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    kevinkoppel  35, Male, California, USA - 3 entries
Dec 2006
12:21 PM EDT

a glimpse of light shines hope through the cracks in the pavement. from below the surface i embrace the rays of happiness and warmth but i reside here...where the cold damp walls of decomposing earth is home. i will stay here until the opportune moment in time where the stars in the sky match the number of days my life has endured. at that moment the clouds will flee and the sky will open up in all the brilliant shades of light. eternal sunshine will light the path that will be layed before me. at that moment i will become one with myself. my mind will be able to exress its thoughts of wisdom through something other than the written hand. when that time comes i will be ready for it. when that time comes i will be ready. til then i wait patiently in this makeshift costume that hides my ntirety.
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    twistedwings  36, Female, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Dec 2006
6:30 AM EDT

have u ever noticed that no matter how bad u might want something chances are your not ever going to get it
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    AmbBam  41, Female, Texas, USA - 5 entries
Dec 2006
5:07 PM EST

I dont believe that we pretend to be something we are not but we pick and choose what part of us we want to let out.For example if im at work i become a little more wacky. Why its because i like them to know that im a little more eccentric than the "average" person. For example when we are around our family memebers we become more relaxed. Around our friends, some of us become more outrageous, spontaneous, random, reckless,sexy ,and sometimes downright destructive. These ways are part of us and sometimes it may not be part of our everyday functioning. Its still part of us. We as humans fail to realize that. Its a new age, its not like it use to be that everyone knew who you are and your family. Nowadays we are more private, diverse friends, and of course enemies. So we have to pick and choose what part of our self we want to let out.
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    Lostletters  35, Female, Canada - First entry!
Dec 2006
10:54 AM EDT

"dear diary...i fucking hate you..." Have you ever had such an experiance that overwhelmed you and you couldnt control feelings that were enraging your body... Words changing your moods. Infecting your body contagiously. You feel like breaking out and no one to help , feeling lost and rejected afriad to go anywhere, afraid of the ungoing rejection that you face from day to day. abandon by the people who gave you their word of support and sercurity. words mean nothing, melt away like the clear liquid on the earth floors. no on knows what love is. everything is a trend, some fashion statement that people must follow to fit in and be in the light of things. go back to the darkness, you were fine now your fake and wasting away from your life. find the true you. get better, flee from this sickness devour the postive and rid yourself of the negative. let the music talk for you if it must.
1 comment(s) - 01:25 PM - 12/11/2006
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    BloodRedRoses  33, Female, Connecticut, USA - First entry!
Dec 2006
2:05 AM EDT

I am afraid of heights... Why? I guess I don't really know.. I just don't like being up so high. It makes me feel dizzy
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    HorseFreak1505101  34, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Dec 2006
12:55 PM PDT

xanga main home your private my profile look and feel feedback read subs add me
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    actingxisxlife  34, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Dec 2006
2:59 PM EDT

Hey nothin going on right now jus chillen with my peeps lol. So howz life treatin Everyone good, bad? Im good in case you were woundering. I lovee my hunny buns! (my boyfriend) if u want to know anything else about me jus email me at
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    moni645969  42, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Dec 2006
2:30 PM EDT

i think that people who keep journals are the ones who let their feelings out. people who dont use journals give up and keep their problems botteled in. it is good for people to use journals beacuse it helps get their feelings out. people who dont use journals will get so mad and explode one day.well yeah it is good to keep a journal because it really helps
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    Valentin  36, Male, California, USA - 2 entries
Dec 2006
12:16 PM EDT

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    nunez5  35, Male, California, USA - 6 entries
Dec 2006
5:22 AM PST

I believe that self inlightenment that is the key
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