Nated09's Journal

Oct 2009
4:41 PM CST

Defying Gravity

Okay, so I love this song called "Defying Gravity" from the broadway musical, Wicked. Whether it be the broadway version or the version Idina Menzel(Elphie) turned into a single for her CD, whenever I listen to it, during the�highest point�portion of the song, I get goose bumps. This song is so inspirational.

This song talks about, just what the title states, defying gravity. True, unless you are a bird, or some one who hasn't been detected by the Government to be able to levitate yet, then this is ALL just metaphorical.

However, the metaphorical sense is probably about the best sense, because it lifts up�your mood and just how you are!

To defy gravity, this means to not let things get you down! Defy whatever is getting you down, whether it be: life, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, or even friends, work, school, the economic downturn this country has seen.

I have taken on this attitude in the last year, and it has helped TREMENDOUSLY! Life truly is what you make it, so when life gets you down, defy it! If you're flying solo, at least you're flying free!

Don't play by the rules of someone elses your instincts, close your eyes, and leap..Try defying gravity.

Don't accept limits just cause someone says they're so...There are some things you cannot change, but you won't know until you try...All of this and more is in the song. True, some words are in the broadway version that aren't in Menzel's version...

I have turned this song, "Defying Gravity," into a personal philosophy of defy gravity...I don't let things get me down. True, this mindset may make me seem cocky, but in truth this has made me more sure of myself, more confident, and a stronger person.

We all have the ability to defy gravity...sometimes it takes someone, to either push you over the edge to where you can't take it anymore, or someone to tell you that someone is opressing you so much that you need to defy them!

"Tell them how I am defying gravity, I'm flying high defying gravity..." Tell that to those who wish to keep you, your sould, your mind, your spirit grounded.

Defy Gravity, Defy life, Defy them all!

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Aug 2009
2:44 PM CST

"Why" -Rascal Flatts

Within this song, one can feel the narrator speaking of his friend who committed suicide, but was depressed beforehand in the first verse. The opening lines

"You must have been in a
Place so dark
You couldn't feel the light
Reachin' for you through
That stormy cloud"

states the depression, and the narrator tried to reach through the metaphorical cloud within the character's head. The character must have been in a place so dark, that there was no hope for the sun to shine through, or so he thought.

Within the same first verse, the narrator describes the attention that the character got, but not of the kind anyone would want.

"Now here we are
Gathered in our little hometown
This can't be the way
You meant to draw a crowd"

In the chorus:

Oh why, that's what I keep asking
Was there anything I could've
Said or done
Oh, I had no clue you were
A troubled soul, God only knows
What went wrong and why
You would leave the stage
In the middle of a song

The narrator continues to ask why? He had no clue of what his friend truly held deep down in his soul, and what he was hiding from everyone. The song continues on with different verses continuing to describe how the narrator still sees his friend as: the 17 year old who shined in anything he did, sports, singing on stage, and how the time passes by and yet he still keeps his friend that same 17 year old kid in high school sports, and on the stage.

While the narrator says he has no room to judge, he does have one question left. "Who told you life wasn't worth the fight?" The narrator says that whoever told him that, was wrong, that they lied to him.

"Because it's not like you to walk away in the middle of a song."

The whole story of the song goes from the narrator not knowing what was going on with his friend, while his friend hid everything dark from him. The friend is known to be this all-star athlete, amazing singer, and one who would not leave in the middle of a song. Metaphor for life, that he wouldn't give up without a fight: that he wouldn't commit suicide.

However, in life, even if you do know someone, that doesn't mean they are not prone to do these heinous crimes of life. In this song, the narrator seems to blame his friend's death on the one who lied to his friend. True, it is partly that person's fault, but it's also the one who committed the act.

I found this song while on, and it's such a sad song. We all have friends who go into dark places, and think they have nothing left to live for. They do, they have everything to live for. There is a specific reason for each and every person. To take your own life because you can't handle something, that's a cop out, but it's also a self-esteem issue. Some feel as though no one loves them, and no one will miss them, and that they have nothing left to do in this life.

Moral of the story: if you have friends who seem like they are in the dark, with no hope of coming out, spread some sunshine in their life. Sometimes all one needs is a genuine, caring smile that will lift them up and remind them that they are worth something, to someone. We all need someone to love, and love us back. Be that person for someone today.

