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    please6kill6me6  33, Male, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2006
10:13 AM EDT

Well. Things are better. Sorry I haven't written in ages. I've been busy. Life isn't that bad anymore. Because my dad emailed me and we started talking and I realized I need to look at the good things. And the good things are my friends. Today was James Hetfeild day. From Metallica? yea. Me and my friends either wore all black or wore a shirt with James Hetfield on it. yep. All my friends are metallica freaks. so am i. so i can't complain. hehe. tomorrow is aiden day, and December 8 is dimebag day. (daryl abbot- guitarist of pantera) Well. Social Services didn't fuck up my life. and. I uh.....there's this guy that i met yesterday. John. I see potential there. hehe. And Wes keeps looking at me during first. It annoys me. I want nothing to do with him because he reminds me of Tony. By the way. Tony emailed my ex. Len. They are fighting over me. Yay. I hope Tony doesnt think he can charm his way into my life by saying he actuallly cares. cuz he doesnt. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. haha. Cody...I'm worried about him, he was crying two days ago...I don't know how to help him though because I don't know how to get him to talk to me. I might... write a note or something. I'm trying to get a job. And when i do. I'm buying a laptop. cuz i need one. more than anything i need one. I dont own a computer. but im one of those kids who love computers. so yea. I'm writing an essay on gay rights. so yay me! im FOR it. hehe. idk...things are better. but the minute i stop working or writing or reading, the minute i fall asleep, tony escapes into my thoughts. is that love? i dont even know if he loves me. thats the worst part. is not being able to talk to him, to ask him. "hey how do you feel about me?" i used to. but...he goes to college now. and...i can't call him because my parents hate him. and i have to act like he's a bitch. well i have to go... later peeps!!! -my trenchcoat mafia family rocks.
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    LOGH5770  64, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
1:12 PM EDT

Today is the most beautiful day! Its the kind of day that made me want to start a journal. Why is it that teens now-a-days cant be more committed to their relationships? I know when i was 18 i was married, and i dont think any 18 year old today should be married but it seems they have no problem bouncing from one relationship to the another without a second thought. This really bugs me(dont know why but it does). Oh well i have been married for 28 years now and i think its great!! On another note the only difference between me at 18 and now is i am much more mellow and calm than i was 28 years ago..haha
1 comment(s) - 05:50 PM - 09/30/2006
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    sb7  35, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
12:20 AM EDT

Today, i was told that my fiancee was talknig to one of his friends from work about apartments that he lives in , and talked to him about geting info about those appartments , I wasnt even talked to first > shouldnt i have been talk to first if we both are going to be living there ?
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    CarbonBlack  34, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
4:03 PM EDT

