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    baileyc01302000  25, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 2 entries
Jan 2011
12:04 PM EST

Perfect love means to love the one through whom one became unhappy.
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    DarkPrincessaMiranda  34, Female, Arizona, USA - 4 entries
Jan 2011
2:45 AM


It courses through me. Unstoppable. How can I contain an entity which permeates my very being? It turns me into a monster, green skinned and horrific. The slightest provocation can set me off, turn me into the beast. Let me find beauty. let me find love. I needs the forgiveness. The cleansing.
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    allinclusiveholidays  50, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Jan 2011
4:30 AM


does this work?
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    lovelymonster  29, Female, Virginia, USA - 5 entries
Jan 2011
6:29 PM CST

I light a match and set my self on fire,
With bruised wings, my life has expired.

Suffocating smoke chokes my breathing,
My body goes numb but I’m still screaming.

I want to burn the remains of my dying soul,
And watch the rising flames take full control.

The flames are burning underneath my skin,
Breathe in and breathe out my lethal sin.

I want to feel my heart rip out of my chest,
My thoughts about death are confessed.

Feel my soul wither and die,
Whisper me softly a lullaby.
Drain my body of my blood,
Kill me slowly and do it good.
Squeeze my heart with your hands,
Tear it apart in little strands.
Kiss my lips and say goodbye,
Hold me in your arms and let me die.
1 comment(s) - 03:11 PM - 04/15/2011
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    hollyshaye  24, Female, United Kingdom - 5 entries
Jan 2011
2:03 PM

Take me out

I'm just watching Take me out, I love it! No likey, no lighty!
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    secretnotes  34, Female, California, USA - 17 entries
Jan 2011
7:44 PM

Great believer in luck

"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson____Haha I find this quote cute :)
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    jimmyfutch  80, Male, United Kingdom - First entry!
Jan 2011
6:07 AM

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    loveless101  28, Female, California, USA - 16 entries
Jan 2011
5:53 PM


well. my 8th grade just got better(: a new transfer student came to my skool and is in MY class' i think her and i are going to be GREAT friends. cant wait til tomoro to talk to her some more((:
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    tandbrule  49, Male, Iowa, USA - First entry!
Jan 2011
11:15 AM EST

Hi. My name is... well, if its ok with you, i won't give my name, but you can call me mike. today i am bored so i decided to type my first post. these posts will usually be about me and my friends and what's going on around here. so look daily.
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    SonofOrion  73, Male, Hungary - 3 entries
Jan 2011
6:59 PM CET

Nice journey into the Transylvanian mountains. In Hungarian it is called "The Land Beyond the Woods." During medieval times Transylvania was a part of Hungary, ruled by the Arpad Kings, until after WWI it was stolen from her, leaving hundreds of thousands Hungarians stranded and to be persecuted by the Romanians. My journey there was to re-visit some castles, for instance, "Bran Castle", more commonly known by the unlearned as, Dracula's Castle.

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