earthangel's Journal
May 2007
6:25 AM PST
I feel bad for the American public and what goes on with their country and how they ar all being made pawns in a war created by a mad man and his family before him. It is sad when a group of crazy people can get together and create a war just to create a war so they can get thetir power over oil and other countries. I feel other countries and what they believe in is their buisness and has no right to be destroyed by this president and those crazy people thatt back him even our own Prime Minister who sends troops to countries to clean up his messes. I get tired of seeing this and then seeing what it creates. All the negative hate and saddness and homelessness and children who now have no fathers and mothers. Do these mad men look at this at all before they put thier greed ahead of themselves. No they just go ahead and destroy families and then tell the world it so they don't attack us. In the first place they did not attack us, the President and his crazy followers attacked the towers and the public needs to know the truth and in the future they eventually will and then what. Who is going to apoligize to the MIddle East for the deaths then?
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