earthangel's Journal
Mar 2007
2:38 PM PST
Oh well what can I say. Except I would really like to know when are Bush's boys going to make the first strike against Iran. Which personally I think is full of shit and I am tottally against. I already know the Americans blew up the towers themselves and then decided to blame Arabs for it so they could start an oil war over there but I guess there wasn't enough oil in Iraq so they have to go into Iran and control the rest. because any idiot that thinks the towers came down just with those planes need to have thier heads examined. Those towers came straight down. Straight down as if blown up from the bottom by a demolision team. That is the only way they could come down. Look at the film again and again and anyone can see that plus how come BBC had footage of one of the towers going being reported going down before it even went down. The whole thing was staged to put fear into people so people would hate Arabs and give the Bush boys reason to send in his army and his secret army that not many know about to control countries and oil. So now here is Iran only doing shit thatAmericans do and they get racked over the coals for it. See I have no sympathy anymore for the states or for Britian and if you say that makes me an Arab sympathyzer well then I guess I am. I have just had too much truthn exposed to me to know the truth of this war now and see that Britian and America or just trouble makers trying to control the rest of the world and if you do not go along with them then your country is next.
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