There are stories that have gone around the world through e-mail about how there is a boy who gets picked on, his family doesn't seem to love him, and he goes home one afternoon planning to kill himself. With one act of kindness from someone who genuinely cares, his whole life changes, he realizes that life is still worth living, and he doesn't commit suicide. If you think that just one act, one random act of kindness doesn't change a person, you are wrong, it does change a person. It may not be a big change, but big enough to change the mind set of wanting to do something drastic like that.

Be someone's sunshine today.

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Jun 2009
3:38 PM CST

No One...

No One
~Aly & Aj~ **If you want to listen to it, either youtube it, or it, or it...all good sites to listen to different music.**

I have listened to this song numerous times and yet, I have not received the full message it has meant to be sent to the listeners.

The message simply states, "Don't wanna be no one...but me." True, one can reinvent themselves, however, that is not being you.

I believe that at one point in everyone's life, we should all ask ourselves who do we want to be? If we don't like what we have become, that's when we should make changes to be what we were meant to be.

If you are moving through the crowd, keep on moving. Do not let the crowd change you, change the crowd. If you are feeling worthless pull back the curtains and turn on all the lights.

I personally have felt this just recently, life is good, if we make it that way. We can dwell on the bad and keep that mind set of, oh life is so shitty. True at times it can be, and it's ok to keep that mind set, for just a little bit. If we keep it that way, that is how our life is going to be. If we put on a genuine smile, surround ourselves with happy friends, friends who will lift us up when we need it. And think, "Today may have its ups and downs, but that's life, I'm going to go in and have a good day, and try not to let things get me down." You will have an awesome day!

Life is a very weird concept. It has its way of getting what it wants, but also giving us what we need. This ties into the recent notes which I have written. Life gets the things it needs out of us for the tests it gives us, while we get what we need, such as experience, or a lesson learned to go forth with life.

If life is getting you down, and you think you are becoming something you don't want to be, think of these words and you may change your mind.
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Mar 2009
5:09 PM CST


"If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me." ~Author Unknown~

I decided upon this quotation because it shows what friends are to one another.

For me personally, when I'm alone, you are my shadow. When I want to cry, you are my shoulder. Want a hug, you are my pillow. Need to be happy, you are my smile. When I need a friend, you are you.

I have many that take on these de scriptions from time to time. I'm grateful for them every day of my life. I seriously don't know how many times I say thank you, to my friends, to God even, for my wonderful friends.

I know I continually say how wonderful my friends are, but I can't get over how blessed I am to have them. People have told me that they are thankful to have me in their lives, that they are blessed, but they're not the ones that are. I am.

I can't stop saying how wonderful, amazing, magnificent my friends are, because when I think they can't do anymore as a friend, I'm yet again surprised. Th lengths my friends have gone for me, to make sure that I'm happy with life, or just to be sure that I'll be ok with something that's going on in my life, is astounding.

I completely agree with that saying, "Friends are angels in disguise sent down from heaven." I agree with this because I have never felt safer, more loved, more content, happy than when I'm with my friends, ones who know me, know when i'm lying about how I'm feeling, ones who just know me and how I operate. Also this saying, "Love is blind, but friendship is clairvoyant." Friendship is clairvoyant because friends know when one is lying to them about something.

I love my friends with every fiber of my being. I don't know where I'd be without them. They are seriously my shadow, my shoulder, my pillow, my smile, and they are my friend.

"How do you measure a year in the life?" In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife, in fivehundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes...
Measure in LOVE

"Remember a year in the life of friends."

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Mar 2009
3:10 PM CST


Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts.� It's what you do with what you have left.� ~Hubert Humphrey

I chose this quotation because people can be so ignorant on what they don't have, and not what they have.

People get so consumed in the up and coming new technology and think, "I need this, I need that!" I'm sick of it.

People don't seem to realize what they have right at home. Most have good parents who provide a warm home, food, the necessities and extras that teenagers seem to think we need to have.

People think that they need the newest gizmo, gadget, and toy. No, that's what they want.

But what is that we absolutely NEED? We need food, water, and shelter.

This does not mean gourmet meals, the finest water imported from Fuigi, or the most expensive houses in LA.

People get by on sandwiches, water from the tap, and houses with four walls and a roof.

These so called gadgets that we need, I believe that this day in age most do need a cell phone, for emergencies, and also as a form of communication between friends, family. However, most DO NOT need an iphone with all those applications, sure they are fun to play with, and it is a way of stating who you are, and where you stand in the societal money standings.

BUT, it's not a NECESSITY. There is no where in the moral human code that states: one needs an Iphone to survive in life.

