earthangel's Journal

Mar 2007
9:43 AM PST

Today seemed to be a day I am confused. Sometimes I see what is going on around me and feel judgement coming up and I know inside we are not to judge yet I hear and read things that trigger crap in me that just needs to be said. I am so happy for journals and blogs to write my feelings just to let them out. Like my biggest beef today is those christians that say they are so Christ like and yet have no room for forgiveness towards others. I am talking about the homophobics who say all is good with God yet God will condemn those who seek same sex relations. I am going to laugh the day I do pass on and sind God waiting for me dressed in Drag. Even God is of the male/female energy and I feel people need to take a serious look at this Book called the Bible. I do believe allot in the good book is true and understanding and may be a good point of interest for thos looking to understand Christianity but and I will say BUT in capitals does anyone understand or even know that the good book has been written and rewritten by man's own hands and also wriiten to thier satisfaction. Like come on are we all that stupid not to see this. The King James version, the Giddeon etc. like it was written by leaders and people who were trying to put fear into the masses. It has been proven and yet here we all hang onto every word as truth. We have even got proof now that Judas did not framme Jesus but he and Jesus worked together on his sacrifice to the world and also we now have fact and more proof that Jesus was a man who married or took a wife nmed Mary Magdoline and yet religions will say this is not true because then they would have nothing to put the fear into people to get them to empty thier pockets of the cash they need to survive. Go beneath the Vatican and find the truth and you will find allot of what I say is truth. Church's needed control so they created Hell which if you check it out through history hell was a 3 foot grave in your backyard where you buried family because you couldn't pay your taxes. Because if you didn't pay your taxes you couldn't be buried with the masses. This si factual truth yet does anyone else check it out. No most would rather have the fear around it Also satan is man's creation for more fear into christian. there is no such thing as Satan or the Devil. Of course if enough people thought and focused on it it ca be created through energy. I do believe there is a dark force out there corrupting people but people must see this themselves and take back control as to who they are and who they believe in. I just say that it is all so confusing and after all the facts I found I am proud to say I am gay and really don't care what some overly Christian a++hole says to me anymore. I was born this way and I am proud of it. Thanks for reading and may God Bless everyone.
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earthangel's Profile

  • Username: earthangel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 71
  • Location: Canada