didnt now I have choice to make to see him or not aAAAAHH what's a teenage girl to do!
1 comment(s) - 07:27 PM - 09/20/2006
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    Cumber  35, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
4:22 AM PST

Ok so just a few days ago my boyfriend of three and a half years decides that he doesn't knows what he wants anymore....devastated i called my good friend alicia and told her what happened. she tells me that i can't be in that kind of relationship and to try and end it or something. so the next time my boyfriend and i talked he had said that he just doesn't see the diffrence between us being friends versus us being a couple....that was pretty much a slap in the face to me. so i said that we weren't a couple any more and ended it saturday night. it was so hard for me to start telling people the bad news...none of my friends knew highschool without jared and i being a couple. it was really devasting to alot of different people. my mom didn't find out until sunday night....even then i couldn't tell her face to face, i texted her and told her what had happened. everyone that i told got the goosebumps. no one even saw it coming. it was hard-hitting news. my own brother didn't even believe me at first. but once he finally believed me he was behind me 100%. all of my friends have really. my cousin, when my sister told her, started to cry. everyone was hurt, not just me. that following monday at school was really awquard. he wasn't even acting like any thing happened that weekend. he still expects us to be really good friends and hang out and stuff,and i would LOVE to, but he doesn't understand how hard it is for me to retain myself from hugging him or kissing him. i love him so much. i just dont understand. so im trying not to talk to him or hang out with him, you know? just give him some space for right now, but its hard because he is everywhere
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    cantalope320  28, Female, Canada - First entry!
Sep 2006
1:12 PM F

I want a dog just like this one!
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    bloggergirl  31, Female, Netherlands - 4 entries
Sep 2006
10:01 AM EDT

haha my bruder is crazy he cut out naked girls out magezines and he is only 8 jears old sooo crazy.
5 comment(s) - 02:12 PM - 03/25/2007
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    kimmy  51, Female, USA - 3 entries
Sep 2006
5:19 AM CST

Well I started at Wal-mart yesterday (orientation) and it went well. I feel so old, everyone in the class was right out of high school or just started college. I know it's a job and who cares right? Anyway, I feel pretty decent today, I am just gonna try and relax and get some much needed rest.
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    sxj  47, Male, China - First entry!
Sep 2006
6:17 PM EDT

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    xXDominoXx  31, Female, United Kingdom - First entry!
Sep 2006
5:05 PM WEDT

I guess what I'm probably most scared of is doing something to hurt others. Especially those I love. I'm not talking about saying no when asked to go to the shop. More of making people cry. I hate it when people cry. I'm clue less at what to do. Wait. Does that mean I'm scared of not being in control? No... I hate not being in control but I'm not scared of it. Just really hate it. It's like this thing most people think of at some point in there lives. There is some sort of situation and either you or your friend/dad/mum/relative has to die. Who do they chose? When I asked my parents with they both said they would chose me. You have no idea how much I hate that thought. They would rather have themselves die and me live. Why? Ugh. That's just one thing that I hate unbelievably much. I would rather have my parents live because they already have a life don't they? They have things they worked so hard to get. I'm twelve years old so I don't have anything I had to work hard to get. I've achieved nothing of inpotance. They have people who they have grown up with... It's just not logical for them to want to save me... Am I making any sense? Most likly not.
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    dannasty  53, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
12:26 AM EDT

i am afraid of is me
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    taradell  48, Female, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2006
5:41 PM EDT

Just uploading my pic!!!
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