I just don't fathom how people can complain about what they don't have...We all need to think about what we do have...It's a slap in the face to someone who gives you a heartwarming, FROM the heart card that took time and effort, and you say, "Oh...just a card?" that is ignorant beyong belief, we all need to take the time to think about what we all have, we have our lives, isn't that enough to be thankful for?

Remember, it's not what you don't have, it's what you do have that's more important than anything in the world.

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Mar 2009
3:13 PM CST


There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises."� Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.� ~Orrin Hatch

I'm using this quotation because one, I'll be graduating high school in less than three months, two because some believe that graduation is the end. Graduation is the end, the end to a chapter of one's life.

However, graduation is the beginning to a whole new chapter in one's life. For me, I'll be leaving most of my friends, some friends will be leaving me. That does not in any way mean that we won't stay in touch, or even hook up for get togethers. But it does mean that I won't have them in my life everyday.

All my friends have shaped who I am, and have challenged me to search within myself to find who I am.

Some say that you shouldn't have to find out who you are until later in life. I completely disagree with this, because I have become a better person, in my an other's opinion. I believe that we all should find out who we are, what we are made of early in life. So then we don't have to worry about it later on in life.

I'm not saying that we should find out who we are and that be it. No, I'm saying that we should look at each day as a way to learn who we are. Take everything that happens in each day and learn something from it.

This chapter in my life is ending, and I'm starting a new, scary, exciting, sad, happy chapter. I'm scared that I will lose touch will most of my friends, but then I'm reminded that the friends that are true will stay in touch, and will be there no matter what for me.

Throughout my high school career, I have had things happen, and not know why they were happening to me. That ever lasting quote "Why me?" I've learned that some things don't happen for a reason, except to teach us what we are made of. Some things don't have a specific reason, they just are. I do know that the things that I've been through have made me a better person because I've made them into positives. Even thoug at the time they were happening, I was really negative, but I always find a positive out of them.

Graduation is an ending, but when you come to the end, another door opens.

Parents especially who read this, need to remember that yes your children are growing up, but they will still be your little boy/girl. For my mother, she is a basket case whenever I talk about how I'm turning 18 in a couple of months, graduating in less than 3, and will be going to college in 6 months.

I'm sad that I won't be with my friends every day, because that's what school is for most, a connector "flight" to see our friends. True, school should be a place for education, and it is, but high school is a time to learn not only what teachers are suppose to teach us, but a time to learn from our friends, learn from ourselves.

To all my friends-- "As we go on, we remember, all the times we had together. And as our lives change come whatever, we will still be friends forever."

Remember, graduation is an ending, but more so a new, fresh beginning.

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Jan 2009
5:31 PM CST


Turn your wounds into wisdom.� ~Oprah Winfrey

Yes this is from Oprah...while she is seen as a farce by some, and a Goddess by others, I just see her as a woman that has gone through things in life.

This quotation, means a lot to me, I have done exactly this, or have tried to in life.

I have taken the wounds that I have been dealt in life into wisdom, seeing as how most think that history repeats itself. If we take what we've done in life, and turn that into wisdom, we shouldn't repeat what we've already done.

I know that some mistakes that I've made in life, some that I've regretted, I don't anymore, because I have learned from them, gained the wisdom that are in those mistakes, and used it to my advantage.

Most are afraid of making mistakes, well depending on what they are, yes be afraid, but most of the time, MAKE BIG MISTAKES!! That is our motto in chor, make big mistakes so then we know what to do to fix it.

How I have been hurt in life, only add to what I have to offer people. The hurts that I have, allow me to relate to others better than most. I use these to my advantage not only so the one hurting me doesn't get the satisfaction from hurting me, but the advantage I gain is being able to help others, and that's a reward in and of itself.

So, if you've been hurt, take the time to lick your wounds, still the hurt won't go away without taking time for yourself, but also turn that hurt into a positive force, by allowing yourself to learn from it, gain the wisdom from it, and live life by making mistakes to only learn from them, and break that vicious cycle of repeating history.

1 comment(s) - 07:39 PM - 02/13/2009
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Jan 2009
9:26 PM CST


Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself.� ~Harriet Nelson

I picked this quote especially because I am having a hard time forgiving someone whom betrayed my trust...A family member, which that is by far THE WORST betrayal I know of.

