heartbreak2007's Journal

Jun 2007
3:43 PM EDT

Hey what's p? Not too much here just chilling up in my friends house. Well um......I am back with my boyfriend and he has a week to get his shit together or he is out and I am done because I have till August to find a place and come up with money to get my own place.
Tags: Thanx
2 comment(s) - 10:32 PM - 06/26/2007

May 2007
7:01 AM EDT

Its our Last day of school For SENIORS at CARLISLE HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so stinking happy that it is the last day. this year went so stinking fast and yeah. Well I won't be on a lot so I hope things go good.

May 2007
4:39 AM EDT

Dear world,
How are yall today? I am doing good. I took a personal day yesterday because I am getting sick and tired of school because we really not doing anything because its the end of the year. I only have three more days after today. I am going to go.

May 2007
6:57 AM EDT

I would like to say that there is a lot of stuff on my mind. I would like to tell my father how much of a terrible father he has been. Ever since you have had my baby sister you have been totally not the same. You don't really want to do anything with me. You just want to have your own little family. You are never ever going to see my son/daughter when I have a kid because of how you treated me. I don't like how you don't see much of your family because of how your wife doesn't like them. That is NO excuse because you used to be real close with them and we used to be over there all the time. I wish that you could be the father I used to have but I am guessing my wish isn't going to come true.
Next off you know things can come true and fathers and mothers can come to their senses and wisen up but you know you shouldn't cut them out of your life for good. I just would like to because of theway i get treatedby him.

May 2007
5:22 AM EDT

Hey how are you? I am doing fine. I am sick and tired of everything that is going on. well I got a phone call yesterday since it was my birthday from my ex boyfriend and he was like ashley i have a great surprise for you and i was like what is it and he was like I am going to be coming home sooner then you think. He is on a bus right now coming home and he left yesterday at 4p.m. I am so happy he has been calling me like every hour on the hour so he can talk to me. He is suppose to be charging his phone at one of the bus stations so he can talk to me when I get out of school. I got someone to work for me tonight so I can pick him up and now I am not even picking him up but we are spending time together. My mom's boyfriend volenteered to pick him up because he is going to be in Harrisburg and he knows where he is going to get to the bus station. I am going to be like a little kid standing at the door waiting on him. My little sister called me yesterday and was like happy birthday sissy. I love my sister so much and I miss her so much. I think on wednesday I am going to pop out and see her for a few minutes. I think that she would love that. I would stay longer and hang out with her but yeah i don't have the time anymore to do that. Okay you know I am a little big for my age. I weigh about 150 and I am wearing this tank top but it covers my stomach and it is a little tight but it's not that bad. If it was bad my mom and gram wouldn't of let me walk out the house today. These girls who are bigger then me and they are in the fucking popular group are picking on my weight and they said that I shouldn't be wearing shit like that. Atleast I look decent because you know I don't always want to be a bum like this one fat bitch in my class. Also this girl is always trying to prove me and my friend Brooke wrong on everything and it pisses me off. Well I don't know if I told you this but my friend is pregnent and she is having a baby girl. She is going to be naming it Brenda LeeAnn and I am so happy for her. I got to go I will talk to you later.

May 2007
6:57 AM EDT

hey yall,
whats up not too much here just chilling up in english all bored out my mind. well justin is calling me now that the girl he was messing around with moved back to tennessee and he is lonley down there in Florida. Well he says he wants me to come down but I am not worring about it. I think if I would go down I am going to get a round trip ticket and see how things work out and if things don't work out then i am moving back home. Well my friend Josh is coming up this weekend and hanging out with me. I am going to have so much fun.
Well anyways.........i am so sick and tired of all these little girl drama that this school plays. Well I was at Giant last night and I wanted to go down this one isle and there was this bitch that I can't stand down there so I was like I am not going down that Isle. Well i went down another Isle and she ends up coming up it. I wanted to hit her so bad that she would die but I couldn't because I didn't want my friend to get upset. Because she is pregnent. Well my best friend is having a girl and she is naming it Brenda Lee Ann Webb because Brenda Lee is her moms name and Ann is her middle name. Oh my god I am so happy that I get to have a good friend Like brooke. Well I am going to bounce out of her.

