dee23's Journal

Nov 2006
1:53 PM GMT

"education inclusion policy"three words that mean all children have the right to be included in main stream education but at what cost . once these children arre in main stream they are then segragated into s.e.n. class where not only do they become the target for bullies in the whole school but also other children within the s.e.n. class and why because some little man in an office somewhere says all children must be included . no doubt this man has never been in one of the classes wher these kids are segragated to .and no doubt if he did would run screaming all the way back to his nice little office .i'm not the only person who thinks this does not work members of staff think the same but are tied up by red tape and bull shit put into place by the education department who never have to deal with the reality of putting all kids into main stream education . i wonder what goes through their heads when they hear another kid has just commited suicide because of the reality of inclusion because some one decided that the child could cope in main stream i hope some one who reads this works for the education department and gets off their arse and does somthing to sort this mess out ALL CHILDREN HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY SAFE AND EDUCATED TO MEET THEIR SPECIFIC NEEDS NOT THAT WHAT SOME JUMPED UP PRAT SAYS SHOULD HAPPEN
1 comment(s) - 10:05 AM - 11/23/2006
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dee23's Profile

  • Username: dee23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: United Kingdom
    DEE23's Interests:

    About Me: hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old

    Interests: all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me

    Favorite Music: rock

    Favorite Movies: green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda

    Favorite Books: bad mothers handbook . remeber me .

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