NOTE: The crazy almost brother-in-law was a psychopathic un-dead hobo who was going to marry their older sister. they got him put in jail though. I broke out a bottle of rum from the liquor cabinet. "Oh, please. We just got rid of that nutjob almost-brother-in-law, and we ARE celebrating, so stop acting like a girl." Xalberox twitched and glared at me. Ah, the silly little games we play. " Fuck you, Pallestellen! I'm NOT acting like a girl." I just laughed, drawing a small growl from my moody companion, and poured about half a glass of rum for him. He snatched the glass and glared daggers at me, and again I chuckled before taking a swig out of the bottle. "Don't worry about it," I said, ruffling his hair slightly and almost getting bit in the process. "We'll just stay in our room. No one'll have to know you were drinking at all except you and I." He looked me over suspiciously, then stared at the drink in his hands. "You're trying to drug and rape me, aren't you?" I laughed and took another mouthful of my poison of choice. "We both know damn well that I don't have to drug you to get you naked." He growled again, though more audibly, and looked like he was debating on chucking the glass at me. Apparently he decided against it though, and He took a small sip of the alcohol, apparently not hating it too much.. Half an hour later, when Xalberox had taken maybe five sips of the rum, and I'd downed a quarter of what was in the bottle, I wasn't exactly surprised that he was well on his was to being plastered, and I hadn't even managed much of a buzz yet. I've gotta tell ya, X-box being drunk was pretty fucking adorable. I don't think he's ever drank without me making him, so he's still quite the lightweight. We were sitting in bed, alcohol in hand, and X-box was babbling while I logged every last thing he said into the back of my mind, to laugh at later. " Big-brother.. big-brother, hey.. " he said, a thick alcohol-flush on his cheeks. " You..You, are SO hott." I couldn't help but laugh as he cuddled up against my side. Big-brother? Hell, I haven't head that come out of his mouth since we were three. I've gotta get him drunk more often. " Yeah, I know am. " Yes, I'm proud of my looks. Fucking sue me. Besides, it's not like that phrase is a regular occurence coming from him, I've gotta enjoy it while I can, ya know? I nibbled one of his ears, as I do at any opportunity I have and can get away with it, because I adore those fluffy little ears of his, and he nestled closer into my side with a precious, and somewhat.. perverse-sounding little noise. Because I love it when perverse-sounding noises come out of X-box, I repeated the action to the other ear (naturally), and gave him what I had intended to be a chaste kiss. Sadly, the contents of my pants seemed to have gotten the better of me, and what was going to be a strictly affectionate kiss quickly turned into a full-blow make-out session. Okay, so it didn't even come close to the "sadly" category. Shut up. It was a matter of minutes before I had X-box pinned under me, my tongue violating his mouth, one hand creeping up his shirt and the other trailing along the hem of his pants while he clung to me, legs loosely around my hips and arms around my neck, pulling me deeper into that lovely kiss of ours. Eventually I managed to force our lips apart, earning a disappointed whine. I gave a quick smooch to a corner of his mouth and slipped his glasses off his face, setting them on a bed-side table (Gotta remember to take those off him. He gets pretty pissed when we break them by accident). I moved my oral ministrations to his neck, just under his jaw line, nibbling and nipping while my hands worked to un-do the first few buttons on his shirt. Honestly, he's lucky I don't just pull all the damned things off, they're such an inconvenience. Once enough buttons had been taken care of, I moved to kissing and sucking at the crook of his neck, running my tongue along some still-healing bite marks there from a couple nights ago (if anyone would have cared to look, they'd see I had matching claw marks adorning both my shoulder-blades). Xalberox moaned, and his legs' grip on my waist tightened as he grinded his hips into my own. Jesus, I love how responsive he can get. I decided that I needn't spend any more time working over his neck, and went back to getting rid of that troublesome shirt or his. A little teasing is fun, though. So, I undid the buttons slowly, kissing and nipping at the heated flesh of his chest and stomach as I worked my way down to the bottom of the shirt. He sang out some -delicious- sounds. "Ah~...Big-brother.." He purred out in a huskily when I'd gotten the shirt completely undone and suckled lightly on the flesh just below his bellybutton. I swear to God Almighty, X-box is DAMN lucky I have a little self control, because the tone of his voice right then had almost gotten him tackled to the floor and screwed within an inch of his life. I shuddered and nipped at his navel sharply, receiving a gasp and two sets of fingers tangled into my hair in return (I hadn't noticed until then, but I guess he must have tugged my pony-tail out. My hair almost always ends up down by the end of the night, and I rarely realize it until i'm half asleep). I proceeded with clothing removal, slipping his pants off him then and leaving him in just his boxers before sitting up. Well.. trying to sit up. With someone clinging to you like he was to me, it's a little difficult. The problem was solved pretty quickly though. I suppose baby brother realized my intentions, and decided to help out instead, finding the bottom hem of my shirt and tugging it up over my head in a vaguely shy manner. It's sort of silly that he still blushes with me all the time. It's not like we haven't been seeing each-other naked our whole lives or anything. I'm not complaining, though. Once my shirt was gone, he went straight to fumbling with the button on my jeans. Unfortunately, the alcohol must have thrown off his coordination a little, because he seemed to be having a bit of a problem. Being the oh-so-considerate person I am, I decided to help him out. I put my hands over his and tried to help him get the button undone. Well, apparently buttons were just conspiring against me today. After about four seconds of trying to get the damn thing un-done, I figured it would be more easy to grab a pocket-knife and just cut the button off. That problem being solved, I tugged the jeans off, along with the boxers under them, and went on my way raping flushed little X-box's mouth with my own. Briefly, I grinded my hips against his, coaxing out a couple more of those sounds me makes that I love so much, before stealing his boxers away as well and sending them to join the rest of the clothes on the floor. I'm a dick, so I'm obligated to tease a little more before I let anything worth-while happen. Gingerly, I ran my fingertips up the length of his already-hard member (And who could blame him for being hard already? Not me, that's for sure. That's a level of hipocrisy I'm not comfortable with), eliciting some squirms and a com-fucking-pletely captivating little whimper. ..Alright, fuck teasing. Like I said before, I have a -little- willpower. That killed it; Game over. Before you could even blink, I'd found the tube of lubrication that's kept next to our bed, and had both our members well-covered in it. Instead of flipping X-box over on to his stomach, which is a position that makes kisses somewhat difficult, I sat up, bringing him with me. I situated us so I was kneeling on the bed, with him in my lap. I Continued to kiss him senseless for a while before lifting his hips, and slowly pushing past his little ring of muscle. I let a low, hushed groan pass my lips, and Xalberox gasped slightly, burying his face into the crook of my neck and digging his nails into my shoulders. Fallowing a minute or so of allowing him to get re-used to the feeling, I wrapped the fingers of one hand around his his sex and began pumping. After momentarily enjoying the fresh array small moans my dearest was making, I began thrusting into him in time with the movements of my fist, holding his hips steady with my free hand. I kept a steady pace at first, but as Xalberox's moaning increased in volume, I sped both my hips and hand. I rotated between biting and nipping and his neck, and kissing him ardently, though after a bit of time the kisses died off in favor of keeping up the oxygen supply to our bodies. X-box, having always had trouble keeping his voice down during sex, had even less control over his voice under the influence of alcohol, and I was positive he'd woken up everyone in the house by then. I wasn't about to mention it, though. I like all the noise, to hell with the rest of the house. I particularly like his yelling of " Bigbrother! ". As mentioned before, it's not a phrase I hear very often, and it sounds positively delicious slathered in lust like that. All good things come to an end though, and finally, I felt the nails in my shoulders rake down my back (drawing blood, as per usual), along Xal's seed spilling over my fingers, and shortly afterwards I'd released into him as well. I pulled out of him and we collapsed on the bed, panting and clinging at eachother. 15 minutes or so later, I scooped X-box out of bed for a quick little shower, dried us both off, and then we cuddled up lazily in bed until we'd fallen asleep. Come morning, We'd gotten dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Unsurprisingly, Not a single person aside from ourself looked like they had gotten any sleep, and were glaring at us from across the table all through the meal. Eventually, X-box had broken down and asked the room "Why's everyone look so pissed this morning?", to which the reply had been that no one had gotten any sleep over all the noise he was making. He looked a little confused for a moment and said, "But, I don't even remember last night.." After a momentary pause, he turned suddenly, glaring at me. " This is YOUR fault, isn't it? " I grinned. " It's not my fault you can't be quiet in bed." I promptly had a small plate broken over my head, and Xalberox stormed out of the room with a thick blush, thus starting another day.
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    new7band3opportunity  44, Male, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
2:02 PM MST

