Users With Most Comments

Listed below are journals with highest number of comments (total number of comments posted by other users).
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    sadincb  49, Female, USA - 1 comments
Sep 2006
3:49 PM EDT

i expect others to be trustworthy and lately ive found it quite hard to trust anyone.. my heart was shattered by someone and sad thing is i dont think that person even cares... oh well
1 comment(s) - 08:31 PM - 10/10/2006

    bloggergirl  31, Female, Netherlands - 5 comments
Sep 2006
10:01 AM EDT

haha my bruder is crazy he cut out naked girls out magezines and he is only 8 jears old sooo crazy.
5 comment(s) - 02:12 PM - 03/25/2007

    paxangel  32, Female, USA - 2 comments
Sep 2006
3:34 PM EDT

“I am a Christian" by Maya Angelou When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin." I'm whispering "I was lost," Now I'm found and forgiven. When I say..."I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need CHRIST to be my guide. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need HIS strength to carry on. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect, my flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it. When I say... "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain, I have my share of heartaches so I call upon His name. When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou, I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow.
2 comment(s) - 06:20 PM - 09/19/2006

    eveycan2  48, Female, Illinois, USA - 1 comments
Sep 2006
1:25 PM EDT

ooops not EDT... CST...6:25pm I woke up this morning and Mario (B/F) was not in the bed. Then he had the nerve to walk in at 11am. we argued as usual but of course he can care less what I think. he told me he dont want to have to answer to anyone. he gives me hints all the time about how he's a man and he will do whatever he wants when he wants. but when I say im tired of it he pays a little more attention to me for a couple days, then it's back to being Mario again. im tired of him being out all day and him never spending any time with me at all. He is hurting me and dont even realize it. All I want is to be happy and feel loved. after 14 years I just feel like I have to hang on, and he really is a nice person. I think I love him to much and he dont love me enough, at least not like he used to. Its hard for me to let go after all these years....Dammit Mario...just listen for once......
1 comment(s) - 07:58 PM - 10/10/2006

    Jane  57, Female, Illinois, USA - 7 comments
Dec 2006
12:42 PM EDT

December 12, 2006 Another beautiful day in Mooresville. It was sunny and the temp was about 65. Just about everywhere you drive around here you can see Lake Norman. It such a shame that the weather is so beautiful and I’m at the lake and I have not meet someone with a boat -yet. After I secure I job I will have to work on the boat thing!!! But the weather is still great for cruising in the MUSTANG. Not much new on the job front – today was not terrible productive. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for better luck tomorrow.

    Talacia  34, Female, Australia - 21 comments
May 2007
2:58 AM EST

altho its afternoon!!!!
im happppppyyyy :-)
1 comment(s) - 03:11 AM - 05/24/2007

    AcousticWinter  33, Female, Arizona, USA - 5 comments
May 2007
7:42 PM EDT

I am extremely intimidated by you. Everytime I think of the past... I think about little secrets I never told you. Things that seemed like nothing at the time now seem to have inflated into something huge. I feel guilty for not telling you then. (And No... it's not what you think.) I feel guilty when I see the scars you caused and don't know about... yeah... they're going away. But the emotional scars you have caused will forever remain. I am afraid of you. I am afraid because I love you too much and I'm scared to death of losing you. I want to tell you everything that's been going on but I'm afraid of what you'll say to me. If you knew, you'd want to drop contact with me. I'd rather drop contact myself... erase myself from your life forever. I can't handle your heatbreak anymore. I can't handle you anymore. It's not that easy. People like Anna, Luis, Ray, and Ren would take years to forget but you... you were my first real love. You were the only person I could ever see myself with in five... ten... fifteen... fifty years. You were my everything. I'd have to completely erase the memory of the past three (almost four) years of my life in order to ever possibly try to forget you. You have been everything to me these past three years. You have been in every journal entry... every poem... every story... every picture... every pill... and every scar. I can't help but think of you every second of every day... and I can't help but worry just as long. I don't want to worry about you anymore. I don't want to waste my life on something that can never be. I'll tell you again that I'm scared to death of you... scared to death of losing you. I love you too much and I worry too much. I hope this explains it a little better. It's time. If you love someone, you'll let them go.. I love you.
2 comment(s) - 08:42 PM - 11/18/2007

    please6kill6me6  33, Male, Arizona, USA - 3 comments
Sep 2006
10:13 AM EDT

Well. Things are better. Sorry I haven't written in ages. I've been busy. Life isn't that bad anymore. Because my dad emailed me and we started talking and I realized I need to look at the good things. And the good things are my friends. Today was James Hetfeild day. From Metallica? yea. Me and my friends either wore all black or wore a shirt with James Hetfield on it. yep. All my friends are metallica freaks. so am i. so i can't complain. hehe. tomorrow is aiden day, and December 8 is dimebag day. (daryl abbot- guitarist of pantera) Well. Social Services didn't fuck up my life. and. I uh.....there's this guy that i met yesterday. John. I see potential there. hehe. And Wes keeps looking at me during first. It annoys me. I want nothing to do with him because he reminds me of Tony. By the way. Tony emailed my ex. Len. They are fighting over me. Yay. I hope Tony doesnt think he can charm his way into my life by saying he actuallly cares. cuz he doesnt. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. haha. Cody...I'm worried about him, he was crying two days ago...I don't know how to help him though because I don't know how to get him to talk to me. I might... write a note or something. I'm trying to get a job. And when i do. I'm buying a laptop. cuz i need one. more than anything i need one. I dont own a computer. but im one of those kids who love computers. so yea. I'm writing an essay on gay rights. so yay me! im FOR it. hehe. idk...things are better. but the minute i stop working or writing or reading, the minute i fall asleep, tony escapes into my thoughts. is that love? i dont even know if he loves me. thats the worst part. is not being able to talk to him, to ask him. "hey how do you feel about me?" i used to. but...he goes to college now. and...i can't call him because my parents hate him. and i have to act like he's a bitch. well i have to go... later peeps!!! -my trenchcoat mafia family rocks.

