earthangel's Journal

Apr 2007
2:51 PM PST

I wish to say something without ruffling too many feathers and that is I know that Don Imus had ruffled feathers in the past with things he has sais over the air but to be fired for what he recently said is crossing the line by the network. I know two wrongs don't make a right but he did apoligize over the air for what he said and took responsability for what he said but for everyone including Opera to rake him over coals the way everyone has is too much and fire him is too much. Then to say it is damaging the image of our children and hurting our children. PLEASE cry my a river of excuses of bull crap just to make an issue out of nothing. Now I say this for a reason. We have the whole Black community raising a gawd awful stink about Imus saying ho about women over the air and yet they themselves use it all the time, they themselves rap about it even white rapper sing or rap about it and hip hop groups sing about it and it is on TV MTV and radio and CD and radio stations day in and day and yet is anyone making a stink about eminmiem saying it. No but Imus says it now he's fired. Please will someone tell me the difference. I was also told by a friend that I am wrong for putting back on rappers and hip hoppers and not for seeing the wrong of Imus and not backing up the Black community in thier conquest to see this man out of a job. Well I may even lose a few friends over this but I beg to see the difference in the twwo of what Imus said only one and what rappers sing about daily and nothing is done and they ay it's good music and I am suppose to listen to the words and see the storry behind the words. Does it sound like I am angry over this? Damn right I am because it seems like we have a double standard in this country when it comes to people in one group to say it is wrong for another group to say or do something that thier group does daily is wrong. Come on people stop the double standards and grow up and stop punishing one person for what thousand do as entertainment Even comics make the same fun ho word to femalesand it's OK. Imus does it and he's fired...SHAME SHAME SHAME
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  • Username: earthangel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 71
  • Location: Canada