earthangel's Journal

Mar 2007
9:51 AM PST

Another comment from yesterdays journalling. Boy Christians really get scared when you get them to see truth instead of what was pumped into thier little heads and boy do they become adamant about it. All I can say to those who wish to quote bible stuff at me and please know I read it and for some reason never read half the crap you are throwing at me. Of course like yourself I am probably just closing my eyes to that as you close your eyes to my belief. All I can say at this point is you believe what you believe and don't dare try to shove your beliefs down my throat again because thats not very christian is it and another thing. It is Jesus the Christ. His last name is not Christ. It is Christ like thoughts and we can all have that. There just an update to what I have read and have thrown back at me. I believe what I believe and to all the bible thumpers of the world you believe what you need to believe and I know we will all meet in Heaven because we are all God's children no matter who we are. May Allah follow you and may Budda bless you and may all that is of the Wiccan belief protect you. I bel;ieve in it all. I am so proud of who I am and will never change. I tried the straight life 4 times and have done nothing but upset 4 ladies as well as now have children from me that do not speak to me because I tried the straight life because people told me I wasn't Gay. I was born this way and desire my own sex over the oppsiite and I do have female friends who understand this. I was forced to be with women and will never allow tht gain. So when I say I am ay I am Gay and born this way and will never hurt another lady again by trying to be something I'm not. God loves us all.
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earthangel's Profile

  • Username: earthangel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 71
  • Location: Canada