earthangel's Journal
Mar 2007
1:54 PM PST
I was reminded today that maybe I need to stop being bothered by others remarks about homosexuality and thier own Christian beliefs. I forgot the lessons I teach over the years and that is stay in your own heart center and there you will find the truth of who you are. No matter what we do or say to the so called thumpers of bibles we will not move them in any way and they will still feel they are the only ones going to heaven. So I say this and that is I AM who I am and feel thosewho wish to condemn others for who they are or what they are are the ones who really need to take a serious l;ook at themselves and know that they are not God nor shall they ever be and just to know that no matter what I will meet everyone in the same kingdom and that is the Kingdom of Heaven and that is where GOD will decide who is and isn't right. Blessings to all and may we be loved for who we are.
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