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    Amber  49, Female, Canada - 2 entries
Aug 2006
4:25 PM D

A Mother's Love Determines How A mother's love determines how We love ourselves and others. There is no sky we'll ever see Not lit by that first love. Stripped of love, the universe Would drive us mad with pain; But we are born into a world That greets our cries with joy. How much I owe you for the kiss That told me who I was! The greatest gift--a love of life-- Lay laughing in your eyes. Because of you my world still has The soft grace of your smile; And every wind of fortune bears The scent of your caress.
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    Anairo  32, Female, Canada - First entry!
Aug 2006
9:26 AM PST

Here's my first official post! Sorry to all you people who feel the need to get in on everybodies lives, but the average post I make on here will be private. I will say the reason why I've finally decided to create this journal... Long ago I used to have an internet journal, which I used to always bleed my heart into. But then one day that site closed down, and my journal went with it. Over the past few days I've been experiencing a lot of things which I need to get off my chest, and something very frustrating has just happened... So here I am.
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    happibunni4u  31, Female, USA - 2 entries
Aug 2006
2:53 PM EDT

Here's a song I wrote. Life is a book. You should try to look but theres no chance of seeing whats coming around the corner. Feeling ok I guess I could say I am a little shaken up. Sitting in bed bouncing my head to the music I listen to. The time is just right to say goodnight but I am not tired yet. I want to get up I want to stand out in the crowd. He is holding my hand he said I would understand if you chose to leave me. He said- Why not, why not leave me right now, can't you see your face in the crowd but I'm just an outcast living in the back. i am not good enough for you. Your to good for me. Now this dont you see baby. How can you hold my hand. People would die to be in your shoes. Finally he let go of me and I saw in his eyes that we we're not ment to be. I said hold on wait up I feel the same way and I dont see how u could say that when You are in the crowd showing off. I am the outcast, Sure to be last. Never knowing what will come next. Life is like a book You should take a look. spend some time with me. Baby I feel a little shook. I'm gonna go sit down and read my book.
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    sweetpea2779  45, Female, USA - First entry!
Jul 2006
6:42 PM EDT

Today, I had to work 1-6 not much else has happend. I had to restart a blog because my space will not let me open mine up. So, this is my new site. Hope everyone is doing good.
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    ellen  58, Male, USA - 2 entries
Jul 2006
12:23 PM PDT

How can I trust someone if that someone has broken my trust, My heart is empty, Its cold as ice, As it reach to break, It leaks out of water, That water drips and slips away, That trust, That moment, All within those you have broken, I may not trust you or your friends but that don’t mean we can’t be friends, Just friends without that trust, You have to work your trust with me, You have to make me understand why should I ever trust you again, You have to repair that broken trust, You have to work hard, That don’t mean be hateful towards me, Just show me that I can trust you once more.
1 comment(s) - 05:32 AM - 04/29/2007
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    ChrisBrownLover  28, Female, USA - 2 entries
Jul 2006
5:25 PM EDT

HEY! I WAS SO BORED I THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE UP A POEM. Wet- When I'm all wet when i see you I dry all up. And when I'm all Dry I get all Wet again but when your nnot around I Just feel like I should move to a Desert , Or I should move to my imaginary Land called "Rainy Town."-Dry
1 comment(s) - 08:05 PM - 12/18/2006
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    RMEHRT  44, Male, USA - First entry!
Jul 2006
11:25 AM EDT