    jleigh09  38, Female, United Kingdom - 7 comments
Oct 2006
11:21 PM WEDT

not alot going on at the mo have brought a few xmas present just lil bits. Have been at stevens a couple of nights which was good love being with him i love knowing i have someone to go to bed with and wake up 2 in the morning. i love him so much just wish he saw me and tyler a bit more. we went to town today and brought a few presents etc. had a laugh the last couple of days over stupid things but it was funny. we just enojoyed it and made the most of it. i just feel good with steven i am myself u know i restrict myself around other people. with steven i am just me in everyway.
1 comment(s) - 10:21 PM - 10/23/2006

    heartbreak2007  36, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 9 comments
Jun 2007
3:43 PM EDT

Hey what's p? Not too much here just chilling up in my friends house. Well um......I am back with my boyfriend and he has a week to get his shit together or he is out and I am done because I have till August to find a place and come up with money to get my own place.
Tags: Thanx
2 comment(s) - 10:32 PM - 06/26/2007

    Theblues1  55, Male, Pennsylvania, USA - 1 comments
Oct 2006
8:15 AM EDT

Im better today i got my fiancee back last nite im happy she's back in my life. I made some bad judgement calls that i'll never make again if i get angry and we argue if anyone has any pointers how u deal with it in those situations pls let me know Thanx
1 comment(s) - 07:34 PM - 10/14/2006

    lovely1  35, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1 comments
Sep 2006
5:52 AM PDT

1 comment(s) - 10:41 AM - 03/13/2007

    SkaterKitty  34, Female, Texas, USA - 6 comments
Oct 2006
8:05 AM CST

Yesterday my x called me and begged me for another chance. I love him to death and stuff and I really like him but sometimes you just get so tired of getting broken up with for no reason and then getting back together with. And it just really pisses me off like totally. And I want to be with him but I dont want all this stuff to keep happening. I told him that he needs to talk to me about stuff before he jumps to conclusions about things that he doesnt even know about but he does it anyways... And I just dont know what to think anymore. I think this other guy is hott and stuff and I think I might like him but it also migh tbe just becuase of everyone else liking him and thats why I want him. And I think he might like me too but I'm not sure. He talks to me and stuff and like he always looks like he's talking about me when he's talking to someone else. And yeah. It's awesome. Well I guess i is. I dont really know. I dont know what to say anymore. So I'm going to go. It took me a total of like 2 minutes to type this whole thing. BYE! from yo fav rose lewis
1 comment(s) - 06:19 PM - 10/18/2006

    YourEveryPain  35, Female, United Kingdom - 1 comments
Oct 2006
2:52 PM GMT

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh :) have just met a guy. Hooray! Name's Ian. We're getting on well and although I don't really know him, there's a spark! x
1 comment(s) - 03:57 PM - 05/08/2007

    gunsnroses  32, Female, Greece - 1 comments
Oct 2006
5:38 AM EDT

it's time to make up your mind
1 comment(s) - 12:09 PM - 10/26/2006

    forgotten  34, Female, United Kingdom - 5 comments
Oct 2006
10:26 AM ACST

just like with me at the moment , one step forward... and then three steps back u know?
1 comment(s) - 06:12 PM - 10/17/2006

    new7band3opportunity  45, Male, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Sep 2006
2:02 PM MST

Journal Entry #1 Sunday, September 24th, 2006. Thoughts of the Day: Why is it that life has so many twists and turns, Why do we have a Heavenly Father, who Loves us so much that he Trusts us more than we could ever dream of trusting ourselves. Love and Truth, Grace and Pain, Strength and Weakness, why is it that for every Negative there has to be a Positive? Why does grace have to travel hand and hand with pain? Opportunity is Knocking, are you listening, will you open the door? Abraham Lincoln Says: Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?
1 comment(s) - 01:47 AM - 11/01/2006

    unique-freak  36, Female, United Kingdom - 3 comments
Oct 2006
3:01 AM EDT

i keep wonderin if this lonely feelin will eva disappear. i keep feelin like no1 really cares bt then i feel guilty for thinkin it.
3 comment(s) - 05:42 AM - 10/19/2006

    kid  33, Female, New York, USA - 3 comments
Oct 2006
8:02 AM EDT

I know some of theses things are stupid but they still hurts. God damn it everything is falling apart my friends are leaveing me and it's tearing me apart my parents give me the third degree about my grades I still drink occasionally I smoke I got high over the weekened and my fucking stepfather wont backoff about telling my dad my grades and he's still a fucking prick when he drinks
1 comment(s) - 12:02 PM - 11/09/2006

    LOGH5770  64, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Sep 2006
1:12 PM EDT

Today is the most beautiful day! Its the kind of day that made me want to start a journal. Why is it that teens now-a-days cant be more committed to their relationships? I know when i was 18 i was married, and i dont think any 18 year old today should be married but it seems they have no problem bouncing from one relationship to the another without a second thought. This really bugs me(dont know why but it does). Oh well i have been married for 28 years now and i think its great!! On another note the only difference between me at 18 and now is i am much more mellow and calm than i was 28 years ago..haha
1 comment(s) - 05:50 PM - 09/30/2006

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