I had written on Facebook, about my grandfather, whom I can't even call a grandfather, since he hasn't ever really been a grandfather. This family member, she copied it and sent it to my mother, which I don't think she had a problem, because she knows how I feel towards my grandfather. So, I guess you could say that I shouldn't be this upset over it. I'm not so much upset that my mom knows about this note, it's more so that this other family member betrayed my trust, in saying she would never let my mother know what I do, if I didn't want her to.

Now, I don't do anything bad on Facebook. No, it's a way for me to keep in contact with friends, not to meet people to hook up later.

However, I do believe that this quote is of importance to believe in.

'Forgive all who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself.' This is so true, by means of when one forgives another, it's not so they can regain trust, because that takes time, forgiveness is like a band aid, persay, for the mind, body, soul, and heart.

I know from personal experience that if you let hatred run your life, you will suffer consequences of friends not wanting to be around you, you won't be running your life on your terms, it will be revolving around the hatred, and how you want revenge.

So, the moral of this is, if you hate someone for betraying you, or something they did to you, don't forgive them, for them, forgive them for you. It's the first step to recovery and feeling better about life.♫♪♥

2 comment(s) - 10:05 PM - 02/13/2009
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Dec 2008
5:55 PM CST

Someone's Watchin' Over Me

Ok, the song Someone's Watchin' Over Me by Hilary Duff, holds a lot of meaning to me...because the lyrics:

Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is you're not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight
So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me
Seen that ray of light
And it's shining on my destiny
Shining all the time
And I wont be afraid
To follow everywhere it's taking me
All I know is yesterday is gone
And right now I belong
To this moment to my dreams
So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me
It doesn't matter what people say
And it doesn't matter how long it takes
Believe in yourself and you'll fly high
And it only matters how true you are
Be true to yourself and follow your heart
So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even when it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That someone's watching over
Someone's watching over
Someone's watching over me
Someone's watching over me

During this holiday season, means so much, because most of us have lost a loved knowing that someone is watching over us means a lot! However for me, this means so much more...because I've had to remind myself that someone is watching over me...when things are dark, sucking, and just aren't good. I remember that my late grandmother is always watching over me...protecting me, loving me, and guiding me.

So, I won't give up, I won't break down, sooner than it seems, life turns around. This has been an especially hard Christmas since its been 10 years since she has died, and 10 months since my cat, yes cat, died...And so, for my mom, i sent her an email on the day that marked the 10 years saying that she, my grandma, is the silver lining in every cloud of ours...So if you are in the dark, having a bad day, week, month, whatever...just know that someone is watching over you. So, don't give up, don't break down, because even when you think you have no one, you have someone watching over you.

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Oct 2008
2:10 PM CST

True Friends

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous

I chose this quote for a special reason, mainly because some people I know have been having troubles with who their true friends are. I agree completely with this quotation, saying that some peopl come into our lives and quickly go, and there are some that stay for a while and leave footprints on our heart and we are never the same. This is really true for me. I've had friends that have came and gone, and then there are some that are there, but we don't talk, unless we really need each other. Then there are some that have been there through everything. I find that I will never be the same because of how their words, their just being there has left me not only speechless in how a friend can endure what others are going through.

I am a friend who will do that for one of my friends, but that's just who I am, I have never expected others to do so. What my said friend has done for me left me speechless, very emotional, just at how they were there for me, and to me that's what a true friend is. A true friend will be there no matter what happens in your life. However, just regular friends, or acquaintances, are the one's who you let into your life, you put all your trust into them, and yet they don't quite return that trust, you tell them your life story, in hopes they will respect what you have gone through, and be there for you, but blow you off when you really need them. A true friend will always be there for you, no matter what, even if they can't be physically, they will be there by phone, or just IMing online, just to see how you're doing, and help you no matter what.

If you are having troubles trying to decide who your "friends" and true friends are. Step back and think about what those people have done for you, who has actually been there for you to talk to, to cry on, or just be there, and hasn't said anything about what you tell them to anyone. Good luck!


2 comment(s) - 09:09 PM - 11/18/2008
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Oct 2008
9:41 AM CST


Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. -- Jewish Saying

I find this quotation to be very true, because when you do find a faithful friend, one who will do anything for you, you will find a treasure. I have a friend like that, who has done more than what a normal friend would do. I thank God for him everyday, and I love him for it. So I have found a faithful friend, and in turn found a treasure, one that i cherish everyday of my life. So, if you have a friend, but don't know whether or not they are a treasure, talk with them, to find out if they are just your friend, or are more than just a friend, that they are someone who will want to do anything for you.