Journal Entry #1 Sunday, September 24th, 2006. Thoughts of the Day: Why is it that life has so many twists and turns, Why do we have a Heavenly Father, who Loves us so much that he Trusts us more than we could ever dream of trusting ourselves. Love and Truth, Grace and Pain, Strength and Weakness, why is it that for every Negative there has to be a Positive? Why does grace have to travel hand and hand with pain? Opportunity is Knocking, are you listening, will you open the door? Abraham Lincoln Says: Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?
1 comment(s) - 01:47 AM - 11/01/2006
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    SweetRain  34, Female, Canada - First entry!
Sep 2006
12:59 PM EDT

Huh...that little thing tha Abraham said makes complete sense, its actually a great thing to live by....Yeah i know i am rather pathetic at writing journals, when i picture pepope writing journals i always see them writing these things that are full of meaning, i guess i just write about what ever happens to be in my head at the moment, i write about the trivial things in life...they are more fun anyway and tend to have the most impact on people so i as i like to say what ever lights your fire (well i have many variations of the same phrase). But I have sme homework that i have been putting off all weekend, well actually since thursday, its due tomorrw....*sigh* when will they ever find the cure for procrastination?
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    Laurie6806  55, Female, Canada - First entry!
Sep 2006
4:15 AM EEDT

I expect others to be themselves, but to be honest
1 comment(s) - 11:28 PM - 12/09/2010
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Current Tags: Expectation. lying, Honesty

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    FAG  49, Male, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
9:19 PM EDT

I only want one girl and knowing that i cant have her is the worst thing .other then that i had a wonderful time wif yew you tonite love<3 hmm yes so if your readin this remember i will love you forever no matter wat<33
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    Lissy  48, Male, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
11:28 AM EDT

There isn't really that much to know about me and it's my first onlive diary...
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    cyberlullaby  35, Female, USA - First entry!
Sep 2006
10:07 AM EST

Tell me this in the dictionary the following definition is what love is. 1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. 2. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child or friend 3. Sexual passion or desire 4. A person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart 5. A love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour But it seems like the world just can't get the fact that love isn't just between a man and a woman, but also between two women or two men.
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