May 2007
6:50 AM EDT

well this is the deal i am not moving to florida now because he doesn't want to be with me anymore he wants to be with this girl that is down there and he got her pregnent. I don't know. Well yeah ayways I was talking to my friend josh and he helped me get over it. I am just so pissed off right now it ain't funny. I will talk to you later.
1 comment(s) - 01:36 PM - 05/10/2007

May 2007
7:26 AM EDT

Hey whats up room.....not too much here just chilling up in my english class all bored and shit. well justin i had got him minutes for his phone last night and then when he called me i told him to call me on his phone since i just got him minutes and he never called me back. well he texted me from Joanna's phone and said that his phone shut off and won't turn on so he had to charge it. Well he told me he would call me today after I get out of school and I asked him if he was telling the truth and not just using me and he was "For real. u know how I feel about u" so yeah. I am hoping to be going downt to Florida June 8. I can not wait at all. I am going to go .
1 comment(s) - 12:01 PM - 05/09/2007

May 2007
6:53 AM EDT

Hey what's up? Not too much here just chilling up in my english class bored out my mind. I am real sick and tired of everything anymore. I don't know what is going on with me and my boyfriend we just haven't been talking a lot latley. He had text me at 3 am and i don't know if it was ment for me or ment for someone else. I don't know anymore. well he has a month to figure out if he wants me to come down there or not. I have to get my ticket here soon so I can be sure when I am leaving on the day after i graduate so we will figure this out. got to run.

May 2007
5:35 AM EDT

hey yall wats up? Not too much here just chilling in study hall all bored and shit. Well this past weekend was so rough for me. It started out I worked friday night until 11. Then saturday morning i was woken up by my boyfriend Justin calling me and telling me he is comitting suicide on the phone with me and that he wants me to be the last person he talked to. Then i called his dad and thought that he was doing it. I got ahold of him while at work at 8 and he was on his work break and yeah i was not happy with him. he told me he had drank too much and that he doesn't remember a thing. so then i didn't get to bed till 1 am and then had to get up sunday morning at 6 to go see my uncle in prison in maryland and be back in PA for work at 11. I am out time to leave.
1 comment(s) - 04:47 PM - 05/07/2007

May 2007
5:07 AM EDT

hey now........i am moving to Florida in June. I can't wait. Justin is trying to get this girl to be our kind of like mistress because i am kind of turning that way. Well we are all going to be living together and him and I are going to have our own room and she is going to have her own room and then the other room we have there we will either make it in to a computer room or rent it out to someone. Well my mom should be getting my ticket here soon because I have a month and 6 days left until i go down there. I can not wait at all it is going to be so much fun. We are going to be coming back up here in December to visit everyone. I don't know but it is looking like everything is going to be going good. He called me when he got home from work last night and that was like 12:30 and then he called me this morning which he only had three minutes left on his phone and he used them to call me. I was so happy. I am looking so forward to going down there its not even funny. I know things are going to be cool down there and that him and i are going to be so good. I am looking forward to December though also because I am going to be moving my stuff down there. I am going to go byez

Apr 2007
5:03 AM EDT

this shit is really pissing me the fuck off. well for the fact it looks like i am not going to be going to florida. Justin is being a dick because he met the one girls sister and now is fucking her. I told him i didn't care while i am not down there just dont ignore me. well that is all he is doing is ignoring me so fuck him i am moving on i met this guy josh and i can't wait to see him and chill with him.

Apr 2007
5:10 AM EDT

hey there........how are you today? I am doing good just sitting in my study hall class being bored. Well i started reading this book last night its about real men do it better. if it was a movie then i think that it would be a porn. I just can't wait till i am able to move down to florida. 27 days till school is out and 1 month and 21 days until i leave for florida. I don't know. I am babysitting today and I am going to be online a lot. I don't know though. Everyone is mad at me since i am leaving especially my mom. Her and I have not been getting along since the day she met this guy. I am probably going to just stay in my room everyday when i come home from school because my mom told me its my fault that my gram has high blood pressure. well i am going to go talk to you later.

