dee23's Journal
Nov 2006
4:30 PM GMT
another quiet day nothing to say really been lokking for an old friend on the web but no luck yet it's a shame we lost touch we used to have a great time together but never mind life goes on im sure one day we will run into each other .i think the only reason we lost touch was that he was gay and didn't want me to know incase i rejected him of cause i knew and it makes no diffrence to me we were realy good friends and sometimes i just wish he would get in touch again it would be fantastic to see him again it's been 9 years since we last met up so much has changed in both our lives .i could allways talk to him and he never judged or lied he was like my brother and yea i do miss him always have so i'll keep looking and one day hopfully we will be back in touch .
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dee23's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 54
United Kingdom
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DEE23's Interests:
About Me:
hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old
all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me
Favorite Music:
Favorite Movies:
green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda
Favorite Books:
bad mothers handbook . remeber me .
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