Blessed Be,


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Aug 2008
2:08 PM CST

Music is what feelings sound like.� ~Author Unknown

I chose this quote because I'm really involved in music. I also chose this because I believe that music has saved a lot of people, music is a way to escape from reality, in a legal, non-harming way. Music does release emotions in people to where they never thought they would be able to do so. Lyrics in a song are mainly what we relate to, this is because music is so diverse. There are so many different songs that we all can relate to. There are the stereotypical Country songs that talk about, "My dog died, my truck broke down, my wife left me, my girlfriend found out I had a wife, I shot a man in Georgia, and thought I'd put it in there," kind of songs. Then there are songs that can mean so many different things to many different people, such as Mariah Carey's song "Bye Bye" to me it resembled a friend and I no longer being friends, we have made up, but it also means when my grandmother died. Songs like that can have different meanings to them for different people. A song that is very popular that means different things to people is, "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. To many it can mean just like it says, because you loved me, you made me stronger by doing all these great things for me, thank you. To others it can mean because you loved me, I am who I am, and it's sad that you're gone. Just know that if you can't personally say something to someone whom you have hurt, and you can't come up with the words yourself, search for them through music, I know personally it has helped me so much. A friend of mine and I were not talking for the longest time, and so I wrote a song about it, mainly to help myself through it, but I showed the song to this said friend, and things are getting better between us. So no matter what, lyrics are the words that cannot be spoken.

1 comment(s) - 12:30 AM - 10/19/2008
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Aug 2008
2:44 PM CST

“Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin!"

I chose this quote because for so many of us, it's true. We are afraid of dieing, it's just human nature to be afraid of our lives ending. However, I agree that it's more important to be afraid that your life will never begin. Some may say that their lives have begun when they get married, to that I'd say, yeah it could, but I feel that life life begins when you aren't afraid to live. By that I mean when you take chances, you take risks, you aren't afraid of living life to the fullest, you aren't afraid of loving someone so much. You aren't afraid of just being you to the max. Life is full of obstacles but how you decide to deal with them is how your life will turn out. Blessed be, be safe and live! Nate

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Aug 2008
6:09 AM CST

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

I picked this quote because Albert Einstein was an amazing person. Also, this is true in life. If we as humans only focus on becoming filthy rich with material items, and accomplishment, we will never know the meaning of accomplishments and the value of true friendship. I know that I'm not rich with money at all. I am rich with friends, love, and laughter. True while success is important, but at what cost? Is it important if you don't have any friends, and you're so wrapped up in working towards success that you don't have time to create a family, or even be with your family? I know that yes accomplishment in life is important, but make sure to find time for the more important things in life, spending time with your family, starting a family, and just living life. Loving your family, friends, and life.

1 comment(s) - 08:29 AM - 08/25/2008
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Aug 2008
11:06 AM CST

"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." - Les Brown

Wow, I haven't written in over a year, a lot has happened to where I feel I'm a bit more insightful than last year. I picked this quote because once again it is sooooo true in many of us. I'm guilty of it. I'm not living my dreams out to the fullest because I'm too wrapped up in fear. However I'm learning to push past my fears as I have lived some of them. I'm no longer afraid to tell someone that I love them, whether they give me a weird look or not, I'm also no longer afraid to speak for myself to possibly get somewhere in the world, and I'm no longer afraid to be happy. I've found out that even though life is rough and not going to get easier, it's a lot easier with friends and family along side you. So today, just remember that even if you are going through a rough patch in your life, know that it will get better, maybe not at first, but in time it will, and don't be wrapped up in fears, it only ties you down as if you are drowning in your fears. Live your dreams, life, and love to the fullest extent. You won't regret it, life is full of ups and downs, mistakes, love, but that's life, and everyone has to go through, but remember some go through it alone.

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May 2007
11:11 AM CST

Insist on yourself. Never imitate.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote I picked out because it's very true. We need to insist on being ourselves, and not try to be anybody else. I find this interesting because people say they are unique, while some of them are, some aren't and i notice that they either exactly do or imitate what others are doing. If you are yourself and people don't like it, then it's their loss, which is something that i'm just figuring myself. I know it's hard to accept that, it was hard for me too, but in time you will find the right kind of people who accept you for you and nothing else, and they will not expect you to change the way you are or be something that you aren't. so remember be yourself not anybody that you think is cool, or a celebrity, just be you.
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Oct 2006
11:38 AM CST