Apr 2007
5:15 AM EDT

hey now....here we go. I am moving to Florida on June 8th and I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun. I still have 55 days until i move down there. it does not feel like it is going fast enough. Justin told me not to count because it will take longer.....brb going to the bathroom:8:57.....oka y i am back 9:02. Well i had broke off a lot of friendships with a lot of people. Meaning a lot of my guy friends. I don't think that it is right for me to talk to other guys right now. I want to be with justin and if he wants to be with me then i am not going to screw anything up between us. So yeah anyways yeah i am just sitting here in study hall and i am bored out my mind. So yeah..............i think that i am going to have to babysiton wednesday again so i am going to be online all night again. Its weird because the little girl doesn't do much but sit there and watch tv orsit there and watch me. I don't know though.
Well i love Justin so much and I can'twait until i get to come down to Florida and be with him. I am so leaving the 8th and not coming back unless i am going to come down andvisit. So yeah.............I think that it is great that Justin wants me tomove down there with him. Well his friends want to meet meand two of the girls are lesbians and one is his friend becka who is into her church and religion. Then there is this guy his name is Kevin and hewants to meet me.
Well in July Brooke and her husband Kevin are coming down to visit me and Justin and I can't wait for that and I am still up here with her. I am so happy about everything you don't even understand me. I wish that everything would come true and i see that it is.
The night i get down there he has everything already planned for us. When I first get there we are going to go out to eat and then we are going to go and look for a job for me. Then we are going to go back to the hotel and we are going to fuck our brains out like we have never ever done before. He left me this message on Friday night "Ashley i really want to fuck you in the ass right now you need to hurry up and get down here, i love you ashley". It was so funny because you can tell that he was drunk out his mind.
They had started drinking by 5pm. I don't think that is right at all. he ended up passing out and then calling me at 5:33 am. He had thought that it was night. Got to run....
1 comment(s) - 12:10 PM - 04/16/2007

Apr 2007
4:29 PM EDT

hey what's up not too much here just chilling up in the house of my friend heathers. babysitting

Apr 2007
5:19 PM EDT

Hey people whats up? not too much here just chilling up in my friends house babysitting her kid and she is sound asleep. Well i am also talking online so I have somethings to do while she is sleeping and I am waiting for her mom to get home. Well yeah I think that I am going to hang out with her all day tomorrow until I have to go to work. Well it has gotten real cold outside. I had to put the window down because it was freezing. I took her on a walk and yeah I had to put my sweatshirt on her because she got so cold. Well i am going to go. You know who this is.......
1 comment(s) - 12:08 PM - 04/05/2007

Apr 2007
7:19 AM EDT

Now listen to this........I had wrote you earlier today and for some reason it didn't save so I have to write in you all over again.
Well I talked to Justin last night and I hadn't talked to him since Wednesday. Well he has seen so many movies and it ain't funnie. He has seen the following:
*ghost rider
*Blood dimond
He might have seen more but he is always complaining that I am going out to eat a lot with my friends but you know he is always going to the movies with his dad and his friends.
Well he had taken my pictures into work yesterday and they had said that I was pretty and that he should fly me down to Florida to be with him.
Well also yesterday was April Fools day and he walked into work and clocked in and his boss comes out and goes your fired. Well he didn't clock out and he just picked up his jacket and walked outside. His boss comes back out and just laughs his ass off and says April Fools.
Today he is going out with this girl from work and they just got paid so they are going to eat so they can do something instead of being bored. Well I am going to go......
You know who this is.........................
2 comment(s) - 12:12 PM - 04/05/2007

Mar 2007
5:11 AM EDT

Hey now what's up? Not too much here just chilling up in study hall being all bored and shit. Well last night I talked to Justin and he had told me the reason he moved down to Florida was because he didn't like seeing me upset every night when he had to go and sleep in the park so he wanted to get his life back on track. Well um................................................................................
things are crazy right now because yeah I don't have any money saved up so I am going to probably go down to Florida in Septmber or October. I need to save some money up because I can't just go down there and be broke and expect Justin to pay for everything. Well um......he had talked to the Applebee's down there and they said that I can just take my application from my work and fill it out and then send it to Justin down there and then have him take it in for me. I don't knwo though. He said he looked at my pictures last night that I sent him and he said it is weird since he hasn't seen me in forever. He said he has been talking about me at work to this girl to figure out if it is a good thing or a bad thing for me to go down there. He said that all he has been doing is talking about the good and the bad to her and he is going to take in the pictures so he can show her the pics and see what she thinks of me. It is also so she can see me and not just try to figure out what I look like. He told me that he loves me last night three times. It was weird and he told me to sleep well beautiful. well i am sick and tired of applebees sometimes because they keep hiring more and more people. I am going to go .
you know who this is.........