So i met this guy who is irresitable and so not the right one for me as far as my mom is concerned but i can't help but like him so much. I have noticed him coming into my place of buisness alot and he stays for hours. I started flirting with him about 2 months ago to see if there was anything there and to my suprise he flirted back. So last week i made cookies for everyone and hoping i might see him i brought him some also. He came in that night and i gave them to him. man his smile just makes my heart jump and its hard to keep my thoughts PG when i am around him. That feeling i haven't felt in a long time. ANYWAY!!! her ate the cookies and i asked him how they were. He told me the only thing they were missing was my phone number! i could of died. I thought this guy must be joking. he's way out of my league. Hes the kind of guy you see with a pamela anderson look alike. Some size 0 blonde bombshell. I'm so not in that catagory. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh 215 pounds. I'm an ex army medic and i work in law enforcement, lol not the girlie type at all. But i have alot of good things about me most of these things don't matter to people this day and age. So here i am in a awesome but awkward moment where this hott guy is asking for my number and what do i say? I say whatever, then laugh and go about my work. I'm a dumbass i know, i thin i just blew it i say to myself! But thank the lord he knew what a joker i am and he asked for it again about 5 minutes later. So i gave him my number! WOOO-HOOOO i was so excited. This guy actually asked for my number. So later that night I get a text message. It was rob and he asked if i missed him. did i ever! we talked for awhile had a great conversation. i like this guy more and more. we set up a date to hang out on monday evening. I was so excited i couldn't wait to go. Monday evening comes and no phone call. no rob. no nothing. I waited ans waited. I should of known i say to myself as i listen to music in my room. I just should have known.So i start feeling like amybe i should just call it quits this isn't a good way to start anything. so i texted him and told him that i would see him around my workplace and hope everything was ok. I got a call around 9pm he asked if i was mad. I wasn't mad i was disappointed. and i told him so. Its thursday now and he barely texts me anymore i hardly see him anymore and we have yet to go out on one date. LOL my luck i swear, Are you thinking what I am thinking lol IF he ain't callin then he ain't interested. So i try to leave it be. Yesterday i didn't hear from him at all.So I tell myself i have never chased anyone and i ain't about to start now. If someone doesn't like me for who i am then they can kick rocks. these are the things you tell yourself when you want to feel better when what your really feeling is if only i was 30 pounds liter if only i was prettier if only i was this and if only i was that , he'd like me, he'd call me if i did look like pam anderson. Because face it you can have all the honor and integrity in the world. You could be freakin mother theresa but what really matters is tits an ass people. you get everything with tits and ass. Its crazy. So I brace myself for a long lonley life LMAO. Its really not so bad i do really enjoy being by myself but somedays it would be good to know that you have someone who has your back and who thinks you are beautiful. That would be nice. So now i hae put the thought of Rob out of my mind, and then Chris calls me up. NOw Chris is a fishing buddy of mine. Also very fine. Chris is awesome, he's sweet and funny and a great fishing buddy. well turns out that we flirted and stuff but decied to stay friends. Out of the blue he calls me yesterday and asks me to spend some time with him friday night, But it doesn't sounds like friends hanging out if you know what i mean lol. So i wonder about that, Its funny. the things we go through in a avarage day lol
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    angel1360  64, Female, USA - 4 entries
Jul 2006
1:54 PM PM

"gratitude"a hard thing to realize some times...I am grateful for my parents..who tho know now a part of my past that they were unsure about.have accepted it..and are a great sense of security for me..I almost lost my dad earlier this year and I am very greatful that it wasnt his time to leave this world,and like all families we have had or share of problems but I wouldnt trade him for the world...I am also grateful to have found the love of my life..he too is ill as I,6 months older,he's a yankee I am a "grits"...he is my Angel..and I love him so very much..I have been married 3 times but I have never loved anyone as much...
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    fjmorris15  35, Male, Canada - 5 entries
Feb 2002
11:40 PM CDT

DFS Associates Acquisition Services Tokyo Japan on Mergers and Acquisitions: International

The continuing pursuit for growth and popular drive toward globalization pushes farther the introduction or expansion within Tokyo, Japan as a prime investment target for many global companies. Subsequently, the middle market offers numerous acquisition opportunities in all geographic areas and industry sector.

Our headquarters are located in Beijing, where our global team operates in close coordination closely with our investment banking experts in the Japan to match middle-market sellers with the widest available network of positive financial acquirers throughout the world.

DFS Associates is recognized as a trusted investment banking company worldwide, recognized as a leader in mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, tax efficiency and divestitures, especially in the middle tiers of the private sector.

DFS Associates demand from our people the highest levels of professional conduct, observance of high ethical values and expert performance beyond client, employee and shareholder expectations within our entire organization.
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    instaproapk  29, Female, India - First entry!
Nov 2001
3:46 AM PKT

INSTAPRO - Download Insta Pro Apk

Instagram is one of the most famous and most used social media applications these days. People love to socialize on this application with pictures and videos of daily deeds artistic content creation. But there are some features about which you want them either to be improved or removed from the application. So, today we are going tell you about�Insta Pro APK�version of Instagram which will offer you some amazing and matchless features to make your experience worth enjoying. Lets start the article to have a deep analysis of the application.

Nowadays, everyone is using social media especially Instagram. Here we are providing an Insta Pro apk. This app comes with unique new features that are not available on a simple Instagram app. InstaPro apk is essentially a paid application. Still and when you download and install this application from our website. This is totally free of cost. The app is useful over official Instagram because of some features.
Instagram Pro Apk�comes with secret features, themes and new layouts. There are no ads shown using instagram Pro apk. The app has millions of users all around the world and most of the users pay charges to use it. The app is almost similar to official Instagram but many new amazing things are included in this version.

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