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." --Ralph Waldo Emerson Once again, this is of course about life, but I chose this quote because it really is the difintion of life. Life isn't about being happy, but personally I think that a person needs to be happy in order to help others, but that's not the quote. But, a person in life should be useful, honorable, compassionate, and know that when they do these things that they have lived, and lived well. I know that I try to do these things on a daily basis, but sometime there's that person where you can't be the bigger person, no offense towards anyone or myself, and you just can't because if there is that person, you just want to take them out back and slap them around, or just jump on them like a crazed person. When ever I feel like doing that, all I do is just yell and growl between classes because the halls are too noisy anyway, so I'll fit right in. If there is that one person that just gets under your skin, don't bring a gun to school, because that's what I think is the leading cause of school violence is others picking on others and then the person getting picked on thinks that's the only way to get them to shut up, there are better choices. Don't bring a gun to school, first talk to your counselors, a teacher, someone who can do something whether it's a friend who will talk to an adult for you, just don't turn to either killing someone or yourself. You have the rest of your life to look forward to. I know a person wouldn't want to spend it in prison, or dead. And if talking to a trusted person doesn't work, just write the person name on a sheet of paper all over and then tear up the paper furiously, or talk to the person and try to see why they get under your skin or pick on you. Basically see what it's like in their shoes. I know that people always tell you this and you think that it doesn't work, but it does. I've done it many a times and at first it doesn't work, but after I think about it, I try to talk to the person, and ask them why do they treat me the way they do and I find out that they have a bad family situation, and NO it's not an excuse to act the way they do, but it adds to why they do. So remember that life is really worth to live it. And live life to the fullest, and don't forget you have a lot of loved ones and friends who love you and wouldn't want to go to your funeral before they have to. Nated
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Oct 2006
5:09 PM CST

"Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities, but to make them." –-Colton I know that I haven't posted for about 2 days, but my family have been going through a lot of crap for the past two years with workmans comp, but I needed to be with my family. So, I used this quote because it's very true, people with great minds not only need to be ready to take oppotunities as they come, but they need to make them for other so they can achieve to have a great mind. When a friend says that he/she have a job, and says that they could get you a job even though the place isn't hiring anymore, they can get a job for you, don't just say no thankyou, find out what the job is, what it entails, and then make your decision. Don't have you friend go to all that trouble just for you to say no. ~Nate~
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Oct 2006
1:01 PM CST

“You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.” --Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) I chose this quote not only because Abraham Lincoln was my 5th cousin, I'm not lying, I found out from another cousin, but because he was a great president that did great things. His quote is very true, we as humans have grown, but ourselves personally need to grow even more for the next generation to take our places, and try to live up to or pass our accomplishments, whether it be to end world hunger or make more people happy and feel good. So just remember that you need to grow within yourself before others who follow your lead can grow to do what you are doing.
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Oct 2006
11:53 AM CST

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. By~ unknown This is the quote I picked for today, because it means what it says, a gem cannot be polished without friction, men and women are not just born perfect, we have to go through certain stages of our lives before we can even come close to being perfect. I personally know that if what has happened to me in my life such as being picked on because I'm overweight, or my grandma dieing, or just everyday stuff I wouldn't be the person I am today. I am a strong-willed, outspoken but know when to shut up, compassionate, kind, funny person, if none of those things happened, I would probably be a stuck up snotty person who only cares about myself. So the moral of this entry is that, if someone you know acts a certain way, they can use the excuse that it's what has happened to me in the past, but they can't use it forever. Also, sometimes what happens to a person can be very traumatic to the point where they act as children because they feel like if they act that way that life won't be as hard on them. Blessed Be, Nated
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Nated09's Profile

  • Username: Nated09
  • Gender / Age: Male, 34
  • Location: USA - Illinois
    NATED09's Interests:

    About Me: I am a senior in high school, I want to become a psychologist, I am a very helpful person.

    Interests: Tennis, cats, or any animal for that matter, giving advice, singing, to reach great achievments, having fun with friends, and helping my friends with their problems.

    Favorite Music: anything that sends an important messege, anything that I can relate to, anything thatI can dance to. Almost any type of music except music that degrades people. Also, I don't like rap all that much, some is good, I first listen to the beat, and then the words.

    Favorite Movies: Rent, makes me look at life and what it means. Raise your voice.

    Favorite Television: Charmed, I love anything that has to do with witches, and halloween, also because it makes me want to have more syblings and that bond. 7th Heaven, it makes me feel good. S club 7, the best british pop band ever!

    Favorite Books: Charmed, T*Witches, Harry Potter.