Mar 2007
5:32 AM EDT

heyz here we go with my weekend. Well on Friday night i hadworked until 11:30 and then I went to Dan's house and hung out and then I ended up chilling for just a little bit then I went home and went to bed and didn't wak up until 12:35 the next after noon. well I went to work on Saturday and then I got out of there at like 11:30 again and I got home and went straight to bed and then didn't wake up till 11:30 the next morning. It was crazy but my weekends all revolve around my work and sleep. I don't talk to my ex on the weekends because it is just so hard for us to talk. It starts out where we talk on Friday's till like 3 and then we get off and I get ready for work and then he goes to sleep. Saturdays we don't talk because by the time he gets out of work I am getting ready to leave the house to go to work. So then when I get home he is sleeping and I don't and can't call the house after 10. Well Sundays we normally talk for a long time because he has off on Monday's and Tuesday's. Last night I talked to him for a little bit but he was watching a movie and getting ready for bed and I needed to get ready for bed. But I didn't go to bed till 12 and I had to be back up at like 6:30. I have school and yeah it is crazy. Well I am going to bounce.

Mar 2007
5:17 AM EDT

Okay here I go....I work at applebee's okay and there is this guy that I think is real cute there. Well he started flirting with me on Friday night and I was like okay whatever I was just going along with it because I am not dating Justin anymore because he had me up on Thursday night from 11p.m till 3:30a.m crying over the phone. Well then when I got into work on Saturday one of my host friends was like I want to pre-warn you that he (this guy) has a feiance. I was like okay whatever. I didn't really even care. Well I guess at the begining of the night I was being a bitch and he said that I was biteing his dick off. I didn't think that I was but whatever. Well by the end of the night I had got a phone call from my mom saying I would like it if you walked home so I was like okay whatever it's not that big of a deal. Well the guy was right behinde me when I was on the phone and he said to me do you want a walking buddy and I was like sure I don't care. Well...yesterday when I got to work he was working a double so I was at the host stand and he was in the section near me and I was bent over drawing on the host stand with my grease pencil and he comes up and was like quit bending over because it's turning me on. So the rest of the night I was doing it just to piss him off. Well we walked home together last night and I had mentioned the Feiance and he was like I thought you knew about it. I had told him I didn't know nothing about it until the host friend had told me about it. Well if he has a feiance why does he flirt a lot and invite me up to his apartment? Well he had told me when we had split that he wanted me to call him when I got home so he could make sure that I was safe. I called him when I got in and I had told him if he wanted to talk that he should call me back in like ten to fifteen minutes because I am visiting my mom for a little bit. Well I get over to my house and I pull out my phone out of my pocket and I push the button to make sure that no one called. Well at the time I was doing that he was calling me. I was on the phone with him for an hour, and fifty four minutes. All we talked about last night was sex and work. He also wants me to be his cuddle buddy. Which don't make sense since he has a fiance! Well his fiance doesn't live with him because she is still young and she doesn't drive and neither does he so they only see each other once a month. She thinks their relationship is falling apart. Well....I don't know what to do I don't want it to be my fault if they break up and end everything but I do want to be his friend. Well I am going to bounce for now. Talk to you later.
You know who this is......

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heartbreak2007's Profile

  • Username: heartbreak2007
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    HEARTBREAK2007's Interests:

    About Me: I am 18 years old will be 19 in May. I am moving to Florida to get the hell out of this stupid town.

    Interests: I love to work and I love to play and get dirty.

    Favorite Music: i love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Movies: I love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Television: Ditto

    Favorite Books: I don't read books unless it is for school.

    HEARTBREAK2007's Friends: